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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Sancho 11:14 AM 02-26-2015
Today was off, had a rough night without much rest, so I went lighter and off my 5x5.

Squats 2x20
Bench 2x5 then dropset
Close Cable row 5x8
Cable curls 3 sets to failure

Hopefully Friday or Saturday are better days.
icehog3 01:44 PM 02-26-2015
International chest day, concentrated on inclines....good day, pumped like a MoFo. :-)

Hi Chris!
swingerofbirches 02:33 PM 02-26-2015
Get it fellas!!! #PLAMF (pumped like a MoFo! :-) )

Heading to GNC tonight to pick up my wife's multi-vitamin, some Gold Standard protein & another tub of DNS Cardio Cuts. I'm REALLY liking this stuff! Unfortunately (kind of lol) my wife is loving it as well. I only say that because it's not cheap ... so i've switched to only taking it on days when I'm only doing cardio. She takes it daily for the thermogenic. I'd like to do the same but i'm being a bit cost-conscious about it so i'm gonna look for a similar product to try when at GNC tonight.

I'm starting to feel like this deload week is helping me recover. I'm gonna get some light cardio in tonight after bball practice of the season.
swingerofbirches 09:19 PM 02-27-2015
I'm getting antsy without the lifting lol
icehog3 02:43 AM 02-28-2015
You'll know when it's "time", Charlie. :-)

Back day today, went heavy on the rows.

Bent over rows 185, 215, 235, 255, 285, 305, 245
T-bar rows 225, 250, 270, 250, 225
Cable pulldowns (super wide) 200, 200, 220, 240, 260
4 sets of pullups to failure
swingerofbirches 05:22 PM 02-28-2015
Move that weight, Tom!!!

I felt like I wanted to lift ytrdy but figure that I've already abstained for 5 days so I might as well go the full 7.
swingerofbirches 12:18 PM 03-01-2015
First workout back after my deload week and it was a pretty good one.

Did 5x5 followed by flys (3x8 @ 145), barbell rows (4x5 @ 185) superset with barbell shrugs (5x10 @ 185).

Managed to get new squat and bench max during my 5x5.

Squat - first 3 of my 5x5 sets @ 275 and last two sets @ 315
Dead - 5x5 @ 225
Bench - first 4 sets @ 180 and last set for 3 reps @ 230
icehog3 09:39 PM 03-01-2015
Nice job, Charlie! :-)

Clean up day today, shoulders and arms

Cambered bar curls 125, 135, 145, 155
Barbell curls 105, 115, 125, 135
Preacher curls 4 sets @ 135
Seated military press 155, 175, 195, 215
Standing Military press 3 sets @ 155
Skull crushers 115, 135, 155
Cable pushdowns 115, 135, 155, 105
Sancho 11:55 AM 03-02-2015
Nice Charlie!

Did cardio for a while then:
Cable push downs 3x10
Wide grip Lat pull downs 5x8
Dips 3x10
Military press 5x5
icehog3 01:38 PM 03-03-2015
Hi Chris!

International Chest Day, did volume on inclines, went a little heavy on bench.

Incline bench 205, 225, 245, 265, 285, 275, 255, 235, 205
Bench press 275, 305, 325, 355
Machine flyes 205, 225, 190, 175
Dips (bodyweight) 5 sets to failure

Playoff hockey game tonight, will play it by ear whether I do back tomorrow or Thursday.
swingerofbirches 04:11 PM 03-03-2015
Get it, Tom!!!

Shoulders & Cardio today.

5x5 OHP @ 200lbs (new high for me)
4x8 High Cable Rope-to-Nose (150) SS w/ Standing Cable (150) w/ last set as dropset in 30lb increments until failure at each drop
4x10 Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press 25lb/ea
5x10 Side Dumbbell Raises @ 15lb/ea

Cardio - 3.7mi interval running/walking; 2min on & 2min off
icehog3 05:00 PM 03-03-2015
Another PB, Charlie, nice! :-)
swingerofbirches 06:41 PM 03-03-2015

Forgive me, as i'm sure that i should know that abbreviation. I'm just blasted and not quick on the uptake tonight. lol
Sancho 09:35 PM 03-03-2015
Personal best? I'm guessing here. Nice sets Tom and Charlie! Good luck in the playoffs Tom!
icehog3 11:32 PM 03-03-2015
PB is correct = Personal Best. :-)

Thanks Chris....big win tonight, I scored twice and we are one win away from advancing to the Finals. :-)
Sancho 08:41 PM 03-04-2015
Awesome Tom! That's great!

Tonight was wild rowing

Pendlay row 5x5
Barbell row 5x5
Concept2 rower 10km
icehog3 11:34 PM 03-04-2015
Took today off after Tuesday's late game. Gonna row like Chris on Thursday, row 'til I am pumped as a MoFo. :-)
Sancho 10:59 AM 03-05-2015
That should be a shirt Tom!

Did some cardio intervals 1.5 miles
Some body weight stuff to failure as the racks were occupied.
Dips (assisted) 5 sets to failure
Chin-ups (assisted) 5 sets to failure
Squats 2 to failure
icehog3 01:33 PM 03-05-2015
I'll copyright it, Chris! :-)

Back started out badly today, I felt a good tweak in my left lat on my first set of pulldowns. Decided to do strict heavy rows instead, and actually got a PLAMF workout in.

Barbell rows 205, 235, 255, 275, 295, 305, 325 285, 245
T-bar rows 4 sets @ 270
Cable rows 220, 240, 260, 280, 290, 290
icehog3 02:17 PM 03-06-2015
Shoulders and arms hoy.

Barbell curls 95, 105, 155, 125, 135
Cambered curls 135, 145, 155, 155
Preacher curls 115 x 3 sets
Seated Military Press 165, 185, 205, 215, 205, 185
Skullcrushers 105, 105, 115, 115
French curls 105 x 3 sets
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