And you expect any different!!! You are in the Asylum brother!!!
Chingas 03:36 PM 01-23-2011
Devanmc 03:36 PM 01-23-2011
"You can check out, but you can never leave"
Chainsaw13 03:38 PM 01-23-2011
Originally Posted by Devanmc:
of course you won't bomb me!
Fixed it for you.
Count me in fellas.
Bill86 03:39 PM 01-23-2011
Originally Posted by Ogre3239:
"You can check out, but you can never leave"
Awesome song!
Chingas 03:40 PM 01-23-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Fixed it for you.
Count me in fellas.
Devanmc 03:59 PM 01-23-2011
Originally Posted by Devanmc:
everyone done now?
NO.......................NOT REALLY!!!!
Devanmc 04:23 PM 01-23-2011
HA, MIB isnt going to comment or anything...I think he's scared of me.
:-) :-) :-)
Ranger_B 06:34 PM 01-23-2011
Man Devan you where always one of those slow learners wherent you? I think you have learned every noob lesson the hard way. This will be fun to watch!
Devanmc 06:51 PM 01-23-2011
Originally Posted by Ranger_B:
Man Devan you where always one of those slow learners wherent you? I think you have learned every noob lesson the hard way. This will be fun to watch!
I like to think of it as learning on my own...
Ranger_B 07:10 PM 01-23-2011
:-) Yep thats another way of looking at it. Any more word on your Narsum?
Devanmc 07:13 PM 01-23-2011
nada, even if it comes in this week i wont have time to look at it and go to my lawyer. I have acap classes all week.
maninblack 04:57 PM 01-24-2011
Originally Posted by Devanmc:
HA, MIB isnt going to comment or anything...I think he's scared of me. :-) :-) :-)
How come you always bring me up, you homo. Leave me out of this. Sounds like you picked a fight you can't win. HA HA HA.
I also say smoke more, OR use this time to make an important life-changing decision. DON'T get the big eyes.
One day you will be stuck with a ton of cigars you won't smoke. Use this time to try new things and explore.
Even Obama can't get them to stop selling cigars, so you should be fine for a while.
Devanmc 01:38 PM 01-26-2011
So far I only have smokes I like in box quantity. I hope to keep it that way. But with all that room...
Posted via Mobile Device
Devanmc 07:59 AM 02-21-2011
Originally Posted by maninblack:
How come you always bring me up, you homo. Leave me out of this. Sounds like you picked a fight you can't win. HA HA HA.:-)
looks like i won that fight, even though i got nuked by someone else.
BTW update of the cooler. Ill be picking it up soon and organizing it...
thecatch83 08:07 AM 02-21-2011
I like what you have done....I'm puting together a coolidor project myself, just waiting for everything to arrive from the states.
Devanmc 11:05 AM 03-12-2011