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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Chainsaw13 01:11 PM 05-11-2011
One good news is from all my exercising and such is my blood sugar has stabilized big time. Averaging around 100-110 for my two readings of the day. Before I was in the 190's.
Starscream 01:11 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
I think Andy started this thread over 2 years ago and there aren't a lot of guys who stuck it out.
You didn't have to bring that up, Scott.



I started it two years ago and I've stalled out plenty of times. But this time I'm pretty much sticking to it and I've shown the most progress over the last 7 months that I have in the past two years.:-)
shilala 01:19 PM 05-11-2011
Andy, I went from 250 to 185 to 223 down to 208 again.
This time I righted a bunch of stuff that has beat me in the past, and I'm not "suffering through a diet".
For instance, my new stepdaughter just asked if I wanted a Pulp Coolada smoothie. Normally I'd have two just cause they were available. I said no cause I don't want one right now, I just had a bottle of grape water. If I want one later, I can always go get one.
To most people that sounds like common sense. It's all new to me. :-)
kgoings 01:29 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
I did the "make weight for wrestling" thing, too. That's not what you're shooting for, Kirk.
If you remember, that weight started coming right back the minute you got off the weigh-in scale for the tournament, because that's what you wanted. You hydrated and ate and put on as much weight as you could throughout the tournament.
That's not what you want here at all. You're gonna stall real soon, then weight will come off real slow. I'm just telling you so you don't get let down and give up.
Think of how long it took you to put on the weight. Then figure out what you want to lose. Then get a calculator out and figure a loss of about 1.2 lbs. a week. (If you were a lot heavier, you'd figure 1.6 or 1.8 lbs./week.)
See where you should be in a month and make damn sure you meet that goal. Then see what your next month goal should be, and make damn sure you met that, and so on.
I think Andy started this thread over 2 years ago and there aren't a lot of guys who stuck it out. It's easier to stick it out with realistic, proven goals.
All b1tching aside, you're kicking ass, my brother!!! :-)
Yea I know how its supposed to work, but after wrestling for 20 have that built in mentality that weight should come off faster. I know in my head its coming off right...its the little wrestler devil on my shoulder saying THATS IT! RUN FOOL RUN!
kgoings 01:31 PM 05-11-2011
We should put a list together of who is 'doing it' and try to help keep each other accountable. If you dont see someone check in for a bit, PM them see hows it going..

What do you think?
goalie204 01:48 PM 05-11-2011
i was frustrated that the weight wasn't coming off as fast as i wanted, but the measuring tape is proving success :-)
Chainsaw13 04:17 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by kgoings:
We should put a list together of who is 'doing it' and try to help keep each other accountable. If you dont see someone check in for a bit, PM them see hows it going..

What do you think?
Might be worth it. ONly not sure how much popping in I"ll be doing the next few weeks. Heading to Buenos Aires for work.
kgoings 06:29 PM 05-11-2011
Man I am really struggling today. I just want to chow down! I usually eat dinner at 7pm I ate today at 5:30 cause I couldnt take it anymore. I am eating the same stuff I have, but I am freaking starving today. :-)

I am drinking tons of water, but no help.
shilala 06:57 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by kgoings:
Man I am really struggling today. I just want to chow down! I usually eat dinner at 7pm I ate today at 5:30 cause I couldnt take it anymore. I am eating the same stuff I have, but I am freaking starving today. :-)

I am drinking tons of water, but no help.
Keep drinking water and make a big bowl of popcorn. That'll keep you entertained and the calories aren't bad, and it gives your face a good workout. It's good for tricking yourself into thinking you ate the buffet, and it won't hurt nothin. :-)
shilala 07:03 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
One good news is from all my exercising and such is my blood sugar has stabilized big time. Averaging around 100-110 for my two readings of the day. Before I was in the 190's.
That's just plain awesome, Bob. :-)
Super bonus right there, I bet you didn't see that coming, did ya?
Lots of good stuff happened today, but that's easily the best news I heard all day. :-)
Chainsaw13 07:25 PM 05-11-2011
Not at all Scott. I knew it would come down but I didn't figure that much.
Starscream 07:48 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by kgoings:
We should put a list together of who is 'doing it' and try to help keep each other accountable. If you dont see someone check in for a bit, PM them see hows it going..

What do you think?
Works for me.:-) Good idea.
Chainsaw13 05:32 AM 05-12-2011
242.6 this morning. I was hoping for more, but I'll take it. Still going in the right direction.
shilala 05:36 AM 05-12-2011
Well done, Bob!!! :-)
Starscream 06:35 AM 05-12-2011
Tied with me again, Bob.:-)

Last night was a rough night. I was at the ballpark until 9pm. Too late to make supper when I got home, so we got a large pizza from Domino's at the ballpark for $5. Also got some Cheeto's and popcorn. Felt like a junk food day, but I didn't go over my daily allowance. Also no workout yesterday b/c of soreness from the previous one. I guess yesterday was my rest day.
shilala 06:44 AM 05-12-2011
Same way here, Andy. We had a ball game till late, picked up a pizza, and I ate 4 pieces. All I had before that was a pb&j, so I was way good, but I wasn't even hungry once the pizza got here. I could have took a pass, but I needed to eat.
I worked my ass off all day out in the sun, so I definately needed to eat. The pizza was freakin delish, too. :-)
No Cheetos or popcorn at the park, just water. Lisa brought a cooler.
Starscream 06:47 AM 05-12-2011
Busy days and evenings can hurt progress. Sucks when you get home and it's too late to cook supper.
mfarre03 06:54 AM 05-12-2011
Started the HCG diet Monday, starting weight 422, 416 as of today. We shall see how this will go. The only other diet I have ever tried is weight watchers, which I did well on but it seems like after losing 40 lbs I always go back to eating badly. Good luck to everyone!!
Starscream 06:56 AM 05-12-2011
What's the HCG diet, Mike? 8lbs in three days? Awesome!:-) Keep it up!
mfarre03 07:24 AM 05-12-2011

I didn't know what it was either but I found out my mother and sister in law have both been on it for over a month now. Basically its a strict 500 cal diet that you stay on for atleast 6 weeks and you take 6 drops of HCG under your tongue 6 times a day. Of course without the HCG a 500 cal diet wouldn't work very well but with the HCG it makes your body use up the fat that you already have stored. While on this diet your not suppose to lose any muscle mass and all the weight will come from your stored fat. I am using it to basically kick start my ass before I go back to a better way of eating, more like weight watchers. There is a ton of info on HCG from the net. I can say that so far, I don't really feel hungry. I do however still crave food that I shouldn't eat, LOL but I'm getting older now and the weight is starting to get heavy even though I'm 6'8".
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