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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
swingerofbirches 08:59 PM 03-20-2015
Got a decent chest/back lift in today. I lift alone so i don't usually do a full free weight chest/back list but that's what I did today, with the exception of decline bench and lat pull downs.

Tomorrow will be arms and shoulders, full free weights. Should be fun! :-)
icehog3 12:45 AM 03-21-2015
Keep kicking arse, Charlie.:-)

Been a good 10 days since I have been in the gym due to my bronchitis. I have a scheduled 5 day break starting Wednesday. Trying to get motivated to get a few days in before then, I just get out of the groove a little too easily sometimes. :-)
icehog3 12:57 AM 03-21-2015
Happy Birthday, Chris! :-) :-) :-)
Adriftpanda 12:12 PM 03-21-2015
Happy birthday, Chris.

Just got back from back and arms. Feeling flat and depleated because I woke up too late to eAt. Time to consume 300-400 grams of carbs today.
Sancho 09:06 PM 03-21-2015
Thanks Guys!

Got in tonight for some work

chins/dips 5x3-8
Barbell row 5x3
And some exciting post cake elliptical, at least I think nearly net zero' there so that's a win :-)
icehog3 09:33 PM 03-21-2015
Originally Posted by Sancho:
And some exciting post cake elliptical, at least I think nearly net zero' there so that's a win :-)
:-) :-)
swingerofbirches 10:36 PM 03-21-2015
Happy Belated Bday, Chris!!! :-)

Hope you get a few killer lifts in before your deload, Tom.

Got in an hour of fasted cardio this morning. Decided to hold off on my arms/shoulders lift until tomorrow, due to massive soreness from the chest/back workout. LOL
swingerofbirches 08:05 PM 03-23-2015
Got another good freeweight chest/back lift in today. Also managed to do some squats, deads & legs. :-)
icehog3 09:31 PM 03-23-2015
Good deal, Charlie! :-)

Going to do an all-body workout tomorrow, hit one exercise per bodypart. Then 5 days out of the gym....should be ready to get pumped as a MoFo by next Monday! :-)
Sancho 10:54 AM 03-24-2015
Nice work Men!

Today was :
5x3 chins and dips (with 100# assist)
Lat pull down 5x5
Cable row 5x5
BW squats 3x20
Sancho 11:24 AM 03-24-2015
Thanks for the well wishes as well :-)

Good luck Tom! Got it mapped out yet?
icehog3 03:25 PM 03-24-2015
Hi Chris!


Leg Presses
Seated Hamstring Curls
Incline Bench Press
Standing Military Press
Cambered bar Curls

Back at it next Monday, time to carb up for 5 days. :-)

You guys tear it up the rest of this week, and I'll see you all next week. :-) :-)
swingerofbirches 10:53 AM 03-25-2015
Well ... i'm pretty sure i ate ALL the food in Southern Ohio last night LOL

Back to the gym today, for my sins. :-)

Doing all free weight arms today ... which leads me to a question. For those of you who superset arms, do you do antagonizing muscles (superset tris/bis) or same muscle (superset preacher curl w/ hammer curls)? I've mostly done antagonizing supersets and enjoy them but I do feel like doing same muscle supersets might be a nice switch. So I guess a second question would be, if you do same muscle supersets, how do you structure an arm day? Would you do a bicep same muscle superset and follow that with a tricep same muscle superset? Would you do all of your bicep exercises and then all your tricep exercises?

TIA guys :-)
Adriftpanda 12:14 PM 03-25-2015
I do biceps and triceps when I super set them.

I don't hit arms often, once a week. I feel like I do enough compound movements to the point where my arms are being exhausted enough so when it's times to hit arms, there already a nice flow of blood.

I'm more of an old school guy when it comes to arms, I keep it fairly simple and try not to get too crazy.

Here's my superset when I hit arms once a week:

Barbell curl -- incline skull crushers w/bb
Incline DB curls -- rope extensions
Sancho 05:21 AM 03-26-2015
Nice work Charlie, I can sympathize with the remainder of southern Ohio. I've done the same.

Maybe Christos can comment on the super setting as well?

I did something last night, was doing shrugs and tweaked my neck. So I Stopped and just did some cardio for a while. Probably will take the week end off and see if it will correct quickly.
swingerofbirches 05:52 AM 03-26-2015
Sucks about the tweaked neck, Chris. Hope it heals up fast and you're back at it. Enjoy the weekend!

So I did same muscle group supersetting last night but rotated biceps and triceps after each superset. Idk if that was a good or bad call but I felt like it was gonna give me the best shot at my muscles being able to endure a hard workout than doing bicep superset followed by bicep superset. If that makes any sense.

So I did close grip bench press SS w/ laying overhead EZBar extensions. Then EZBar Preacher Curl SS w/ dumbbell hammer curls. Then Skull Crushers SS w/ Close Grip Cable Pull Down. Then Seated Declined dumbbell curls SS w/ EZBar Zottman curls. Then for the very last SS, I did a EZ Cable Curl SS w/ Close Grip Cable Pull Downs with the final set of each being a drop set in 20lb increments until failure all the way down the stack.

I'll say that my arms feel super worked today. Next time I may do all biceps first with a little more rest between SS, just to compare and see which one I feel gives me a better workout. I shall report back with my findings. lol
Adriftpanda 10:20 AM 03-26-2015
Because the bicep and tricep muscles are one of the smallest muscle group, I personally believe there's no wrong way to go about training them. If you're super setting them bi/bi or bi/tri etc.

Like I mentioned, hitting big compound movements involves using your arm strength as is so when you're hitting isolating your arms, it's just accessory work.

Hope that made sense.
Adriftpanda 10:22 AM 03-26-2015
Oh, heavy leg day last night. Hit 315 for front squats for 8 singles and then a bunch of pause front squats for 275. Heavy leg presses and hack squats, that's all she wrote.

Lighter push day today.
swingerofbirches 11:20 AM 03-26-2015
Nice work, Huy!

Shoulders today on lunch break. Went heavy. I'm hurting. LOL
Going back this evening with the wife for a 1000+ burn. :-)
Adriftpanda 11:39 AM 03-27-2015
Decent push day yesterday, lifted everything around 65% to 60% but reps were relatively high for me, around 8-12.

Volume leg day. Didn't bring my knee sleeves since I'm out of town, so I won't go too heavy for today's volume training.
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