Comedy Central just ran the Kanye/Fishsticks episode four times in a row.
"Do you like fish(st)dicks?"
"Do you like to put fish(st)dicks in your mouth?"
"What are you, a gay fish?"
Crap I have been wanting to see that episode,hulu here I come.
Originally Posted by ade06:
While I absolutely feel that West's actions were idiotic, what bothers me is the national outcry and media frenzy this entertainer is receiving for… well being entertaining. On the flip side of this, we have a Congressman who completely disrespects the office of the President with his lack of deference, by interrupting our President's recent Joint Sessions speech, with a false accusation (even if the accusation were true, the outburst was a blatant lack of respect to our Nation's highest office from someone who should be held to a higher standard; he is a CONGRESSMAN). Without trying to turn this tread into a political discussion, it seems that this Country is getting too bent out of shape over an entertainer's dumb actions.
Sad to say but plenty more people know Kanye West than Joe Wilson.