Bunker 09:29 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
One man's "buried at sea" is another man's "fed to the sharks".
I sure hope the sharks don't choke.
Here's hoping that "Buried at Sea" means they took what pictures they needed before tossing him out of the door of their Blackhawk on the way back to the ship.
newcigarz 09:44 AM 05-02-2011
iRiSh 10:07 AM 05-02-2011
I appreciate that osama was a scumbag of the highest order and deserved nothing but a painful death, congratulations to your forces. But this will be like a red rag to a bul for fundamentalists around the world, they will regroup and redouble their efforts.
Stay Safe Comrades
markem 10:09 AM 05-02-2011
marge796 10:11 AM 05-02-2011
Bravo Zulu Team VI!
macpappy 10:13 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by Bunker:
Here's hoping that "Buried at Sea" means they took what pictures they needed before tossing him out of the door of their Blackhawk on the way back to the ship.
In one of the many stories I read it was mentioned that "burial at sea" is not approved of by Islam.
Subvet642 10:17 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by macpappy:
In one of the many stories I read it was mentioned that "burial at sea" is not approved of by Islam.
I hope they chummed the water first.
J0eybb 10:17 AM 05-02-2011
iRiSh 10:17 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre3239:
Actually it is a huge psychological win!!!! I think it will change things!!!
Originally Posted by macpappy:
In one of the many stories I read it was mentioned that "burial at sea" is not approved of by Islam.
I find the whole thing strange that they buried him at sea, so quick, Gone.
News Here reporting..
"Ahmed Quraishi, Senior Research Fellow at a Pakistani think-tank, says Osama's death has provided the U.S. with a way to save face and withdraw from Afghanistan."
Sorry Ahmed....now we go to work on finding out just why he slept there night after night near a major city
and you still claimed not to know where he was. This is going to make it very difficult for the Pakis to get
things done. I have a feeling we are going to breathing down their necks for some time to come. It's cool, tho,
they love it. If any one has to scramble to save face, it will be the pakis. But at least they have many faces
to choose from. pakistani Think Tank.....Jumbo shrimp......Military Intelligence
floydpink 10:30 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by Bunker:
Here's hoping that "Buried at Sea" means they took what pictures they needed before tossing him out of the door of their Blackhawk on the way back to the ship.
I'd love to see the pictures of the SEALS with the body after the kill.
It seems like they made a quick exit after blowing up the downed helicopter, but my curiosity has me wondering if they grabbed a souvenier on the way out.
After the shot directly to a Somali pirate's head from a mile away on a bobbing sea, I thought my respect was at an all time high for the SEALS, but this just raised it another notch.
Originally Posted by floydpink:
After the shot directly to a Somali pirate's head from a mile away on a bobbing sea, I thought my respect was at an all time high for the SEALS, but this just raised it another notch.:-)
This isn't a knock on the SEALs in any way, but if you are referring to the incident with Captain Phillips being held hostage, those shots were actually taken at a distance of about 30 yards - still an exceptionally difficult shot in rolling seas.
Gophernut 11:10 AM 05-02-2011
"I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." ~ Mark Twain
Eleven 11:20 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by iRiSh:
I appreciate that osama was a scumbag of the highest order and deserved nothing but a painful death, congratulations to your forces. But this will be like a red rag to a bul for fundamentalists around the world, they will regroup and redouble their efforts.
Stay Safe Comrades
So what's new? muslim terrorists have yet another excuse to murder innocent people?
If we don't kill him, he sits around for years ordering new attacks. If we do kill him, his followers want revenge and order new attacks. If we take him prisoner, other muslim terrorists use that as an excuse to kill innocent people.
It sounds like a no win scenario, but it's not. They know we got him, they also know that his own people gave us the info that led to him. They also know that we will go anywhere, anytime to get them and there is no 'Put your hands up, you're under arrest' mentality when it comes to people like themselves.
If anything, they are scared. They will look at each other now and wonder if anyone can be trusted.
whodeeni 11:28 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by bonjing:
Just heard the news. Would love to see the president just lose his composure and just say, " we got your azz, f$@& yeah ! ! !"
Never that.... You saw how he handled Trump's asz on saturday!
BC-Axeman 11:40 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by floydpink:
Only for OBL. (As much as he was still in the game, Col. Sanders' death did not end KFC.)
They are still at war with us.
There's a lot more where he came from.
BC-Axeman 11:42 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by bonjing:
Just heard the news. Would love to see the president just lose his composure and just say, " we got your azz, f$@& yeah ! ! !"
Someone just needs to write it on his teleprompter.
kaisersozei 11:46 AM 05-02-2011
Originally Posted by Bunker:
Here's hoping that "Buried at Sea" means they took what pictures they needed before tossing him out of the door of their Blackhawk on the way back to the ship.
Or launched out of a guntube
N2 GOLD 12:41 PM 05-02-2011
I dont bUy the hole dumped at see story. You dont just toss a high priority target that you have been chasing 10 years. (IMO)
dogface_313 01:12 PM 05-02-2011
Loving this, we all smoke some celebratory cigars over here today!