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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Fordman4ever 05:44 AM 04-19-2011
Finally back down into the 180s after my vacation back home. yesterday afternoon I was 189. and that was after 2 big meals and no morning constitutional:-)
Starscream 06:49 AM 04-19-2011
Congrats Earl!:-)
I'm ready for tomorrow's check in! Looking good for this week!
Starscream 06:36 AM 04-20-2011
242! Only four more pounds to hit my short term goal. That's a loss of 7lbs this week!:-):-):-)
Chainsaw13 06:50 AM 04-20-2011
Congrats Andy. That's awesome.

I gained about 8lbs on vacation last week. Damn that food in New Orleans. Already lost 4 of it though, so not so bad. Got me some new running shoes yesterday. Going to break them in tonight.
Starscream 06:52 AM 04-20-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Congrats Andy. That's awesome.

I gained about 8lbs on vacation last week. Damn that food in New Orleans. Already lost 4 of it though, so not so bad. Got me some new running shoes yesterday. Going to break them in tonight.
Vacations both are great and they suck! Glad you had a good time. Have fun with those running shoes.:-) Just make sure you enjoy it if you are going to do it on a regular basis.

I'm gonna gain next week unless I exercise myself to death. After Easter, I'm gonna drink a whole bunch!:-):-)
backwoods357 08:43 AM 04-20-2011
l just weighed in this morning, 210! 85lbs so far.
Chainsaw13 08:51 AM 04-20-2011
Originally Posted by Starscream:
Have fun with those running shoes.:-) Just make sure you enjoy it if you are going to do it on a regular basis.
The plan is to train for a 5k run. I just need to pick one coming up in the next month or so and register. I'm already walking 2.5-3miles 4-5 times a week, so transitioning to running shouldn't hopefully be that strenuous.

Originally Posted by backwoods357:
l just weighed in this morning, 210! 85lbs so far.
Congrats. I'm hoping to get down to that point myself. I had set a goal of 225, but I think that'll be temporary. I guess it all depends on how I feel.
Starscream 05:35 PM 04-20-2011
Originally Posted by backwoods357:
l just weighed in this morning, 210! 85lbs so far.
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
The plan is to train for a 5k run. I just need to pick one coming up in the next month or so and register. I'm already walking 2.5-3miles 4-5 times a week, so transitioning to running shouldn't hopefully be that strenuous.
Awesome goal! Get 'er done (to quote an annoying pretend redneck)!
Chainsaw13 06:21 AM 04-21-2011
250.6 this morning for my official weekly weigh-in. That's 1.8lbs up from my pre-vacation weight but down 6.5 from when I got home Monday.

Went for my first run/jog last night. Didn't push it too hard since it was the first time, new shoes and I'm just not in that great of shape (yet). Not bad. Did 2.26mi in 32.5mins, of which 8mins was jogging. Walked a bit, jogged, repeated. I'm concerned the ankle won't take it though. I've already had 4 operations to remove bone chips, don't really need a 5th. I'll keep an eye on it though. It's not bad this morning, just a little pain but that could be from just the exertion.
Starscream 06:51 AM 04-21-2011
Easy on that ankle, Bob. Don't stop, but be careful with it.
Did you turn on it funny or anything, or do you just think it's soreness?
Chainsaw13 07:02 AM 04-21-2011
Originally Posted by Starscream:
Easy on that ankle, Bob. Don't stop, but be careful with it.
Did you turn on it funny or anything, or do you just think it's soreness?
Just feels like soreness right now. Doesn't help I'm missing bone/cartilidge in the joint. I'm going to listen to my body though and not press it.
shilala 08:23 AM 04-21-2011
Congratulations, gentlemen!!! :-)
My laxative is starting to lax, the barometer is coming up, and I feel tons better.
I plan to poop 20 more times and move stuff from the garage to the basement today. :-)
Chainsaw13 08:38 AM 04-21-2011
TMI Scott! :-)
Starscream 09:13 AM 04-21-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Just feels like soreness right now. Doesn't help I'm missing bone/cartilidge in the joint. I'm going to listen to my body though and not press it.
Good idea.:-)
Originally Posted by shilala:
Congratulations, gentlemen!!! :-)
My laxative is starting to lax, the barometer is coming up, and I feel tons better.
I plan to poop 20 more times and move stuff from the garage to the basement today. :-)
Have fun with that...:-)

Just kidding about the pics.:-)
Starscream 06:20 AM 04-22-2011
How we doing today, gentlemen?
hscmit 07:45 AM 04-22-2011
morning andy
weighted in this morning @ 183

2 yrs ago I was over 200 and not very happy with myself- very pleased to be back somewhere reasonable

keep up the good work fellas
shilala 07:55 AM 04-22-2011
I think I was up around 213 this morning. I drank a crazy amount of fluids yesterday to replace all I lost while I was down, so it's to be expected. Now that I'm back up and around, the weight should start coming down again. I'm still not eating much of anything at all, just what I have to. This high carb/low potassium restriction makes it tough to find anything to eat but rice and noodles, and I very seldom eat any meat or anything with fat. That's just because meat has lots of potassium, and I can't tolerate it ( unless I want to spend a few days in bed.) :-)
Chainsaw13 12:12 PM 04-22-2011
Doing good here Andy. 249.4 this morning. Liking how I'm feeling too. Energy and mood is way up. Why didn't I do this years ago?
Chainsaw13 04:49 PM 04-22-2011
Thought I'd throw this out there for anyone who may not be doing it yet, but definitely invest the $20-25 in a good digital kitchen scale. I now portion out all my meals/snacks. It really lets you understand how much you're eating. Like the handful of spaghetti I would grab from the box, which was usually x2+ the normal serving size. Now it's either the 2oz or less per serving. Another item I help use to track my meals is a simple excel spreadsheet I made up. I enter all the ingredients and the nutritional info, plug in how many servings it makes and presto, I have the nutritional info for that exact meal. Lastly I use a carb counter program for my phone that I then enter all my meal/snack info into. I need to watch the carbs, but it has all of the other info too so you can see exactly how much you eat a day. With the healthier choices I"m making food wise, I eat like a fiend and still only take in ~2000 cals a day.

Went for my 2nd walk/run today. Only got 21 mins in because of the weather, but still got 1.52 miles done. And the best news is my ankle isn't feeling any worse for wear. :-)
Starscream 05:20 PM 04-22-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Doing good here Andy. 249.4 this morning. Liking how I'm feeling too. Energy and mood is way up. Why didn't I do this years ago?
Energy and mood go hand in hand for me. I feel good and have a bit more energy as of late.:-)
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