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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Scottw 02:23 PM 01-11-2011
Andy, you can do this bro, at 31, you still have a lot of fight and energy in there dying to come out. I was 33 and sick and tired of being sick and tired. Not taking my shirt off at the beach when my friends were hanging out in the water, etc. Not going in the pool with the kids if someone was around with a camera, having to squeeze into clothes whose fit made me embarassed to wear them. How much is enough? How far does one have to go before making that change. The only thing I can say to you is lose the "It's going to be tough this week because.................." the holidays, being by a restaurant, wifes baking a cake, etc. You set yourself up for failure when you put in your mind how tough it will be because when you fail as a result it's like "Yeah I knew it would be tough, oh well". Start saying, "Regardless how tough this is, I'm still sticking to my guns because it's THAT important" And just do it bro. You can do it!!!!!!!!
Starscream 12:03 PM 01-13-2011
Down two this week to 253. Slowly but surely.
forgop 04:34 PM 01-18-2011
So far, so good for my new year's fried/greasy foods and no regular sodas yet. I must say...when you have a very bad habit of picking up something like McD's, BK, Taco Bell, etc, to some degree of regularity and you drive by those places and get nothing, it's torture. In the past I've gone lengthy periods without fast food and it's eye opening how much you really don't miss it when you eliminate it because you feel better.

I'm bringing Lean Cuisines and various snacks to school and eating much more fresh fruit/veggies. First 2 weeks down 6.4 lbs and I wouldn't say I've put a big reduction in volume of food eaten just yet.

Starscream 06:38 PM 01-18-2011
Keep it up, Duane. :-)
Starscream 12:44 PM 01-26-2011
After a bit of fluctuation and not trying, I'm back down to 251. Made a lot of progress this week.
goalie204 06:41 AM 01-27-2011
was in korea at the beginning of the china...impossible to eat healthy here, bah
Starscream 07:34 AM 01-30-2011
Been in the 240s for three days straight. Good sign.:-)
LasciviousXXX 07:40 AM 01-30-2011

Andy, do you want me to change the name of the thread? Or are you good with how it is?
shilala 08:41 AM 01-30-2011
Hanging right around 220, maybe a little lower. It's starting to come down slowly again.
Starscream 08:50 AM 02-04-2011
I'm still hovering around the 250 mark. :-)
pmwz 12:58 PM 02-20-2011
it now a little over a year since i started loosing weight. i started out at 122.8 kg and went down to 95. the bad news is that i gained alot of it back. i was back up to 116 and now i weigh 113.
oneof the things that i wanted to proof to myself was that i could run 15 km. i ran a half marathon. my strength is also at a high point(245lbs bench press...)
my goal this year is to get under 100kg by the end of june and under 90 at the end of the year.
i try to get back to posting on a regular basis in this thread because it helpe a lot...
Texan in Mexico 07:00 PM 03-05-2011
Evening all. I have been absent fromt he Forum for a couple months, things happening at home but in a better place now. Weighed myself today and am at 254 so I am still below the 269 I started checking in here with. Going to stick to it and subscribe to this thread. Good luck to all!
Texan in Mexico 08:35 AM 03-16-2011
Posted via Mobile Device
shilala 06:53 AM 03-18-2011
Lookin' good, Travis!!! :-)
219.4 this morning. I had to switch to a high carb, low potassium diet because of my health. It's really caused me to gain an aversion to fatty foods, for some reason. I haven't had any desire for steak, and mt daily grease intake has dropped severely.
I had been up to around 227 after hovering around 223 for a long time.
Now that the weather is getting nicer, I'll be more active. That'll make losing the weight a lot easier.
I'd simply like to get back down to 200 where I was. If I can get there and stay there by learning how to sustain it, I'll be happy. Ultimately I'd like to get down to 185, but last time the pressure to go from 200 to 185 was a real b1tch. I got there for a minute, then blew up.
Starscream 06:57 AM 03-18-2011
Nice work Travis!:-)
Stay positive, Scott.:-)

I'm still here too. Hanging around the 250 mark.
Starscream 08:16 AM 03-22-2011
So after months (years) of trying to get my wife to help me/start her own plan, I've finally won! It took a doctor to tell her and about $100, but it worked. She officially starts tomorrow on her lifestyle change, diet, and exercise program. This is gonna make it much more easier for me. I've lost 3lbs in the last week and hopefully some more will start to drop with the wife's help.:-)
shilala 02:29 PM 03-22-2011
216.6 today.
Andy, if I listened to my wife, I'd be in the best shape a person could possibly be in. Don't tell her, but I listen to her all the time and change things when she isn't looking. That way she won't know it's her idea, ya know?
Good luck, brother. I know you guys will work great together!!!
Starscream 07:45 AM 03-23-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
216.6 today.
Andy, if I listened to my wife, I'd be in the best shape a person could possibly be in. Don't tell her, but I listen to her all the time and change things when she isn't looking. That way she won't know it's her idea, ya know?
Good luck, brother. I know you guys will work great together!!!
:-) I understand completely, Scott.:-)
Starscream 07:46 AM 03-23-2011
Pretty much common knowledge, but here's a good article about fiber and its benefits.
hscmit 07:47 AM 03-23-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
216.6 today.
Andy, if I listened to my wife, I'd be in the best shape a person could possibly be in. Don't tell her, but I listen to her all the time and change things when she isn't looking. That way she won't know it's her idea, ya know?
Good luck, brother. I know you guys will work great together!!!
smart man
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