quantim0 07:23 PM 02-19-2011
quantim0 07:23 PM 02-19-2011
longknocker 07:28 PM 02-19-2011
kelmac07 08:04 PM 02-19-2011
Originally Posted by longknocker:
Awesome Collection, Andrew!:-):-)
What Greg said!!
:-) :-)
Devanmc 08:20 PM 02-19-2011
ummm yeah, im hopping fissure is storing some in there from RH support...
Neens 10:56 PM 02-19-2011
wow nice collection there Andrew. Devan that cooler is a mess. how do you find anything in there?
Devanmc 08:42 AM 02-20-2011
I don't, its currently over 800miles away from me
Posted via Mobile Device
Superbad 09:38 AM 02-20-2011
Very nice collection Andrew!
Christiel49 10:06 AM 02-23-2011
guitar4001 10:47 AM 02-23-2011
pektel 12:51 PM 02-23-2011
105 cigars into a 100 count humi. Can probably squeeze about 10 more into it before I would NEED a cooler:
MarioF 02:08 PM 02-23-2011
nice and organized Peter, nice choice of sticks!!
thecatch83 07:57 PM 02-23-2011
Always a fan of quality over quantity.....unless it's quantities of quality!
Devanmc 05:45 AM 02-25-2011
ok lets do some unloaded pics of the humi(footlocker) this morning.
next week ill have my cooler for the rest of the stash.
thecatch83 06:28 AM 02-25-2011
Nice work Devan! How you liking those 601 Maduro's? I just ordered two boxes for the newbie sampler blasting!
Devanmc 06:31 AM 02-25-2011
well, i bought them just before i returned to duty from leave. ill try one today though.
cigarmonkel 01:57 AM 02-26-2011
Originally Posted by Jenady:
is that a rocket in the top right hand corner?
jesseboston81 07:39 PM 04-04-2011
My stash as of this last weekend, pre-Massholia Herf:
N2 GOLD 07:52 PM 04-04-2011
pektel 08:32 PM 04-04-2011
I had to organize the cooler last night:
Posted via Mobile Device