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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
shilala 10:39 AM 04-05-2011
Originally Posted by Starscream:
Today's article. Food can be just addictive as drugs:,7935522.story
Here's why food is not as addictive as drugs...
Ever hear a story about a young man in prison who shot his own grandmother in the face to get in her refrigerator?

The article says that food activates some of the same regions in the brain as drug addiction, and uses the word "similar".
If there was one thing that could serve mankind in a profoundly good way, it's the media. It's a crying shame it's not so.
Starscream 10:45 AM 04-05-2011
No, it's not like heroin or crack, but it is addictive. More like weed or alcohol. You do it just b/c you want that feeling or have a craving. The media reports to much with oversensationalism, but the underlying message is there (sometimes between the lines).
piperman 08:32 PM 04-05-2011
Originally Posted by piperman:
My wife and I started the "The food Lovers Fat Loss System" it is a way of life not a diet. What it does is it resets your metabolism to burn fat instead of storing it buy eating three meals a day which includes one protein, one fast carb, and one slow carb, and a snack in between you need to eat every two to three hours. So far it has done wonders for us. We have been on it for 16 days and can already feel a difference. My wife is diabetic and her average sugar level was 190 to 210 while on insulin, now it is running in the 90s. We will get to weigh on 4/3 21 days after starting. I was 180.
Well on day 21 lost 12 lbs and 15 total inches, :-)
goalie204 09:11 PM 04-05-2011
No doubt some of us are addicted to food. However, unlike weed and crack both of which i've struggled with and quit, i can't quit eating, it's something us people need to live maybe not in excess, but just saying :P
shilala 05:44 AM 04-06-2011
Originally Posted by Starscream:
No, it's not like heroin or crack, but it is addictive. More like weed or alcohol. You do it just b/c you want that feeling or have a craving. The media reports to much with oversensationalism, but the underlying message is there (sometimes between the lines).
Originally Posted by goalie204:
No doubt some of us are addicted to food. However, unlike weed and crack both of which i've struggled with and quit, i can't quit eating, it's something us people need to live maybe not in excess, but just saying :P
I get the connection, and I can even see the similarities. I'm hopelessly addicted to snuff. The sh1t owns me, it has for well over 30 years. Even at that, I can't rightfully put it in the same category with the destruction that is drug and alcohol addiction, and neither could the study.
The part I thought was really interesting was the test they gave folks to ferret out propensities. That way they could send you home before wasting brain machine time on you.
I'm certain I'd get brain machine time, I've always been highly addictive to anything I liked. If some is good, more is better. That way of thinking and living is very difficult to contain, and I see it in all facets of my life. At least at this point of my life I know what to do about it and I can notice it. That just leaves the doing part. :-)
goalie204 05:49 AM 04-06-2011
Me too Scott, very addictive personality, somewhat compulsive. Even when i started smoking cigars it was habitual and i would have to have one every day. Thank goodness it's become a passion/enjoyment now over the years, and not an addiction that I "need" it.

Moderation in anything is tough with this personality
shilala 06:07 AM 04-06-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
Me too Scott, very addictive personality, somewhat compulsive. Even when i started smoking cigars it was habitual and i would have to have one every day. Thank goodness it's become a passion/enjoyment now over the years, and not an addiction that I "need" it.

Moderation in anything is tough with this personality
I hear ya, brother.
With all the stuff out there in the world that's trying to kill us all day every day, the last thing we need is ourselves helping it along.
If I can let God neutralize my dumb ass, I'll be okay. The odds don't look so good. :-)
Starscream 08:37 AM 04-06-2011
Originally Posted by piperman:
Well on day 21 lost 12 lbs and 15 total inches, :-)
Awesome, Randy!:-)
Originally Posted by goalie204:
Moderation in anything is tough with this personality
Same here, Myles. Same here.:-)
Originally Posted by shilala:
I hear ya, brother.
With all the stuff out there in the world that's trying to kill us all day every day, the last thing we need is ourselves helping it along.
If only I could remember that everyday.:-) I seem to come and go in spurts lately.
Starscream 08:38 AM 04-06-2011
Woke up late and ill this morning. Didn't have time for my weigh-in (although it only takes about 5 seconds). I always weigh-in first thing in the morning on Wednesdays. Should I still weigh-in when I get home b/c it's Wednesday or should I wait until tomorrow b/c I always weigh-in in the mornings?
hscmit 08:58 AM 04-06-2011
silverchair it (wait till tomorrow)
shilala 09:03 AM 04-06-2011
Originally Posted by Starscream:
Woke up late and ill this morning. Didn't have time for my weigh-in (although it only takes about 5 seconds). I always weigh-in first thing in the morning on Wednesdays. Should I still weigh-in when I get home b/c it's Wednesday or should I wait until tomorrow b/c I always weigh-in in the mornings?
Dood, I'm getting better and you're getting sick. At least I know where it went. I hope you feel better!!!
I'd definately wait till tomorrow morning. I weigh a good three pounds less in the morning than I do at night.
Chainsaw13 06:03 AM 04-07-2011
Had my first official home weigh in this morning. 250.0 on the dot. I so wanted to see the 240's pop up on the screen. But I'll take it cause I'm going in the right direction.
Texan in Mexico 06:21 AM 04-07-2011
Morning all, saw 240's pop up for the first time in years this morning! Came in at 246...

I want to say that there are a lot of similarities here in regards to certain personality traits and behavior and it is great for me to see you all express what I go through but am hesitant to mention for whatever reason, in summary - thank you very, very much! It is a big help.

Randy congrats!

I look forward to 240 by May 1st - going on a long business trip tomorrow and its going to take a lot of discipline to stay with it.

Good day all!
Posted via Mobile Device
Chainsaw13 07:18 AM 04-07-2011
Good job Travis.
Starscream 05:32 PM 04-07-2011
Great job, Bob and Travis!:-)

My weigh in today was at 248. One pound down. I'm a little bummed that it was only a pound, but it's still a loss.

Keep it up fellas!:-)
backwoods357 07:28 PM 04-07-2011
214 Lbs at noon today.
Tuesday the woman and I went for a walk a war memorial near our house. walked for a good hour and a half. It was absolutely beautiful. We sat at the top of a hill and had a cigar, I liked it but I have no clue who made it as I got some unmarked sticks from a local B&M on a whim (they are seconds but just have minor aesthetic defects) I'll have to ask when I go in next. My camera phone can't really do justice to the scenery, but I uploaded it anyways.
Attached: Photo Apr 07, 8 45 49 PM.jpg (111.5 KB) 
Starscream 07:02 AM 04-08-2011
Awesome view, Jorgen!:-)
What park/memorial was that?
Texan in Mexico 07:42 AM 04-08-2011
That is a great spot - looks like a good deer field?
Posted via Mobile Device
shilala 09:10 AM 04-08-2011
211.4 today, down from 215.6 on the 2nd.

Great job, Travis!!! :-)
Jumping those tens barriers is awesome. It'll feel like it took me a year to get down to the 00's, so when I do get down there, it'll be a magical moment.
Lot's of times my numbers smack of bullsh1t because of my size. I'm a big guy, so with all this mass, I can lose lots and lots of water weight. I bust my ass to drink lots of water and fluids every day so it doesn't skew my numbers too much.
Point being, I've been sick on the couch for a week, and yesterday I got up and worked the best part of the day. I don't think I drank as much water in a constant fashion like I usually do, but I hit it at intervals.
My weight could go up tomorrow, and probably will. We'll have to wait and see. By next weekend, I should be down in the 00's, though. I'm excited about that. :-)
backwoods357 10:12 AM 04-08-2011
I know what you mean about water weight Scott, in that weight loss competition I was in I was neck and neck with a female that weighed at most 130. The last week she dehydrated herself and because it was based on % of total body weight, she did some serious damage.

Andy, it's called Cheatham Hill. It's part of a large park known as Kennesaw Battlefield Memorial. Attached is a pic of the memorial on the hill (180 degrees from the first pic).

Travis, I've seen a ton of deer in the area, but none in the fields. Didn't see any spots where they bedded down either. :-)
Must be because of all the foot traffic.
Attached: Photo Apr 08, 11 54 01 AM.jpg (121.1 KB) 
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