Our friend from church brought us a couple of Riedell wine glasses yesterday, can't wait to try it out. I have been drinking from a plastic tumbler.
It's a set of two Cab glasses but that will be better than palstic.
pnoon 07:28 AM 02-28-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
It's a set of two Cab glasses but that will be better than palstic.
Huge difference, Greg. One of the pleasures of red wine is the nose/bouquet/aroma that can be enjoyed from a proper glass.
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Huge difference, Greg. One of the pleasures of red wine is the nose/bouquet/aroma that can be enjoyed from a proper glass.
Kinda figured Peter, can't wait to try them out. My wife likes to drink her wine with ice, pretty sure she would be flamed here for that, so not sure if she will try them or not.
pnoon 07:36 AM 02-28-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
Kinda figured Peter, can't wait to try them out. My wife likes to drink her wine with ice, pretty sure she would be flamed here for that, so not sure if she will try them or not.
There are some purists here that would likely chastise you/her for that. I certainly won't.
It is not the accepted way to appreciate finer wine. Temperature would be wrong and the wine would be watered down.
However, like with cigars. Drink what you like. Like what you drink.
Just to see whatever everyone else does:
Do yall have all the different kinds of glasses (cas, ports, syrah) or do ya pretty much stick with one kind and drink the different kinds from the same wine glass?
Originally Posted by pnoon:
There are some purists here that would likely chastise you/her for that. I certainly won't.
It is not the accepted way to appreciate finer wine. Temperature would be wrong and the wine would be watered down.
However, like with cigars. Drink what you like. Like what you drink.
:-) brother we aint drinking too much what you would classify as fine wine. But I like some of the cheaper stuff I have had and some of the more expensive one's have been equally bad. So I have learned that wine is like cigars, cheaper is sometime but not always good and more expensive doesn't always mean better either.
pnoon 07:40 AM 02-28-2010
I am not that particular beyond glass and a general wine glass shape to the bowl.
Once again, purists will tell you that the proper glass is essential. But I would maintain that most (including me) would not taste an appreciable difference.
Originally Posted by ggainey:
It's a set of two Cab glasses but that will be better than palstic.
my keyboard is dyslexic.
Originally Posted by pnoon:
I am not that particular beyond glass and a general wine glass shape to the bowl.
Once again, purists will tell you that the proper glass is essential. But I would maintain that most (including me) would not taste an appreciable difference.
Thanks Peter, I was scared I was going to have to get twenty three different kinds. Seriously though, I am looking forward to trying to see the diffrence in plastic and crystal.
pnoon 07:42 AM 02-28-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
:-) brother we aint drinking too much what you would classify as fine wine. But I like some of the cheaper stuff I have had and some of the more expensive one's have been equally bad. So I have learned that wine is like cigars, cheaper is sometime but not always good and more expensive doesn't always mean better either.:-)
Too funny. What I meant by "fine wine" is that it is something more than a generic table wine - although there are some of those that will surprise you. I guess another way to put it is that it is a varietal or blend of varietals specified on the bottle.
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Too funny. What I meant by "fine wine" is that it is something more than a generic table wine - although there are some of those that will surprise you. I guess another way to put it is that it is a varietal or blend of varietals specified on the bottle.
I am too much of a wine newbie to know much difference right now. I have been buying a cheap port at ABC Liquors and I like it very much. I was given a bottle of real Portugese port that really sucked.
mosesbotbol 08:33 AM 02-28-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
Just to see whatever everyone else does:
Do yall have all the different kinds of glasses (cas, ports, syrah) or do ya pretty much stick with one kind and drink the different kinds from the same wine glass?
I use to have a lot of different ones, but now I am down to a Red (cab shaped), a white (which looks bigger than many would associate with white wines except in France), port glasses, and Champagne flutes.
I would suggest:
2-4 decanters along with cheese cloth and/or unbleach muslin
Red Cab
Red Burg (rounder works with merlot too)
White Large (Chard's)
White Small with slight angled top (use for Moscato and fine Champagne)
Flutes (cheaper Champagne and parties)
Port glasses (works with schnapps and hard liquors too)
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
I use to have a lot of different ones, but now I am down to a Red (cab shaped), a white (which looks bigger than many would associate with white wines except in France), port glasses, and Champagne flutes.
I would suggest:
2-4 decanters along with cheese cloth and/or unbleach muslin
Red Cab
Red Burg (rounder works with merlot too)
White Large (Chard's)
White Small with slight angled top (use for Moscato and fine Champagne)
Flutes (cheaper Champagne and parties)
Port glasses (works with schnapps and hard liquors too)
Thanks for the info.
TheRiddick 11:45 AM 02-28-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
Kinda figured Peter, can't wait to try them out. My wife likes to drink her wine with ice, pretty sure she would be flamed here for that, so not sure if she will try them or not.
Greg, until recent times, and I am talking a couple of years back and maybe even these days, young affluent Chinese were mixing very expensive red French Bordeaux wines with Coke, so I guess some ice in wine is not that bad :-))
Go to any Barrel & Crate store, they usually have a nice selection at decent prices, you should be able to find something for $5 per stem. Try
http://www.crateandbarrel.com/family.aspx?c=130&f=31655, either of the two on the bottom of the page. Buy 2 of each and taste from them side by side, see how shapes and volume make a difference. If you drink Pinot Noi, then Burgundy shape (bottom of page) is a "requirement" :-))
Thanks Greg, i'll see if i can get some of those.
Originally Posted by ggainey:
I just opened a bottle of some swill called Henry's Drive 2006 Shiraz that is god awful. I aint no expert but I am thinking it is heavy (and I mean heavy) on the oak and tannins. Absolutely would not give you a nickel for another bottle. Thank the Lord that it was free.
Just for the record I drank some of this from a Riedell wine glass and guess what? It still sucks big time.

TheRiddick 09:59 PM 02-28-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
Just for the record I drank some of this from a Riedell wine glass and guess what? It still sucks big time.
First Law of organic chemistry: If you mix a pound of fruit jam and a pound of crap, you end up with 2 pounds of crap. (Nice glass or not.)
OZ wine sales dropped 25% last year and still going South with increasing speed. Now you know why.
mosesbotbol 04:55 AM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
I just opened a bottle of some swill called Henry's Drive 2006 Shiraz that is god awful. I aint no expert but I am thinking it is heavy (and I mean heavy) on the oak and tannins. Absolutely would not give you a nickel for another bottle. Thank the Lord that it was free.
Really? That is a good brand too. For Austrailian wine lovers, this brand is recommended. I can't believe I am reading this after all the positive comments said here on Austrailian wine.
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Really? That is a good brand too. For Austrailian wine lovers, this brand is recommended. I can't believe I am reading this after all the positive comments said here on Austrailian wine.
Moses, please don't go by just my opinion please. I am definately not an expert. I can say it tasted like crap to me though, and I like full bodied reds but this is just a bad taste to me. I know lots of folks prolly like it, but it just isn't something I can take. Actually kinda left a nauseous feeling on my stomach after only drinking about 6 or 8 ounces.