BlackDog 08:16 PM 04-30-2009
Originally Posted by illinoishoosier:
If a vaccine is not developed timely, NEXT flu season is when a lot of the damage could happen. In her field, they are making comparisons to the 1918 flu epidiemic, so it's not entirely media generated panic. There is a sense of urgency in the medical field.
That is correct.
icehog3 10:07 PM 04-30-2009
Originally Posted by BMTA:
Head for the desserted islands.
Do they have cakes and pies there?
BC-Axeman 10:15 PM 04-30-2009
Genetic Defect 11:00 PM 04-30-2009
massphatness 08:51 AM 05-01-2009
mrreindeer 09:06 AM 05-01-2009
Kwilkinson 09:38 AM 05-01-2009
Some kid apparently came into school this morning with a note from a doctor that said he was exhibiting "flu-like symptoms" so they shut down the entire school.
Sensationalism FTW!
My tuition dollars hard at work.
Originally Posted by massphatness:
Two sets of tracks going into the woods, only one set coming back
Genetic Defect 12:09 PM 05-01-2009
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
A touching verse.... :-)
Originally Posted by massphatness:
Vinnie, nice repost
massphatness 12:15 PM 05-01-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
Vinnie, nice repost :-)
Mea culpa.
Genetic Defect 12:17 PM 05-01-2009
Originally Posted by massphatness:
D'OH! :-)
Mea culpa.
:-) it was funny the second time too
smokeyandthebandit05 12:43 PM 05-01-2009
:-) Im goin to California today!!!! Swine Flu here I came!
mrreindeer 12:47 PM 05-01-2009
Genetic Defect 12:57 PM 05-01-2009
Originally Posted by mrreindeer:
Where you goin' Rich?
California, duh
mrreindeer 01:08 PM 05-01-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
California, duh :-)
:-):-) Big State...not like puny 'ol Wisconsin
smokeyandthebandit05 01:16 PM 05-01-2009
Well we have family on my moms side out there so she wanted me to see Cali and visit. My cousin and his wife live in Manhattan Beach. One uncle and his wife live in Anaheim and the other uncle and wife live in Lake Forrest in or by Laguna Beach.
mrreindeer 01:40 PM 05-01-2009
Cool.....I'm not far from Manhattan Beach....I'll PM ya. If you have some time to spare for a smoke, lemme know!
Genetic Defect 01:40 PM 05-01-2009
Originally Posted by mrreindeer:
:-):-) Big State...not like puny 'ol Wisconsin :-)
big state fall in ocean, me celabrate
mrreindeer 01:44 PM 05-01-2009
smitdavi 07:01 PM 05-01-2009