Skywalker 09:53 PM 12-25-2009
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
I am seriously jealous. :-)
Originally Posted by Red:
nice SN skywalker!!!
I have gone through two Growlers of the Old Cantankerous Stock Ale!!!
Great stuff!!!:-)
I also went through two jugs of the Scotch Ale!!!
I love having time off from work!!!:-)
kydsid 04:55 PM 12-28-2009
A recent run home to Arizona inspired me to break a few laws.
Shot with
N95 at 2009-12-28
The goods:
Shot with
N95 at 2009-12-28
Shot with
N95 at 2009-12-28
Shot with
N95 at 2009-12-28
Salvelinus 06:04 PM 12-29-2009
Oh how I like that trappiste 8. I wish I could find the 10 nearby.
Wanger 07:18 PM 01-02-2010
Here is our pickup at Total Wine in Orlando while we were down there on vacation (we drove from MN). The Mrs. picked up a few bottles of wine, too.
Additionally, I picked up some Ron Pampero, and I was smaked with a bottle of Marek's Mark while at the Corona herf.
BlackDog 07:39 PM 01-02-2010
Nice beer haul there Wanger. I should head over to WI sometime to buy some beers we can't buy here in MN. Hope you had a nice vacation in FL.
bresdogsr 08:42 PM 01-02-2010
No pictures, but 6 pack of DFH 60 min IPA, 4 pack of 90 min IPA and 4 pack of Burton Baton.
Pauly Walnuts 10:38 PM 01-02-2010
You guys sure drink some of the fanciest beers I have ever seen.
Jbailey 10:42 PM 01-02-2010
Last beer haul were 6 packs of the following.
Three Floyds Robert the Bruce
Three Floyds Gumballhead
Dogfish Head 60min IPA
wavescrashing 10:42 PM 01-02-2010
No pic, but a botle of Lost Abbey 10 commandments.
Holy crap, I finally make it back to this sight and what do I find? BEER ****!!!
I'll break down and take a picture of my wine cooler that I'm aging some hard-to-finds in sometime soon.
Here's a list from memory:
westvleteren 12
rochefort 10
deschutes abyss 2008 & 2009
2 deschutes mirror mirror 2009
2 Sierra/dfh life & limb
2 Brooklyn black chocolate stout
firestone walker 13
and a bunch of homebrews that are waiting for the next NHC comp
I've got 5 gallons of a honey old ale fermenting and just pitched on a Scottish ale that I added 1# of pure grade a maple syrup from upstate NY to.
Beer has taken over cigars in my life once again.
Edit: I completely forgot the outside refrigerator:
a growler and a thirty five ounce flip top of the newest release of the southern tier choklat
a bottle of weyerbacher inferno
and some founders breakfast stout (still trying to get my hands on the Kentucky and the Canadian breakfast stout)
BlackDog 08:09 PM 01-04-2010
I picked up a mixed 12 pack of Goose Island beers today. 3 India Pale Ales, 3 Nut Brown Ales, 3 Oatmeal Stouts, 3 Honker Ales. All good solid beers in my book, and a good value at $12.99.
Skywalker 11:14 PM 01-06-2010
I have the greatest wife on the planet!!!
This is what she picked up for me!!!
The latest and greatest from Sierra Neveda!!!
Golden Ticket Baltic Porter:-)
kydsid 08:25 AM 01-07-2010
Hmm never heard of that one. Could you ellaborate?
Skywalker 10:12 AM 01-07-2010
Originally Posted by kydsid:
Hmm never heard of that one. Could you ellaborate?
Golden Ticket Baltic Porter is only available on tap at the brewery! Here is their apt description: "An opaque dark brown lager with big roasted-malt flavor with notes of raisin, and milk chocolate. This Baltic Porter is profoundly smooth with a full, flavorful body, making it both drinkable and satisfying with slight hop presence and clean finish."
This porter is perfect with cigars!!!:-)
kydsid 10:43 AM 01-07-2010
Mmmmm. Well heres hoping I get another tour in LA then I can get some of this beverage.
gvarsity 10:47 AM 01-07-2010
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
Made another beer haul today. Aside from the Surly Furious, these are all new to me.
- Surly Furious IPA
- Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter
- Furthermore Knot Stock
- Victory Prima Pils
- Tyranena Bitter Woman in the Rye
- Anchor Porter
- Founders Breakfast Stout - I'm especially looking forward to trying this.
Love the Furious. I was also drinking the Surly Bender, CynicAle and Coffee Bender while I was in the cities over the holidays. Do you ever get down to the Town Hall Brewery at seven corners? Their Masala Mama IPA is outstanding. In fact I haven't tried a beer of theirs I haven't liked.
My other recent pickups have been New Glarus Snowshoe Ale (a longtime favorite) a four pack of Guinness for stew and some New Glarus Rapsberry Tart and Belgian Red as gift for a friend.
gvarsity 10:50 AM 01-07-2010
Originally Posted by tobii3:
All these damn yuppie beers....
The Classics. Love it. Although it has gotten quite trendy among the hipsters. Better be careful someone might think you are cool if they see you drinking a PBR in public. Particularly when you use that fancy glass.
BlackDog 06:58 PM 01-11-2010
I made a nice beer purchase today: 6 pack of Bell's HopSlam, 4 pack of Surly Furious, 4 pack of Surly Coffee Bender, and 6 pack of Founder's Porter.
ChicagoWhiteSox 08:58 PM 01-11-2010
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
I made a nice beer purchase today: 6 pack of Bell's HopSlam, 4 pack of Surly Furious, 4 pack of Surly Coffee Bender, and 6 pack of Founder's Porter.
Nice pick ups on the hopslam and porter Warren

For me, a 6er of DFH 60 IPA, 4 pack of St Bernardus Tripel.
theonlybear4CORT 09:04 PM 01-11-2010