hotreds 10:16 AM 01-07-2009
s15driftking 10:19 AM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
If you do that, any awesome content you post now or in the future will be considered null and void as Ghurkha checks are lame.
do ...they? make? Gurkha checks? hehe
Blueface 10:44 AM 01-07-2009
hotreds 10:59 AM 01-07-2009
icehog3 12:21 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by s15driftking:
should i use my new checks i got with the gurkha insignia on the background? :-)
As long as there are enough 0s after a non-zero number, absolutely.
AD720 12:25 PM 01-07-2009
SilverFox 12:33 PM 01-07-2009
Blueface 12:45 PM 01-07-2009
Wolfgang 12:51 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by s15driftking:
Remember After College its called being an alcoholic.
s15driftking 02:05 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by Wolfgang:
Remember After College its called being an alcoholic. :-):-)
my new sig quote.
lightning9191 03:04 PM 01-07-2009
Did you start this thread to steal others' awesome content?
hotreds 03:51 PM 01-07-2009
I think that this is just a revival of the "we are all post whores" thread!
chippewastud79 10:04 PM 01-07-2009
Originally Posted by lightning9191:
Did you start this thread to steal others' awesome content?:-)
:-) He has seemed to feed off of other's awesomeness
s15driftking 07:12 AM 01-08-2009
its more of a give and take... you give, i take...?
ahc4353 08:05 AM 01-08-2009
Inspiring awe: ....
Expressing awe: ....
Slang. Remarkable; outstanding:.....
significance or profundity; meaning: .....
substantive information or creative material ...
The "awesome content" promised in the thread title by the OP is non-existent.
Other than a select few posts / photos from members other than the OP this thread has not lived up to the hype.
I truly feel that it is the responsibility of the OP to provide what he claimed to be "awesome content" and at this juncture he has failed to deliver and all posts from the OP should be removed from his post count.
Genetic Defect 08:08 AM 01-08-2009
Blueface 09:41 AM 01-08-2009
mrreindeer 10:12 AM 01-08-2009
pnoon 10:14 AM 01-08-2009
mrreindeer 10:20 AM 01-08-2009