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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
shilala 01:02 PM 05-07-2011
Kirk, I asked Lisa (my wife) if she ever noticed what you were talking about. I figured she would cause she changes routines from the gym to running and back and forth. She said she didn't.
I noticed whenever I used to go to work in the heat, especially in powerhouses where it was super hot, it'd take awhile for my sweat machine to get going, sometimes a couple days. I'd be super uncomfortable till it kicked in, ya know?
Anyways, I asked just what you asked, and she said "prob-ab-ly". She just looked it up and found a quote that said "fit people's bodies cool off more efficiently."
So I think it's saying "You're on the right track, stud. Keep it up." :-)
It probably makes sense that she never notices that halt in sweating, because she's super fit and never quits exercising. Makes sense.
shilala 01:08 PM 05-07-2011
Just to get a triple dip in there, I was at 210.0 this morning. Andy so much enjoys my intestinal health reports, so he'll be glad to hear I worked out my bi-monthly all-morning poop today.
I started backing off two of my meds in hopes that I can get that normalized, and I'm taking small amounts of laxative in hopes that it'll help. When I see the doc next time, I'm going to ask to switch my pain meds, this stuff just isn't getting it done. It works, but it puts me to sleep all day, and I haven't pooped right for 6 or 8 months. I'm at my wit's end with it.
Chainsaw13 04:25 PM 05-07-2011
I know I should'nt weigh in more than once a week, but it's hard not to when you see it going down. 243.2 this morning before my power walk. Did another 2.3mi in 34:11. Cut it short because I was feeling something in the plumbing. (There's another one for Andy).

Keep up the good work Kirk. I've had the precurser to P90x sitting on my desk for the longest time. I keep making excuses not to do it, especially now that it's nice out and I can get a good walk in. I should make starting it my next short term exercise goal. My CDE would be pleased.
Starscream 07:54 PM 05-07-2011
Bob, that's the same weight as me.:-)
My mom and dad bought a bike for me at a yard sale this morning. I think I'm gonna put it to use tomorrow.
They got it for $20, but the owner (a doctor in town) bought it for some ungodly figure. It looks like a high quality racing bike (a Raleigh 12-speed) with some kind of straps and frames to lock your feet on the pedals. I'm gonna take those off before I attempt to ride it.
Starscream 07:57 PM 05-07-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
Just to get a triple dip in there, I was at 210.0 this morning. Andy so much enjoys my intestinal health reports, so he'll be glad to hear I worked out my bi-monthly all-morning poop today.
I started backing off two of my meds in hopes that I can get that normalized, and I'm taking small amounts of laxative in hopes that it'll help. When I see the doc next time, I'm going to ask to switch my pain meds, this stuff just isn't getting it done. It works, but it puts me to sleep all day, and I haven't pooped right for 6 or 8 months. I'm at my wit's end with it.
Bi-monthly? That must be a hell of a sh!t!
goalie204 06:19 AM 05-08-2011
FINALLY BROKE THE CYCLE (hopefully) Not to be to graphic but i was running to the toilet a lot yesterday, and this is what i ate that broke my cycle and caused me a lot of pain! (it was lunch and dinner) - down another 2 lbs or so :-)

and btw guys, the low carb thing i am doing IS a lifestyle, not a diet, carbs are useless for the human body (except those from some vegetables and leafy greens) unless you're very physically active. (and i sit at a desk all day) Also everyone is different, when two people eat the exact same meals, their bodies handle it differently. Pre-dispositions and stuff.

some are stuffed with pork sausage meat, and others with a mix of cream cheese, cheddar, fontina, and jarlsberg. Some wrapped in bacon some not

Image Image
Chainsaw13 08:51 AM 05-08-2011
Those look really good Myles.
goalie204 09:45 AM 05-08-2011
oh they were!
Texan in Mexico 10:42 AM 05-08-2011
You guys are awesome! The all-morning poop out is a classic. I have been traveling for a couple weeks and did a weigh-in today. I feel so much better, lots of definition in the legs.

It is very dissapointing that I am still around 250 lbs.

I know the whole switch off between muscle and fat blah, blah, blah but it did hit me like a failure today.

I am still too heavy to jog so today began doing yoga like I used to - hope to bring the weight down with some more cardio.
Posted via Mobile Device
shilala 11:42 AM 05-08-2011
I already forgot what my weigh-in today was. Must not have been incredibly impressive?

Those jalapenos look incredible, Myles. Don't take the "lifestyle" comments too far out of perspective. I think we were more talking about simply eating one plate of jalapenos instead of three, and getting some exercise. Maybe veering away from the really bad foods as a desire rather than a necessity, ya know?
I'm certainly not becoming a vegan hairdresser anytime soon. Just trying to do stuff that I always knew I should be doing in the first place. I'm doing it because I like feeling better, and I'd like to stick around a bit longer, God willing.
If that amounts to stopping at a half box of Swiss Cake Rolls rather than two boxes, that's a step in the right direction. I'd like to hope that it's heading somewhere, ya know?
I know I certainly can't live without pasta and rice, I love it. The pasta is what killed me on the low carb diets. :-)
goalie204 01:47 PM 05-08-2011
Once you don't eat carbs, you don't miss them, and i don't miss them at all
Starscream 04:00 PM 05-08-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
Once you don't eat carbs, you don't miss them, and i don't miss them at all
I did low carb once and it worked, but I missed my popcorn, pasta, and potatoes.

Jalapenos looked awesome, Myles!:-):-)
Chainsaw13 05:15 PM 05-08-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
Once you don't eat carbs, you don't miss them, and i don't miss them at all
Originally Posted by Starscream:
I did low carb once and it worked, but I missed my popcorn, pasta, and potatoes.

Jalapenos looked awesome, Myles!:-):-)
Same here as Andy. And pizza. That's my achilles heel. Finally broke down and had some last night for dinner. Tried something different for the crust to bring the overall carb count down. Equal parts (30g) of flaxseed meal, whole wheat flour and caputo 00 flour. Mixed with some salt, 1 egg and enough water to make into pancake batter consistency. Poured into 9" cake pan and par baked for 10mins @ 450F. Took out of the oven, flipped over the crust in the pan to let the other side crisp up, put on 1.5tbsp crushed tomatos, 2oz cheese and 1.5oz pepperoni. Put back in the oven for another 5-7 mins.

Overall, not a bad 1st effort. By my calculations, the overall carb count was 57 with 13g fiber, so a net of 44. The calorie count was high as well as the fat, but part of that's due to the flaxseed. But it has a lot of the good fats and fiber in it, so I"ll stick with that.

Found soy flour at the grocery store today. Next time I'm going to use that and cut back on the regular flour, plus use less water so the crust will crisp up more.
Chainsaw13 05:21 PM 05-08-2011
Also Myles to echo what Scott said about the diet vs. lifestyle. Most people go on a diet hoping to lose weight and usually do, but then go back to their old ways only to gain the weight. What they fail to realize is it needs to be a lifestyle change. That's awesome you found low carb works for you. Keep up the good work and post some of your recipes if you don't mind. After being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, I"ve had to cut way back on the carbs. I limit myself to 150g net a day, less if I can help it. Been doing this for 2.5 months now and loving it. I eat quite well still, but just a lot less carbs.
shilala 07:34 PM 05-08-2011
I quit taking my purple pills today and I finally ate. I just had a bot of this and that, but I didn't get sick and all the food was awesome.
It was an awesome family day, as it always is. :-)
goalie204 07:47 PM 05-08-2011
i don't have recipes persay, i just do whatever ;P
Starscream 07:48 PM 05-08-2011
Evening guys. I took a two mile ride on the bike today. Not much effort, but it was fun.
Starscream 08:21 AM 05-09-2011
Another weekend of eating a bit much (not crazy or anything) and being lazy. I guess I can expect a gain again this week.:-)

I know I've said it enough, but I gotta get back in my groove. Too many late night events lately with baseball/softball/school. Plus it's hard to get back into the swing of things after a week's vacation. I spent this past week half-assing everything.

Reading everyone's posts on making good habits is what I needed today.
Chainsaw13 08:58 AM 05-09-2011
Yea, coming back from vacation is tough. You'll get back into the swing in no time.
Starscream 09:58 AM 05-09-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Yea, coming back from vacation is tough. You'll get back into the swing in no time.
I've been back from vacation for over a week...:-)
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