Angry_Pirate 03:19 PM 07-15-2015
CRIMPS 11:01 AM 07-16-2015
Right now, rolling with the Kershaw Cryo 2. Classy looking knife which works well for work, but slick as snot and pretty heavy.
Seriously considering adding a Spyderco Paramilitary2. I like the black blade as well.
Just ordered this ZT 0350....
Angry_Pirate 02:53 PM 07-17-2015
Very nice ZT on my wishlist to get one someday.
JIMBETHYNAME 11:24 AM 07-19-2015
I currently carry a red kershaw blur,cool little knife and hencho en estades unitas
New toys! ZT 0350 Flipper, Gerber Punch Knife and a new 260 lumen Streamlight
longknocker 09:25 PM 07-20-2015
Steve 08:26 AM 07-21-2015
Originally Posted by Remo:
Attachment 16005
New toys! ZT 0350 Flipper, Gerber Punch Knife and a new 260 lumen Streamlight :-)
I thought you just sold these...
Nice pick-ups though!
Originally Posted by Steve:
I thought you just sold these...
Nice pick-ups though!
I had a few of the punch knives, last one is for sale, get it!!
LockOut 09:48 AM 07-22-2015
Just picked up a Kershaw Knockout with the blackwash elmax blade of massdrop. Really liking it so far. Replacing the s30v blur I've carried daily for 4 years.
issues 12:08 PM 07-22-2015
Very cool Tom! Aren't you a lefty?
JCinPA 01:27 PM 07-22-2015
Not my photo, but same 2 knives ...
I love the Benchmade Griptilian design and have one of the originals with the oval-shaped hole (now round). I think the Axis Lock is the best thing going in pocket folders and it opens almost like an assisted opener (it's not) with practice. I also got the trainer.
Thanks to whoever put this pic on the web!
issues 11:43 PM 07-22-2015
Here's a new one I haven't posted on here yet.
This is a custom by Jens Anso out of Denmark called the Funk.
longknocker 04:26 AM 07-23-2015
Originally Posted by issues:
Here's a new one I haven't posted on here yet.
This is a custom by Jens Anso out of Denmark called the Funk.
issues 09:09 AM 07-24-2015
Here's another custom, this is an El Patron by Jeremy Robertson of Calavera Cutlery.
Not a knife, but scored a 100 lumen TerraLUX light today for pocket change
timj219 06:50 PM 07-24-2015
I've always carried a victorinox swiss army in my pocket - currently the small tinker model.
Not exactly a pocket knife but I've carried a KA-BAR last ditch neck knife for years. Weighs less than an ounce and could be a good thing if, like me, you're too old to either run as fast or fight as well as you used to but don't want to conceal a gun. Thankfully I've never had to resort to it. I am thinking I might retire it one day in favor of a Brous Silent Soldier. Significantly heavier though at 3.2 oz with sheath but it looks beatifully made and facilitates many more grip alternatives than the ka-bar.
issues 06:58 PM 07-25-2015
Nice choice Tim!
I own a Brous Bionic auto and I purchased a Bionic flipper for a friend for Christmas last year.
Really like his stuff!!!
looking for know 07:15 PM 07-25-2015
Kershaw 1555Ti Cryo Assisted 2-3/4".
8Cr13MoV, titanium carbo-nitride coating. Took it off a student.