mariogolbee 12:37 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Neo Nazis= violence
kkk= violence
I don't think they would have very much protected under the First Amendment.
Also, I think that if the school actually had violence because of the kids wearing the shirts, then it would be a different story. I don't think there was any violence that day.
They are well protected under the First Amendment. And according to "[the KKK] do not promote violence-EVER!" I invite you to take a look at some of the legitimate groups the First Amendment protects at this link. Just go to the map and click on an area.
And of course there was no violence that day. It's what the principal was trying to prevent! That's the whole point!
ChicagoWhiteSox 12:38 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by mariogolbee:
They are well protected under the First Amendment. And according to "[the KKK] do not promote violence-EVER!" I invite you to take a look at some of the legitimate groups the First Amendment protects at this link. Just go to the map and click on an area.
And of course there was no violence that day. It's what the principal was trying to prevent! That's the whole point!
When were they sent home?
mariogolbee 12:40 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
I think more info surfacing will help.
Also, another thing to think about: This school in Cali, how many of them are Americans? You would think that they would be fine with the American Flag also present, no? I mean, it is America after all, and it is an American school.
With this comment I can see that you're missing the entire point and obviously not using critical thinking skills. Too bad. I suppose ignorance truly is bliss.
mariogolbee 12:41 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
When were they sent home?
ChicagoWhiteSox 12:44 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by mariogolbee:
Like what time of day? I think that would make a difference.
Darrell 12:45 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by mariogolbee:
With this comment I can see that you're missing the entire point and obviously not using critical thinking skills. Too bad. I suppose ignorance truly is bliss.
Nate isn't ignorant at all, Mario. It's probably best that ALL parties with differences in this thread agree to disagree. We're all friends here.
Bigwaved 12:45 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Also, another thing to think about: This school in Cali, how many of them are Americans? You would think that they would be fine with the American Flag also present, no? I mean, it is America after all, and it is an American school.
Since it was a school, my assumption would be that a flag was on a pole somewhere on the grounds. The intention of it being there falls in line with what is symbolizes. On the other hand, some kids wearing shirts and hankies on their heads do not seem to have the same motive. So, to answer your question, it is not the flag at issue here. It is the message being sent. If it were merely the flag, this would have occurred the first time the shirt and hankie were worn, correct? That is my opinion, based off of my life experiences. They are varied. I have been exposed to a lot of things. Those things have distanced me from the turnip truck, if you will. I will not move past having merely an opinion until I know more details.
ChicagoWhiteSox 12:46 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by mariogolbee:
With this comment I can see that you're missing the entire point and obviously not using critical thinking skills. Too bad. I suppose ignorance truly is bliss.
Not sure why you are calling me ignorant? Just stating my opinion, and I am respecting yours.
mariogolbee 12:48 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Like what time of day? I think that would make a difference.
Who? The kids? Not exactly sure but I'd assume they were confronted around lunch time.
Either way, it's been kind of fun debating with you but I must rest for school tomorrow. Cheers!
mariogolbee 12:54 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Nate isn't ignorant at all, Mario. It's probably best that ALL parties with differences in this thread agree to disagree. We're all friends here. :-)
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Not sure why you are calling me ignorant? Just stating my opinion, and I am respecting yours.
I'm not stating ignorance in all things. Apparently there is some ignorance involved in this issue if antagonism in this case cannot be seen when it is so clear. Ignorance is "lack of knowledge" and when used correctly pertains to something rather than the whole. If it is truly believed that there was no ill will on the part of the kids then there is likely some ignorance involved in experience with these matters.
Oh, and Darrell, we are all ignorant in regards to at least some things. If you and I weren't, for example, we wouldn't be in school now, would we?
mariogolbee 01:00 AM 05-07-2010
I agree to disagree, for now. Good night.
macpappy 05:41 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
I think more info surfacing will help.
Also, another thing to think about: This school in Cali, how many of them are Americans? You would think that they would be fine with the American Flag also present, no? I mean, it is America after all, and it is an American school.
I believe I read somewhere that 40 percent of the school is considered "Hispanic" but that ethnic background is no indication of how many are American. In fact, I would say that the vast majority of the students are probably American citizens.
I don't think the kids were trying to start a riot by wearing the American flag. I do think they were trying to make a statement about the school celebrating "Cinco de Mayo."
mosesbotbol 06:17 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Your not just a grouchy Veteran Darrell:-) I agree with your opinion though. No one is going to tell me not to wear my Country's colors, on any day of the year.
You're not a minor in an institution. Schools have dress codes and they can forbid any kind of dress or colors they deem necessary.
You have to differentiate school from the street.
All public schools should go to strict shirt/tie uniforms to avoid these situations. It's less expensive on the parents and most people think uniforms create a better environment for learning.
Resipsa 08:19 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
You're not a minor in an institution. Schools have dress codes and they can forbid any kind of dress or colors they deem necessary.
You have to differentiate school from the street.
Actually this is not completely accurate Moses. Being in school doesnt mean the students give up all of their civil rights. It's true that they are lessened to some extent however.
BC-Axeman 08:27 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by macpappy:
I believe I read somewhere that 40 percent of the school is considered "Hispanic" but that ethnic background is no indication of how many are American. In fact, I would say that the vast majority of the students are probably American citizens.
I don't think the kids were trying to start a riot by wearing the American flag. I do think they were trying to make a statement about the school celebrating "Cinco de Mayo."
This was the only point. They were just showing love for their country on a day that the government school was showing love for a foreign country.
Now the "hispanic" students are marching through the streets
demanding respect. You don't
demand respect, you
earn it.
I think the V.P. didn't know what he was starting or he would have done something different.
neoflex 10:42 AM 05-07-2010
I thought Cinco De Mayo was a holiday that us Gringos used as an excuse to drink????
kydsid 11:44 AM 05-07-2010
Darrell 12:13 PM 05-07-2010
I'm glad to see they pulled their heads out of their asses.
taltos 12:47 PM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by mariogolbee:
We were discussing history and how it affects the symbolism and politics of a nation in my Political Science class today. After a story of someone wearing a Hitler costume on Halloween to a class with a Jewish professor, and wearing a KKK outfit to a class with an African American professor, our professor brought up this topic. Although it is not as blunt as the other two stories given, the point was still quite obvious. A possibly volatile situation is was dealt with before it had a chance to escalate. With the racial profiling and immigration laws of recent years and especially as of late going on today the message the boys were sending was obviously of an aggressive nature. Before one blames the principal for his actions they should try walking in his shoes first.
America is a beautiful melting pot comprised of it's diverse population. The various ethnic and cultural backgrounds which makes up America should all be respected and well treated.
Instead of spending so much energy on this topic take a poke at some of these folks.
P.S. Why is this thread still open? It is clearly political.
I have stayed out of this until this post. The various ethnic and cultural groups owe their
first loyalty to this country and to our country's flag and this used to be the way it was. Your hate map includes the various organizations dedicated to enforcing immigration laws so it lacks some credibility.