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General Discussion>What are you reading?
timj219 12:20 PM 09-07-2011
"Debt: The First 5,000 Years" by David Graeber
anthropological research into the history of debt and its precedence over money in human history. Only about 1/4 into it so far. Some of the cites to classic economics works are a little over my head but it's a fascinating read.
rebelknight 12:29 PM 09-10-2011
Just finished da vinci code and suck on this year. Starting fates worse than death today
The Poet 02:09 PM 09-10-2011
I have finally, after nearly 40 years of attempts and false starts, finished Finnegan's Wake. Yippee!! But don't ask me to tell you what it's about, save that I know it's about 630 pages long. :-)

Due to this, I've decided my brain needs a bit of a break, so aside from my fun reading (I have a copy of Azimov's Foundation And Earth handy in my bathroom), I've begun Marcel Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu . . . in translation, of course, as my French is a bad as my German, and nearly as poor as my Klingon. Said translation used to call these six volumes Rememberance of Things Past, but I understand it is now referred to as In Search of Lost Time.

Because that newer English title makes me think some guy has misplaced his timecard, I'll continue to refer to it by the former. :-)
jledou 03:57 PM 09-10-2011
Read through the Hunger Games Trilogy - pretty dark for a young adult set but the writing is very much in the young adult range.
Also working to finish up Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, I will chalk it up to me being an engineer but I am not a huge fan of this one with only ~60 pages left.
elderboy02 02:53 PM 09-11-2011
I finished 102 Minutes: The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers the other day. I would recommend it :-)
DTM 05:22 PM 09-12-2011
Rereading The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan. My wife bought me the second book in the series, The Fall, and its been a while since I read this so don't remember much from it.
eber 10:41 PM 09-13-2011
Just finished "Secrets of the Sommeliers" by Rajat Par and Jordan Mackay, a fantastic read if you are into wine and want to learn more about it, especially French wine and more specifically the Burgundy region.

I am also working on "Unbroken" by Lauren Hillenbrand and "The Wine Bible" by Karen MacNeil, this one is going to take a while.
Moose6026 10:43 PM 09-13-2011
Just finished a book called Open Season, can't reember the author though. Good fictionla story about a game warden finding a thought to be extinct weasel.
timj219 07:41 AM 09-14-2011
Originally Posted by The Poet:
I have finally, after nearly 40 years of attempts and false starts, finished Finnegan's Wake. Yippee!! But don't ask me to tell you what it's about, save that I know it's about 630 pages long. :-)
You're a better man than I am. I've attempted Finnegan's wake a couple times and Ulysses at least four times. But that's it for me. I've decided to admit defeat rather than submit myself to that kind of punishment again. I gave away my copies of both a few years ago.
Moose6026 06:54 PM 09-16-2011
101 People You Won't Meet In Heaven by Michael Powell
qwerty1500 12:25 AM 09-17-2011
The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek
rebelknight 12:16 PM 09-17-2011
Did any one else take advantage of borders going out of business. I stocked up for real cheap
The Poet 12:41 PM 09-17-2011
Originally Posted by timj219:
You're a better man than I am. I've attempted Finnegan's wake a couple times and Ulysses at least four times. But that's it for me. I've decided to admit defeat rather than submit myself to that kind of punishment again. I gave away my copies of both a few years ago.

Better? Highly debatable. More stubborn? Quite possibly. I have read Ulysses 3 or 4 times over the years, the first as a college course. The professor advised us on day one that there would be many things we did not understand, and the trick was to just keep on reading regardless.

As well as this served me with Ulysses, it was essential with Finnegan's Wake . . . which makes the former read like Dick and Jane. :-)
elderboy02 05:12 AM 09-20-2011
Just finished: The Lincoln Lawyer

I highly recommend it! :-)
MrClean 05:20 AM 09-20-2011
A Dance with Dragons - George RR Martin.

Sorry, that's my geek showing. :-)
hotreds 08:26 AM 09-20-2011
The New Road to Serfdom: A Letter of Warning to America by Daniel Hannan
elderboy02 10:51 AM 09-20-2011
I am going to be starting: The Black Ice, which is written by the same guy who wrote The Lincoln Lawyer.
CigarNut 12:45 PM 09-20-2011
Just started The Second Science Fiction Megapack by Robert Silverberg, Fredric Brown, Philip K. Dick, Alfred Bester, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Poul Anderson, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Robert Sheckley, Fritz Leiber, C.M. Kornbluth, on my Kindle.
pnoon 01:04 PM 09-20-2011
The Princess Bride by William Goldman.
Posted via Mobile Device
CigarNut 02:35 PM 09-20-2011
Originally Posted by pnoon:
The Princess Bride by William Goldman.
Posted via Mobile Device
Always a great read!

Are you reading the book or the e-book?
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