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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Starscream 06:57 AM 05-18-2011
It's all good though. I feel more active, my will power and determination are pretty high right now, so the no loss isn't a big deal today. Get in more workouts and keep on keeping on.:-)
jonumberone 07:04 AM 05-18-2011
Glad to see you so motivated, Andy :-)
Silver lining, you didn't gain any weight, so keep it up!

I don't think gas weighs that much, if it did I'd be 220 by now! :-)
Starscream 07:15 AM 05-18-2011
Originally Posted by jonumberone:
I don't think gas weighs that much, if it did I'd be 220 by now! :-)
shilala 07:32 AM 05-18-2011
205.6 this morning. I was pretty shocked. I only had an apple and a couple pig-in-the-blankets yesterday, so that's about right. :-)
hscmit 08:36 AM 05-18-2011
keep up the good work everyone
kgoings 09:01 AM 05-18-2011
193 today. My clothes are starting to fit better. I feel good losing some weight and working out. I actually don't get real hungry but I find myself wanting some sweets...I am a big sweets guy I love me some ice cream covered in chocolate syrup.
Starscream 09:49 AM 05-18-2011
Good work, Scott and Kirk.:-)
Chainsaw13 10:17 AM 05-18-2011
Keep it up Kirk. That's awesome to hear. :-)

Same for you Scott. :-)
goalie204 04:52 PM 05-18-2011
fruit is pure sugar, better off eating bacon or chicken - this is my belief after doing a lot of research, and reading, and i believe that the common theory of low fat is complete b.s.

seriously - read this great book

also i got annoyed and pigged out tonight, small pizza withotu the crust, yep just ate cheese and toppings, hot wings non breaded and dry cracked ribs no breading HIGH as hell in fat and protein, i needed a meal of epic proportions tho, no guilt :-)
shilala 08:53 PM 05-18-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
fruit is pure sugar, better off eating bacon or chicken - this is my belief after doing a lot of research, and reading, and i believe that the common theory of low fat is complete b.s.

seriously - read this great book

also i got annoyed and pigged out tonight, small pizza withotu the crust, yep just ate cheese and toppings, hot wings non breaded and dry cracked ribs no breading HIGH as hell in fat and protein, i needed a meal of epic proportions tho, no guilt :-)
Lots and lots of people have died from all protein diets, Myles. Be sure to look at that side. I'm not trying to dissuade you from your diet choice at all, just make sure to get all the angles and be careful. I don't want to see you get sick, that'd be awful. I just happened to run into some info about death rates of folks on no-carb diets in a book that's in our downstairs bathroom yesterday.
I agree completely that the low fat mania is BS, too.
We're omnivores. We need lots of things to keep us healthy.

I'm in the odd position where my neurological disorder is intolerant of potassium. All meat is full of potassium, and I have to avoid it. I'm on a high-carb low-potassium diet. Despite that, I still eat some meat even though it
causes me very considerable pain. I'm not gonna get sick over a diet that's just not right for my body at any cost. Just doesn't make sense.
Chainsaw13 06:01 AM 05-19-2011
I somewhat agree with you Myles on the whole fat is bad for you mantra. Funny how the whole "low-fat" boom during the 80-90's lead to ever increasing waistlines. What was added back in after the fat was removed? Sugar. Too much sugar in your diet if not burned off get's stored as fat. Imagine that.

I think carbs have their place in a diet. Mostly for a western diet though, they're not as necessary since we lead more sedentary lifestyles. If we're not burning off the excess fuel, we don't need to take in as much. That's just my $.02. I'm not a doctor, but i did stay at a hotel last night, but not a Holiday Inn.
Chainsaw13 06:05 AM 05-19-2011
Myles, have you seen the documentary, "Fathead"? It was meant to debunk the whole myth behind the documentary, "Super Size Me". It has some holes in it, but does bring up some good questions about high fat diets and how they could be good for you.
goalie204 06:08 AM 05-19-2011
I agree that complex carbs can have a place in a diet, for example an ectomorph who is naturally skinny and uses a lot of energy probably benefits from carbs as part of an energy source, but a guy like myself who just sits around all day in an office has no use for them, and if i did, i could still get them from healthy vegatables and stuff

ie, we all agree :-)

edit: Bob i have not, i shall get it

edit 2: Scott, the new atkins (which i haven't read yet, but will) focuses a lot more on health, including besides much protein and fat, very many vegetables, its a revision of the classic atkins
Chainsaw13 06:08 AM 05-19-2011
Been getting in some good workouts on the treadmill at the hotel. Did a sustained 10mins of running Tuesday night during a total of 36 minutes. Was able to squeak out 6-7mins of sustained running last night during a 32 minute total. Tonight I'm taking a break to let my muscles heal a bit. I could really feel it last night walking around town to find dinner.

Not sure what I've lost/gained, but I'm close to going down another belt notch, so I'm guessing I'm still losing.
Chainsaw13 06:10 AM 05-19-2011
I'd be interested in some of the books you've read Myles. Seems I've really taken a passion to nutrition the last couple of years and would like to learn more.
goalie204 06:11 AM 05-19-2011
the main one Bob, is this it blew my mind, and was logical, complete with evidence. I have the Ebook if you want, you can get kindle app and read it on your computer, or on your kindle device itself if you want it, PM me
jonumberone 06:13 AM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Been getting in some good workouts on the treadmill at the hotel. Did a sustained 10mins of running Tuesday night during a total of 36 minutes. Was able to squeak out 6-7mins of sustained running last night during a 32 minute total. Tonight I'm taking a break to let my muscles heal a bit. I could really feel it last night walking around town to find dinner.

Not sure what I've lost/gained, but I'm close to going down another belt notch, so I'm guessing I'm still losing.
I got winded just reading this :-)
Still in the walking around the block with my daughter and dog phase.
Hoping to be able to start running a bit soon.

Keep it up Bob!
goalie204 06:14 AM 05-19-2011
Im down with walking, and i can jog a bit, but i want to do low impact so i dont hurt my knees, and i cant do jumping jacks cuz of my big gut bouncing up and down, it hurts!
Chainsaw13 06:25 AM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
the main one Bob, is this it blew my mind, and was logical, complete with evidence. I have the Ebook if you want, you can get kindle app and read it on your computer, or on your kindle device itself if you want it, PM me
Thanks. I'll look that one up when i get home. I don't have a kindle or ereader so I'll probably just order it.

Originally Posted by jonumberone:
I got winded just reading this :-)
Still in the walking around the block with my daughter and dog phase.
Hoping to be able to start running a bit soon.

Keep it up Bob!
Thanks Dom. It's taken me a while to get there. I started out walking 2 miles at a time, about a 16:30 mi/min average. I'm now up to 3miles or so at a time, doing about a 14:45 mi/min avg. I've been doing some jogging too, but on the pavement, my ankle takes a pounding so I haven't done much. The treadmill has a nice bounce to it, so it's been better for the ankle.

Keep it up with your daughter and dog. You'll get there.

Originally Posted by goalie204:
Im down with walking, and i can jog a bit, but i want to do low impact so i dont hurt my knees, and i cant do jumping jacks cuz of my big gut bouncing up and down, it hurts!
Running for me still can put a strain on my back because of my big a$$. Well, it's not so big anymore, but still causes a counter balance effect. :-)
shilala 10:03 AM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
edit 2: Scott, the new atkins (which i haven't read yet, but will) focuses a lot more on health, including besides much protein and fat, very many vegetables, its a revision of the classic atkins
Excellent. :-)
It's been a long time since I read any of the Atkins stuff, well over five years. My brother-in-law and I both lost lots of weight, only to put it back on. It wasn't the diet's fault.
The "I can eat all I want without regard to portion" thing really got in my head, and if anything it just worsened my habits. I abused the mojo cause it worked. Once I tired with the diet, I regained all the weight I lost and lots more. Ugh. :-)
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