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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
swingerofbirches 12:12 PM 02-10-2015
Good to see you again Chris & Christos!

Yesterday was 5x5 (squats @ 275 / deads @ 245 / OHP @ 180) followed up by ...
Leg Press - 3/7 @ 720
Shoulder Cable Row (?) - 4/10 @ 100 (last set dropset; technical failure at each drop) supersetted with Rope Cable Pull (high mount, pull to nose) - 4/10 @ 120 (last set same as above)

Today was an hour of elliptical.
GreekGodX 12:37 PM 02-10-2015
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Hope that back just keeps getting batter, Son! :-)
Thanks Pops :-) It feels really good. Doesn't help that I sit most of the day though. For any of you looking for mobility work, search for "mobility wod" on youtube. This guy has a ton of very useful stuff.

Conditioning today. Ran stairs and sled work. Very intense. Lots of weighted abs until failure. Working on the beach body for the summer :-)
icehog3 01:33 PM 02-10-2015
Let's hit the beach at Shack, Son! :-)

International Chest Day.

Incline bench 195, 215, 235, 255, 275, 295
Pro-elite Bench (machine) 190, 200, 210, 225, 200, 180
Bench press 225, 275, 325
Decline Press 225, 275
Dips 3 sets to failure
Sancho 11:32 AM 02-11-2015
Nice work all! Good stuff on that YouTube feed, gotta spend some time watching that.

Squats 5x5
OHP 3-5x5
Deadlifts 135,225,285x5 small milestone for me as that puts me a few percentage points over body weight :-)

Was gonna finish with some cable work but ran out of steam.
GreekGodX 03:50 PM 02-11-2015
Chest, back, and shoulders today. I split my workouts into upper body and lower body. 4 "lifting days" a week.

Bench ramped up with triples until 315. 315 4x1 Supersets with bent over rows 225x10
Floor press 315
Military press 145 4x5 supersets with pull-ups super strict form, pause at bottom neck to bar pause at top 4x5
Anterior delt work, front raises, biceps, and triceps.

Heard Arnold and Pavel Tsatsouline talk about muscle awareness and contractions during reps. Enjoy those little tips to think about during workouts.
icehog3 03:59 PM 02-11-2015
Nice wrokout today, Son! :-)

Back for me, mixed up the free weights and cables for reps.

Cable pulldowns 220, 250, 270, 290, 240
Bent over rows 205, 235, 265, 285, 235
Cable rows 260, 280, 305, 260
T-bar rows 250 x 4 sets
Dead hangs x 4
swingerofbirches 07:37 AM 02-12-2015
Had a GREAT lift last night!

5x5 - squat @ 295 / bench @ 220 / wide grip barbell row @ 205

Followed by some chest & back work ...

Decline bench 4/10 @ 180 SS w/ high rows @ 230 (HS) with last set of each dropsetted until failure at each drop
Flys 4/10 @ 130 SS w/ low rows @ 180 ... dropset like above
Barbell Shrugs - 5/10 @ 225
Flat bar Lat Pulldowns - 4/8 @ 120

Wrapped it up with a superset of dropsetted bis & tris (cable curls starting @ 100 / angled pull downs starting at 140, dropped 20lbs every drop and drops done until technical failure at each drop)

This morning was just 30min of fasted cardio to start the day. Feeling awesome!!! :-)

Hope everyone had great workouts and even better days!
icehog3 09:00 AM 02-12-2015
Nice lifts, Charlie! :-)
swingerofbirches 03:35 PM 02-14-2015
Arm day today ... similar to last Saturday's workout ... Great pump, already pretty sore.

Pulled something in the right side of my back that's making it hurt when I inhale a full breath. It's eased a bit throughout the day so hopefully itll be feeling fully better by Monday's 5x5.
I've officially learned my lesson; when arm day is done, don't screw around with heavy shrugs :/
icehog3 05:42 PM 02-14-2015
Hope you feel better quickly, Charlie, I have that back pain that I originally thought was a kidney , and it still isn't 100% 6 weeks later.
Sancho 02:30 PM 02-16-2015
Heal quick Charlie!

Yesterday was
Squats 5x5
Bench 5x5
Row 5x5
Some cable work to failure tri's and bi's
icehog3 04:12 PM 02-16-2015
Hi Chris!

Back day....Heavy on cables, high reps on rows today.

Pulldowns 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 290
Barbell rows 185, 205, 225, 245, 265
Cable rows 260, 280, 305, 260
Pullups 2 sets
swingerofbirches 06:23 PM 02-17-2015
Back still feels a tad tweeted but i managed to get some squats (275) and benchpress (200) and some cardio in on Monday and some cardio in today. I'm gonna shoot for a shoulder day tomorrow ... either shoulders or make this week a "one muscle group per day" week just to switch things up. If I go that route I'll either work shoulders or chest tomorrow.

Thx for the well wishes guys! :-)
icehog3 06:27 PM 02-17-2015
Hope the back keeps improving, Charlie.

I had good luck with my shoulder when training it after bi's last time, so I skipped the gym today and will do arms and shoulders tomorrow....see if it still holds true.
swingerofbirches 03:12 PM 02-18-2015
Upper back feels ok today ... the shoveling of last night and today has taken a slight toll on my lower back tho! LOL

Managed to get a quick chest workout in today ... wasn't a very long workout and was pretty low volume but was high weight for me (remember, weakest chest on earth LOL) and my chest was swollen and will definitely be sore tomorrow.

Flat Bench (HS) 5x5 @ 200
Incline Bench (HS) 4x5 @ 150
Decline Bench (HS) 3x5 @ 220
Flys (machine) 3x5 @ 145
Isolation Press (HS; single arm, seated sideways) 3x8 @ 45
Dips 3x5 @ 230

Tomorrow is gonna be heavy weight, low volume back day ... continuing on with the "shock the system" by having an oddball lifting week. :-)

Hope everyone is well and lifting hard!
icehog3 03:54 PM 02-18-2015
Sounds like a good workout, Charlie, hope the back stays well.

Arms and Shoulders today:

Olympic Barbell Curls 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
Cambered bar curls 135, 155, 135
Preacher Curls 155 x 4 sets
Military press 135, 165, 185, 195, 205
Shrugs 315 x 3 sets
Skullcrushers 105, 125, 145, 155, 115
Cable pushdowns 95, 115, 125, 135, 155, 115
swingerofbirches 03:59 PM 02-18-2015
Get it Tom!
swingerofbirches 03:00 PM 02-19-2015
Heavy back day today (again, heavy for me lol)

Squats - 5x5 @ 275
Standing Barbell Rows - 3/8 @ 245 (last set was failure @ 6) superset with Shrugs - 5/10 @ 245; last set was until failure (6) @ 295
Lat Pulldown - 3/10 @ 140
Wide Grip Cable Pulldown - 3/10 @ 140

Cardio for 30min
icehog3 07:59 PM 02-19-2015
You musta been pumped as a MoFo, Charlie! :-)

Off day today (in training all day), back at it manana.
swingerofbirches 06:42 AM 02-20-2015
lol my back (and chest from two days ago) are pretty worked today ... i was indeed pumped as a MoFo lol

Just cardio today.

Also, since my wife has decided that she really likes my NDS Cardio Cuts i've cut back on taking it and am using now only on days when i do only cardio. That said, i've tried ACG3 pre-workout a couple of times this week and i must be defective because i don't feel like it does anything for me. All the online feedback i read talks about how intense it is but i just don't get much out of it. C4 and Neon Sport really hit me. Idk :/
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