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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
swingerofbirches 02:06 PM 05-30-2015
Sucks, Ken .. at least you know that tomorrow will be better.

Get it, Tom!
area51 02:09 PM 05-30-2015
Originally Posted by swingerofbirches:
Sucks, Ken .. at least you know that tomorrow will be better.

Get it, Tom!
Squats are tomorrow, I will ensure I am well rested/hydrated haha.
GreekGodX 03:30 PM 05-30-2015
Originally Posted by swingerofbirches:
Christos - the plan is to SED for 30 days and then see how I feel. I'd imagine that I'll take a break from it and go back to 2-3x/wk like I was doing before. This SED routine is more of a mental exercise than physical one. Yeah I'm adding weight to my PRs but the biggest aspect is the commitment to being in the gym every day, no exceptions (even if it's just for 15min to do some light squatting) for at least 30 days. Other factors had made me consider sleeves prior to even starting this routine ... old sports injury (right knee), ever increasing age (34) and the fact that I'm a big fella so not only do I have the weight of the bar but also a less dexterous body than someone my age who didn't let themselves go. Not sure what you mean by "quick fix"?
I'm referring to the sleeves as a quick fix. In my view I would rather get down to the root cause and get that fixed. That takes time, effort, and sometimes money. In my time of lifting, I've found that any time I'm doing something to work around a problem I pay for that problem later on in some other way. Maybe a knew sleeve isn't such a severe case and is something that wouldn't lead to other problems. My advice will always be to fix the problem. Take my advice for what it is worth, if your goals don't include spending time to do that then by all means a knee sleeve should help you. It isn't something I would do. Just offering my two cents :-)
swingerofbirches 05:59 PM 05-30-2015
Originally Posted by area51:
Squats are tomorrow, I will ensure I am well rested/hydrated haha.

Get it man! Your squat #s were great last time you posted! You going for a new PR?
area51 07:42 PM 05-30-2015
255 was my "working load" last week so I'm going to increase that by 10 as well as every other set. My last true PR on squats was 335 and I've already shattered that. Not sure when I'll attempt a PR again, maybe later next month.
swingerofbirches 12:27 AM 05-31-2015
Good stuff, Ken. Look fed to seeing your #'s from today (yeah, late night tonight lol)
swingerofbirches 12:59 PM 05-31-2015
Just squats today .. light day, basically a recovery day ...

Set 1 - Front / Close Stance - 95x10 (pause)
Set 2 - Front / Close Stance - 135x10 (pause)
Set 3 - Front / Close Stance - 185x10 (pause)
Set 4 - Back / Wide Stance - 235x10 (pause)
Set 5 - Back / Wide Stance - 315x5 (pause)

Played 9 holes with the wife earlier this afternoon too. Might do some light cardio later this afternoon. We shall see.

Happy Sunday everyone! :-)
icehog3 02:06 PM 05-31-2015
Nice job, Charlie, some nice sets there. :-)

Today was a scheduled off day, but I was full of energy after the Hawks win last night, so I went in and did a high-rep chest day with moderate weights, and then heavy on declines.

Incline 205, 225, 245, 265
Bench 205, 225, 245, 265, 275
Vertical Bench 245, 265, 285, 315
Decline 315, 335, 365, 275, 225
Machine Flyes 235, 250, 265
swingerofbirches 02:40 PM 05-31-2015
Great work, Tom! PAAMF? :-)

Hawks/Bolts final ... I couldn't be happier! Lived in both places and love both teams. I'd prefer to see the Hawks win it all but the Bolts would have been my second choice. Gonna be a rly fun series for me!
area51 02:53 PM 05-31-2015
Squats, squats, squats, squats, squats

I set this little baby up to ensure I was going below parallel. After coming off 5 weeks of 5,3,1 I'm going back to my 3x5.

265 3x5
275 1x8 (Just for fun, this should put me at a 340 1RM though since it was following my working load I think it may be a tad higher.)

Leg Press

600 3x8

Dumbell Curls

55 3x10 (Going up to 60 next workout)

Preacher Curls

100 3x10

Rope Curls

110 3x10

and then incline Abs with a 44lb kettle bell on my chest.
area51 02:55 PM 05-31-2015
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Nice job, Charlie, some nice sets there. :-)

Today was a scheduled off day, but I was full of energy after the Hawks win last night, so I went in and did a high-rep chest day with moderate weights, and then heavy on declines.

Incline 205, 225, 245, 265
Bench 205, 225, 245, 265, 275
Vertical Bench 245, 265, 285, 315
Decline 315, 335, 365, 275, 225
Machine Flyes 235, 250, 265
Kill it.
swingerofbirches 04:36 PM 05-31-2015
Get it, Ken! Great work and good numbers!
icehog3 04:53 PM 05-31-2015
Nice, Ken! :-)

Charlie, this series will only be fun for me if won by the team with the best captain in the NHL. :-)
swingerofbirches 01:34 PM 06-01-2015
Day21 ...

Back Squats / Close Stance
Set 1 - 45x10 (warmup)
Set 2 - 95x10 (warmup)
Set 3 - 135x10 (warmup)
Set 4 - 225x10
Set 5 - 315x10
Set 6 - 405x3

First time attempting 405 at Close Stance. My depth wasn't as good as I'd like but I kept my form together and still got down reasonably far so I'm happy since it's still progress.

Chest Day after squats ...
Flat Bench @ 135 (chest) SS w/ Close Grip Flat Bench @ 95 (tris) - 3x10 w/ a 4th burnout set (95 chest / 45 tris - both to 25 reps)
Incline Bench @ 95 (chest) SS w/ Close Grip Incline (tris) every other set @ 65 - same as above (45 chest / 45 tris)
Incline Dumbell Flys 3x8 (35lb dumbells)
Wide Grip Bench (Hammerstrength) ... got through one set of 8 reps @ 180 when my elbow told me to call it a day.

Not a great chest day as I felt pretty gassed still when I got in there, but I lifted something so that's better than not :-)
icehog3 03:29 PM 06-01-2015
Sounds like a good one to me, Charlie.

Back day for me, tired going in, decent workout.

Medium grip pulldowns 180, 200, 220, 240, 240
Cable Rows 220, 240, 260, 270, 290
Barbell rows 225, 255, 285, 295, 265, 225
T-bar rows 225, 250 (gassed)
2 sets pulldowns to failure
area51 05:05 PM 06-01-2015
Awesome squats Charlie. I can't wait for 405...One day.

I'm skipping the gym today. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm about to pass out. I did run today though. 2.5 miles at a 8:00 - 8:30 min/mile pace and then .5 miles of sprints.

Goodnight all
GreekGodX 06:31 PM 06-01-2015
Trying something new. I want to spend the least amount of time in the gym and still make strength gains. My plan is 3 workouts per week and under 40 minutes per workout. To start I'm only using 4 exercises: kettle bell swing, military press/push press, bent over row, and some variation of ab exercise. I'm really considering adding a bench press. My thought is KB swings will be enough posterior work if I do them 2x per week along with abs 2x, and the rest of the exercises will be 1x per week. We will see how week 1 goes.

Keep pushing weight everyone. Some nice numbers Pops and Charlie :-)
Adriftpanda 09:53 PM 06-01-2015
Had a couple hours to kill before my flight back home. Love training at new gyms.

+ first time getting hit on by a hot girl, had to give her the boot since I didn't have much time. Had to tell her I just had a kid.

- gym was hot as hell, no ventilation. Weights were like land mines.

Did chest today with short rest.

Incline DB press - 5x8-10 @ 90lb DB
Incline hammer strength machine - 4x12 @185
Incline bb press - 4x8 @185 (pause push)
Pull overs 5x12 @60lb DB
Dips 5x12
icehog3 10:20 PM 06-01-2015
You're an angel, Huy. :-)

Looking forward to hearing the results of the new program, Son.
swingerofbirches 07:06 AM 06-02-2015
Great lift, Huy!
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