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General Discussion>Pet peeves lets hear em.
icehog3 06:52 PM 01-21-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Not a fan of Stan Lee, Admiral?
Stan Lee can get away with it.....most others, not.
kgraybill 07:17 PM 01-23-2010
When people leave cook time on the microwave.

When all the carry baskets are stacked 20 high at the U-Scan on the other side of the grocery store and none at the door where they should be.

When people say "There ya go" instead of "Thank you" when you purchase something or not saying thank you at all.
csbrewfisher 07:34 PM 01-23-2010
Naysayers...they always find the negative angle on everything and everyone.

Oneuppers...theirs was always bigger, better, more gut-wrenching, more difficult, colder, hotter, prettier, tastier, costlier, cheaper...whatever-er.
icehog3 07:58 PM 01-23-2010
Originally Posted by csbrewfisher:
Oneuppers...theirs was always bigger, better, more gut-wrenching, more difficult, colder, hotter, prettier, tastier, costlier, cheaper...whatever-er.
csbrewfisher 08:14 PM 01-23-2010
That's hilarious Tom, thanks for making me laugh!
icehog3 08:15 PM 01-23-2010
Originally Posted by csbrewfisher:
That's hilarious Tom, thanks for making me laugh!
I thought it was timely, Jerry! :-)
0002S 10:16 PM 01-23-2010
People who tie up a checkout line for a price check for items less than $1.00

If I'm behind them, I'll pull out $1.00 and tell them to keep the change.
ucla695 10:20 PM 01-23-2010
Originally Posted by kgraybill:
When people leave cook time on the microwave.
:-) I'm with you here!
icehog3 10:52 PM 01-23-2010
Originally Posted by kgraybill:
When people leave cook time on the microwave.
Originally Posted by ucla695:
:-) I'm with you here!
Yeah, pushing that "clear" button is a real b*tch. :-)
thebayratt 12:13 PM 01-24-2010
People who litteraly drag there feet in public.
Are they that lazy they can't lift their legs up that extra inch?
muhren 12:21 PM 01-24-2010
I hate it when I go to tear off a bill and mail it in and the perforation is a quarter inch from the actual third fold thus tearing the paper. Hard to describe really, but it's annoying to me!
Kreth 01:17 PM 01-24-2010
Greedy bastages on the devil site. I'm enjoying a Reposado, so I thought I'd see what's available on cbid. They have 4 boxes of the Habanos, and some guy apparently really wants all 4. So much so, that I drove up the price per box from $25 to $40, with 3 days left. :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
Blindjimme 01:23 PM 01-24-2010
I hate that other people keep winning the California lottery. :-)
BradNC 01:52 PM 01-24-2010 many but here are a few:

"one uppers" That is what I call folks who no matter what story you tell them, they've always got something better to tell you that happened to them.

When someone asks me a question, I start to answer but then they start talking again during my answer so I just either:

A: Talk louder
B: Be quiet and give them a look like their pants are unzipped.

People behind me in a grocery line who stand so fricking close when I'm using the ATM thing that I like to turn and ask them "do you remember what my code is? I forget..."

People driving super slow in their tin-can electric cars so they can just run on the batteries and show me how much better they are than me.

Maybe I have issues.......
Skywalker 02:01 PM 01-24-2010
Originally Posted by muhren:
I hate it when I go to tear off a bill and mail it in and the perforation is a quarter inch from the actual third fold thus tearing the paper. Hard to describe really, but it's annoying to me!
:-) And then I get a paper cut while licking the envelope!!! I hate it when that happens!!!:-)
icehog3 02:08 PM 01-24-2010
Originally Posted by BradSacramento:
1. "one uppers" That is what I call folks who no matter what story you tell them, they've always got something better to tell you that happened to them.

Timely again. :-)
BradNC 02:14 PM 01-24-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:

Timely again. :-)
Funny! Reminds me of another video clip that was much funnier..... :-) Just kidding!
icehog3 02:15 PM 01-24-2010
Originally Posted by BradSacramento:
Funny! Reminds me of another video clip that was much funnier..... :-) Just kidding!
:-) :-)
ActionAndy 02:32 PM 01-24-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Kristen Wiig and I are in love, she just doesn't know it yet...
icehog3 02:39 PM 01-24-2010
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
Kristen Wiig and I are in love, she just doesn't know it yet...
Let me know if you two get married...I have always wanted to have an affair with a married woman. :-)
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