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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Sancho 09:50 PM 03-16-2015
Did some body weight stuff and my concept2 10km again, this cardio break has been interesting. Probably keep this up for another week or so and then start the lifting back up again hard.

Looks like the iron is flying around here still :-)

Good to see ya back Huy!
swingerofbirches 09:51 AM 03-17-2015
Ugh ... had a nasty sinus thing for the last few days. Hoping to be able to get back at it tomorrow.

Good stuff, Chris. How long you been on cardio-only?
icehog3 10:13 AM 03-17-2015
HI Chris, Charlie and Huy.

Been on antibiotics since Thursday here, since I started the crud moved from my chest up to my sinuses and back again. I too hope to get back in by tomorrow, the body will dictate. Missed 8 days already, getting itchy to get back.
swingerofbirches 08:02 PM 03-17-2015
Wishing you a speedy recovery Tom ... i'm sure that after 8 days you're going nuts. :/

I managed to get back to the gym for the first time since last friday. I went 5x5 on Squats and did 3x5 on large movement exercises as a warm up lift to get my body back into a lifting rhythm.

Squat 5x5 @ 315
Bench 5x5 @ 200
OHP 3x5 @ 180
Bent Over Barbell Row 3x8 @ 185
Shrugs 5x5 @ 180
Cable Curl @ 70 superset with Close Grip Cable Pulldown @ 160 - 5x10

I was pretty gassed after the lift and wheezy so i didn't do any cardio. I'm gonna shoot for some cardio tomorrow and hopefully my lungs can handle it.

Also, tried some Pre-Glow "Candy Melon" pre-workout. One of the samples my friend gave me. The packet says 2 servings so naturally i took the whole packet. It got me a little tingly but not insane. Boost felt ok, pump was crazy. Pumped like a MoFo as Tom would say. :-)
Sancho 09:49 PM 03-17-2015
Feel better Tom! I'm starting to think I may have picked up the cold that ravaged my brood a week or so back so hopefully I don't end up in the same lifeboat.

Charlie, I've been doing primary cardio for about 1.5 weeks now. Still intermixing a single powerlift every trip or every other. I've been focusing on the erg rowers as they seem to give me a better upper body workout which I missed with every other cardio routine I tried. With that said I have to really watch my lower back as it's pretty easy for me to over stress that muscle on the rower.

What's your cardio preference? What are you doing your 1k burns on?
icehog3 09:52 PM 03-17-2015
Just saying hi, and keep pumpin' like MoFos, Charlie and Chris!
swingerofbirches 06:38 AM 03-18-2015
Originally Posted by Sancho:
Feel better Tom! I'm starting to think I may have picked up the cold that ravaged my brood a week or so back so hopefully I don't end up in the same lifeboat.

Charlie, I've been doing primary cardio for about 1.5 weeks now. Still intermixing a single powerlift every trip or every other. I've been focusing on the erg rowers as they seem to give me a better upper body workout which I missed with every other cardio routine I tried. With that said I have to really watch my lower back as it's pretty easy for me to over stress that muscle on the rower.

What's your cardio preference? What are you doing your 1k burns on?
Nice! Glad that you're seeing good enough results that you want to extend it. I'm sure that your muscles appreciate the single power lift sessions. I was hesitant to do a deload week a few weeks back but my muscles were so happy for it.

I'm using an elliptical for my 1k burns, for the sake of my knees. On my non-1k burn days (basic 30-45min medium intensity cardio) I'll use the treadmill and usually cool down with the bike.

What kind of cardio you been doing?
Adriftpanda 11:48 AM 03-18-2015
My power lifting training ended a few weeks. Deloaded for a couple weeks but started Lane Nortons PHAT program to keep up with my powerlifting. I'm in no way a power lifter, but the program has built a nice foundation for training. Here are my final numbers.

I ended with a body weight of 182, I basically kept my BW the same through out training even though I was suppose to be in a surplus. 2,400-2600 caloric maintenance.

Pause bench 260
Squat 405
Deadlift (sumo) 460
Deadlift conventional 415

Those were all my 1rm.
Adriftpanda 11:49 AM 03-18-2015
And there was no cardio done lol
swingerofbirches 05:44 PM 03-18-2015
That's awesome, Huy, especially for your BW!!! It's inspirational. Gives me something to shoot for and i'm FAR bigger than you.

Are those 1 time maxes or 5x5 weight? 3x5 weight?
Adriftpanda 06:10 PM 03-18-2015
One rep max
Sancho 09:05 PM 03-18-2015
That's awesome Huy! Impressive numbers for sure.

I'm with Charlie, a little bit heavier :-) and not anywhere close.

Charlie, for my cardio I have been doing mostly erg rowers with stair steppers and maybe once a week on the treadmill.

My preference is the rower, I'm not threatening any Ivy League scholarship, but it kicks my ass. I feel like it gives me a good whole body workout which none of the other cardio machines seem to do.
swingerofbirches 05:32 AM 03-19-2015
I hear ya about the row machine, Chris. I like rowing but have gone away from it so that my muscles have a chance to recover from my lifting days.

Managed 600cal of 5am fasted cardio today.
Sancho 07:37 PM 03-19-2015
Tonight was another 10km rowing
Chins (assist) 2xfailure
Dips (assist) 2xfailure
Squats 1x20 post row

Was gonna go for another 20 reps but my calves were screaming so in the interest of walking tomorrow.... :-) good pump that's for sure.
Adriftpanda 12:55 AM 03-20-2015
Volume push day with some shoulders.

Flat db press 4x8
Hammer strength incline press 3x8-10 w.drop set
Incline db flies 3x10
dips 4x10

seated db side delt raises 4x10
cable side delt raise 3x10-12
smith machine miltiary press 3x10
arnold presses 3x10
Sancho 07:09 AM 03-20-2015
Nice Huy, curious for the collective on the smith machine: thoughts? I've used the linear at one gym and it was uncomfortable and felt unnatural. Another gym has a startrac 3d which feels more natural.

Do you guys use the smith? Pluses minuses? You read a lot of conflicting info on these it would seem, but when I'm there late at night it does look to be a safer way to lift soloand still be able to go heavy.
Adriftpanda 10:53 AM 03-20-2015
I typically do not use smith machines for any exercises but because I did a lot of pushing movements with free weights, I wanted to give my shoulders a bit of a break.

Smith machines are good, people don't give them enough credit. I personally don't use it often but when I do, it's towards the end of my training because you get the assistance without having to worry about stabilizing the weight during the up and down motion, almost like having a spotter with you.

Just read your last sentence so I'm editing it right now. I train alone most of the time but have made some good gym friends over time, so I guess that helps when it comes to spotting and what not. But I personally believe free weights are the way to go if trying to get stronger and bigger. Don't be afraid to ask for spot. Loading a bunch of plates on a smith machines to squat or bench is not the same as the "bar."
GreekGodX 12:42 PM 03-20-2015
Originally Posted by Sancho:
Nice Huy, curious for the collective on the smith machine: thoughts? I've used the linear at one gym and it was uncomfortable and felt unnatural. Another gym has a startrac 3d which feels more natural.

Do you guys use the smith? Pluses minuses? You read a lot of conflicting info on these it would seem, but when I'm there late at night it does look to be a safer way to lift soloand still be able to go heavy.
I use them only for bent over rows. If you set up correctly you can keep your lats activated for every rep. I think it helps a lot for that. Otherwise I don't use them. I think they have their place for helping new lifters.
swingerofbirches 05:04 PM 03-20-2015
Originally Posted by Sancho:
Nice Huy, curious for the collective on the smith machine: thoughts? I've used the linear at one gym and it was uncomfortable and felt unnatural. Another gym has a startrac 3d which feels more natural.

Do you guys use the smith? Pluses minuses? You read a lot of conflicting info on these it would seem, but when I'm there late at night it does look to be a safer way to lift soloand still be able to go heavy.

I rarely use the Smith Machine but I see the value in it. I used it when I started squatting because it gave me confidence and stabilization and my wife uses it now that she's squatting.

It was mentioned before that a Smith be used at the end of a workout for the stabilization and that makes sense to me. I'd not thought about that because my workouts are structured so that I end on a large movement like an OHP or bench, but I can definitely see the value if you do.

If you start your workout with squats i'd shoot to end up in the squat rack. Like mentioned earlier, the stabilizers used are such a big part of gaining strength and size.

My 2 cents :-)
icehog3 06:27 PM 03-20-2015
When you get to 37+ years of heavy lifting like me and some days your joints don't work the same, the Smith can be the difference between continuing to lift and quitting. The older I get, the more often I use it.
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