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Entertainment>LOST Notes
woops 11:43 AM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by rack04:
Wasn't he also the dead guy that Sawyer found in the van with all the beer?

That was Ben's father. Don't remember the name though.

Horace did show up in the jungle during a previous season. He was cutting down a tree when one of the Oceanic survivors (Locke, maybe?) stumbled upon him. Horace was talking to (whomever) and his nose sarted to bleed.

Anyone else remember the scene and who the survivor was that was present?
dannysguitar 11:50 AM 03-05-2009
Yes, he told Locke he had work to do....
MikeyC 11:51 AM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by woops:
That was Ben's father. Don't remember the name though.

Horace did show up in the jungle during a previous season. He was cutting down a tree when one of the Oceanic survivors (Locke, maybe?) stumbled upon him. Horace was talking to (whomever) and his nose sarted to bleed.

Anyone else remember the scene and who the survivor was that was present?
I think it was Locke that met horace. He was cutting down trees to build a cabin (the one that Jacob now "lives" in).

Ben's father's name was Roger. I'm re-watching season 3 with my wife (she never saw the first few seasons) and we just watched the episode where Hurley finds the Dharma van in the jungle with Roger Work Man behind the wheel.
woops 12:14 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by MikeyC:
I'm re-watching season 3 with my wife (she never saw the first few seasons) and we just watched the episode where Hurley finds the Dharma van in the jungle with Roger Work Man behind the wheel.

Roger Workman. Man, that dude has a funny last name! :-) :-)
Cyanide 12:20 PM 03-05-2009
Any ideas on who was born? I am thinking that the identity of that child (boy?) is going to be important in the backstory.

It can't be Locke, as Locke would have already been alive as a child somewhere else.

It can't be Ben, as he will already be one of the children on the island (Horace is too old by this point, compared to his relative youth when he welcomed Ben to the island).

And it couldn't be Whidmore. Once again, wrong timeline.

Could it be Karl? That just wouldn't be interesting. Karl is probably a little young for that as well. Ya, alot too young. Scratch that.

Farraday, Desmond, Sawyer, Jack...all possibilites (with significant backflips in the story), but all fairly useless to complicate things in that fashion.
kaisersozei 02:00 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by woops:
That was Ben's father. Don't remember the name though.

Horace did show up in the jungle during a previous season. He was cutting down a tree when one of the Oceanic survivors (Locke, maybe?) stumbled upon him. Horace was talking to (whomever) and his nose sarted to bleed.

Anyone else remember the scene and who the survivor was that was present?
Horace was also there when Ben was born (and his mother died) at the side of the road.
ActionAndy 02:19 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
Horace was also there when Ben was born (and his mother died) at the side of the road.
Horace was ALSO at the head of the line for Stupid Names. Seriously could the name Horace sound any less human? Sounds like something you'd name a pet donkey.
rack04 02:51 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
Horace was ALSO at the head of the line for Stupid Names. Seriously could the name Horace sound any less human? Sounds like something you'd name a pet donkey.

ActionAndy 03:00 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by rack04:

Mugen910 03:04 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
Horace was ALSO at the head of the line for Stupid Names. Seriously could the name Horace sound any less human? Sounds like something you'd name a pet donkey.

<----- :-)
Dukeuni 03:11 PM 03-05-2009
hehe, man, way to do a "foot in mouth"

NOTE TO SELF: Before mocking name you have heard, check to see if any people you know have said name.
ActionAndy 03:24 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by Dukeuni:
hehe, man, way to do a "foot in mouth"

NOTE TO SELF: Before mocking name you have heard, check to see if any people you know have said name.
I swear, this was my exact train of thought while typing that post:

--Maybe I shouldn't say this, someone here might be named Horace.
--No way, I've never met anyone named that.
--I should check real quick anyway.
--No way, it's already typed.

rack04 03:26 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
<----- :-)
Very original Bao. :-)
white_s2k 07:10 PM 03-05-2009
Does anyone know the significance (if there is one) of Sawyer using the name "La Fleur" when questioned by Horace? The episode was named La Fleur and I keep hearing talk on other forums about it relating to something important from past episode but I can't think of anything?

Oh and damnit Bao.. I need my Lost Notes fix!!!!!!! :-)
ucla695 09:45 PM 03-05-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
Can I say that Sawyer is my hero? First Kate...then Juliet...:-)
He da man!!
ActionAndy 07:07 AM 03-06-2009
Originally Posted by white_s2k:
Does anyone know the significance (if there is one) of Sawyer using the name "La Fleur" when questioned by Horace? The episode was named La Fleur and I keep hearing talk on other forums about it relating to something important from past episode but I can't think of anything?

Oh and damnit Bao.. I need my Lost Notes fix!!!!!!! :-)
I ckecked it out on lostpedia and it doesn't seem to have any significance other than being a common creole name. There's a lot of interesting chatter about the statue however. From the back it looks a lot like statues of tawaret, an egyptian god. (I'm taking this image from another site).

ucla695 08:00 AM 03-06-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
I ckecked it out on lostpedia and it doesn't seem to have any significance other than being a common creole name. There's a lot of interesting chatter about the statue however. From the back it looks a lot like statues of tawaret, an egyptian god. (I'm taking this image from another site).

Interesting information. I wonder if the statue was damaged in the 'war.' It'll also be interesting to learn about the history of pregnancies on the island. Have Darma peeps been able to conceive and deliver healthy babies there? I tend to think the baby boy was conceived off the island. Maybe that's why they built the help with the problem and appease the gods. Who knows. Anyway, more food for thought.
Mugen910 08:05 AM 03-06-2009
Originally Posted by rack04:
Very original Bao. :-)
Thanks Justin!:-)
Mugen910 12:06 PM 03-06-2009
Lost 5 - episode 8 "Lafleur"

1. Finally, what we've all been waiting for.... Sawyer washed his hair! This was a great character development episode...I guess we needed a mental break from all the heavy science fiction stuff. See attached screenshot... for the ladies.

2. Sawyer has always been in the front-running for the most transformed characters on the show (along with Locke). Remember how the Island cured Rose's cancer and allowed Locke to flourish physically and spiritually; and remember Locke, Jack and all the Oceanic 6 basically disintegrated as people the longer they spent away from the Island. ''This place is death?" Well, sometimes. But other times, this place can be life - but it requires peace of character and being locked into your intended destiny. And right now, Sawyer is groovin'...

3. So... the big question.... who does Horace's baby turn out to be? A boy born in 1977... we never got his name. It can't be Locke or Ben. They aren't the right age plus we saw their births in the real world. Could be Jacob... after all, when Locke had a vision about Horace, Horace was building a cabin for him and his wife. Then again, Richard knew about Jacob in 1954. The boy would be about 27 when flight 815 crashes in 2004.

4. The Dharma/ Others Truce: Why would Others kill Paul and try to kidnap Amy? Did Amy and Paul venture into Other territory that was supposed to be off limits? Remember when Tom and the Others surrounded Jack and the Losties and threatened something like "this is our island, stay away from this side of it" or something like that? Or, is the truce only "you don't kill us, we don't kill you?" I believe, at this time on the island, we can assume that the Others are currently under Widmore's reign of power (Widmore's words to Locke last week about ruling peacefully and for such a long period of time... 3 decades to be exact).

5. Why did Charlotte's body disappear when she died? Perhaps she really isn't dead... now. Maybe in this new 1974, Faraday doesn't tell her not to come back here (which sparked her life long search for this mythical place she remembered). Then again, Faraday keeps telling us "What happened happened" so he shouldn't have been able to change that. Another theory is that once the group landed in 1974, Charlotte's body disappeared because a person cannot exist in two places at the same time -- dead or alive.

6. Horace Goodspeed recap: We know from the season 3 episode ''The Man Behind The Curtain'' that Horace Goodspeed and a woman named Olivia aided Roger Linus during Ben's unexpected birth in the woods. (So many premies on the show. That can't be a coincidence.) We also know Roger and Ben migrated to the Island at the invitation of the Goodspeeds when Ben was a boy. So, where is Olivia? Did she not enter the picture until the late 1970's when Ben comes to the island? Perhaps Horace and Amy split by then? Oh, and Olivia was Ben's teacher when he was a Dharma student. See attached Olivia screencap.

7. Speaking of Horace... Horus is a god of the Ancient Egyptian religion, most commonly knows by the Greek version Horus, of the Egyptian Heru/ Har. Horus was an ancient and important deity. More on ancient Egypt later. See attached image of Horus.

8. Note how 1974-1977 ON the island is similar to 2005-2008 OFF the island. Some distinct parallels: The Left Behinders' Dharma drama very much echoed the Oceanic 6's off-Island ordeal, complete with cover-up lie, a dead body to haul around, and a con man-turned-shepherd. (Ben = Sawyer here.)

9. Have you noticed how Season 5 of Lost resembles Season 2? Season 2 emphasized the Man of Science/ Man of Faith conflict and introduced us to the Dharma Initiative mythology. Season 5: Lots of faith/ reason; lots of Dharma. When you consider that Season 4 mirrored Season 3 (split group story lines; a climactic attack on the castaways; similar coffin/ ''We've got to go back'' cliffhanger), what you have is a saga that's doubling back on itself. What would that mean for season 6? How will it echo season 1? Something to think about.

10. The original Oceanic 815 flight.... did Jack and company FLASH off the flight like they flashed off the Ajira 316 flight last week? Some items to support this theory: The Losties have commented several times that they survived the Oceanic crash with just superficial injuries. In one earlier episode Sayid is talking to Kate and says there is no way they should have survived that 815 crash. Maybe it's because they flashed off of it!

11. Let's talk about ancient Egypt:

The statue: The island's large statue looked Egyptian. Skirt, but no shirt -probably male. Those appear to be ankhs in the hands - symbolic of life in general and eternal life, specifically (also shown on the necklace Amy took from Paul's neck). And on the head, two pointy ears and a rectangular headpiece. The island's statue is not Horus, as Horus had the head of a falcon. So, other possibilities...

Anubis: the Egyptian God of mummification and the afterlife. Over the course of time, Anubis became considered more the gatekeeper and ruler of the underworld, the "Guardian of the veil" (of "death"). Consequently, he was said to protect souls as they journeyed there, and thus be the patron of lost souls." See attached photo.

Taweret: the Egyptian Goddess of fertility, the protector of pregnancy and childbirth. In the episode "D.O.C" Juliet told Sun that the men were extra-fertile on the Island. While we cannot be sure whether or not the statue is still in its original form once the crew landed in 1974, we did see Juliet deliver a healthy baby 3 years afterward. Perhaps the moment the statue was destroyed and/ or crumbled was when the Island pregnancy problems began. Like Anubis, Taweret also carries an ankh. See attached photo.

Other Egyptian references: The hieroglyphics in The Hatch and on The Temple were Egyptian. Weren't ancient Egyptians fond of eyeliner? So, Is Richard Alpert Egyptian? Richard Alpert = RA (the sun god?). FUN FACT FROM NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC'S WEBSITE: ''Both men and women in ancient Egypt wore a sort of eyeliner. The paint was made of minerals mixed with water, ground on palettes, and kept in tubes. It was worn for adornment and perhaps also to reduce the sun's glare.'' I'm half kidding here as so many people have made fun of the fact that Richard appears to have on eyeliner.

12. No LOST next week.



Mugen910 12:07 PM 03-06-2009

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