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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 04:19 PM 01-23-2015
Standard Olympic bar is 45 pounds, Charlie, it that's what you're using.

Did you get pumped as a MoFo? :-)
swingerofbirches 05:36 PM 01-23-2015
Well that puts my 5x5 squats and deads @ 245 LOL

No, I didn't get "pumped as a MoFo" :-)
Honestly it wasn't my best workout ever. I barely had the energy to get through my 5x5 portion so I did't get to leg hypertrophy; I think that my basketball playing last night took it's toll. I'll just tack it onto the end of my arm workout tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow is my "pumped as a MoFo" day!!! :-)
icehog3 10:17 PM 01-23-2015
Hope so too, Charlie. :-)
swingerofbirches 11:10 AM 01-24-2015
Arms today ...

I tried to push the weight and progressively load ... my biceps are really really laggy and i'm starting to get frustrated. So if anyone has any advice for growing bis, by all means, post up anything you're willing to share.

Superset - Set 1 - Cable Curl 10 reps @ 140 / Close Grip Cable Pull Downs 10 reps @ 170
- Set 2 - " " 10 reps @ 150 / " " 10 reps @ 180
- Set 3 - " " 8 reps @ 160 / " " 8 reps @ 200
- Set 4 - " " 6 reps @ 170 / " " 6 reps @ 200

Superset - Reverse EZBar Curl 4/10 @ 60 / Overhead Rope Extensions Set 1 - 10 @ 120
Set 2 - 10 @ 130
Set 3 - 8 @ 140
Set 4 - 7 @ 140

Dips (Hoist Machine) Set 1 - 10 @ 215
Set 2 - 10 @ 215
Set 3 - 10 @ 235
Set 4 - 8 @ 235

Preacher Curl w/ EZBar - Sets 1-4 - 10 @ 70 / 10 @ 70 / 8 @ 70 / 7 @ 70

Standing EZBar Curl - Set 1 - 5 @ 80
Set 2 - 4 @ 80
Set 3 - 3 @ 80

Finished up with front (3/15 @ 30) and back (3/15 @ 60) forearm curls, since my forearms and grip strength need to get better for me to progress in my deads without straps.

30 min of cardio (treadmill set at 15incline and 3mph)

Still didn't feel "Pumped as a MoFo" ... i pushed the weight today but got less of a "pump" than usual. Meh :-)
GreekGodX 05:34 PM 01-24-2015
Originally Posted by swingerofbirches:
Arms today ...

Still didn't feel "Pumped as a MoFo" ... i pushed the weight today but got less of a "pump" than usual. Meh :-)
Here's my arm Rx. When I workout biceps my arms are so pumped that it sometimes hurts. You have a lot of volume but the key to bicep training is the eccentric phase (lowering of the weight). I made the biggest improvements on my arms when I started doing weighted negatives on pull-ups (think eccentric phase). Physiologically our biceps are made to hold weight. So if you want them to grow, try doing a 3-second negative on each rep. Pair that with gripping it like someone is trying to steal it from you and that should give you quality reps. Think at the top to flex your bicep and hold that flex as you are lowering the weight.

Also my preference is to do triceps before biceps in a superset. For me it "greases" my joints, lets me get better reps, and more blood flow. Focus on the pump with partial movements as well. Say after you do pulley bicep curls, last rep only lower it halfway down and do 5-10 partial reps at the top (or as many as you can do on every set). Hope you can find something that works in that, Charlie.

Love all the action in here :-)

Been working on my strength. Unfortunately tweaked my back deadlifting so working around that. Lifting heavy makes it feel better until the next day.
icehog3 06:35 PM 01-24-2015
Good to see you in here, Son. :-)

Today was shoulder day. Insomnia last night, funny that I recently read that lack of sleep decreases tolerance to pain. Maybe that was just in my head today, but after a set at 205, shoulder hurt so bad I had to shut it down, do a couple rep sets, then just a few machine sets to stretch it out. Maybe it was psychological, but it freaking hurt. :-)

Military Press 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205, 135, 135
Seated machine press 95, 115, 135

Hoping for better sleep and a better workout before my hockey game tomorrow.
icehog3 02:23 PM 01-25-2015
Arm day, nice and easy on my aching shoulder.....

Cable pushdowns (V grip) 90, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 165, 95
High dips 4 sets to failure (bodyweight)
Cambered bar curls 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 135
Hammer Curls 3 sets @ 55
Preacher curls 160, 160, 135
Sancho 03:15 PM 01-27-2015
Hope you can get back in the swing Tom, pain sucks, and you've been fighting it a long time. Do you ice it at all?

Had some recovery days myself after doing something to me knee again, back at 100% today and went to task:

Squats 5x5 @205
OHP 4-5x6 @100
Deadlifts 135,225,275,275,225,135x5

I'm going to feel it tomorrow I'm sure, but right now I feel awesome :-)
swingerofbirches 04:07 PM 01-27-2015
Good stuff Tom & Chris.

Sunday was a cheat day so I took Sunday & yesterday off completely.

Today I got back to it ... 5x5 with some extra shoulder work ... also couldn't resist the leg press :-)

5x5 Squat @ 275/ Dead @ 225 / Bench @ 210 / OHP @ 160
Leg Press - 4/8 @ 660
Low Cable Pull 3/8 @ 140 superset with High Rope Pull @ 160
Front Straight Arm Raise 3/8 @ 60
icehog3 05:02 PM 01-27-2015
Nice workouts, Chris and Charlie! :-)

Chris, I don't use ice except on new injuries, wish I had a full body ice tub like the professional sports teams have, I would give that a whirl.

International Chest today today, strength low, hit the moderate weights for some high reps and short rest periods.
swingerofbirches 09:54 AM 01-28-2015
Arms this morning ... PUMPED AS A MOFO!!!

Did the same arm workout as last time and got an awesome pump off it this time. Last time was strange cuz my pump was minimal and the soreness didn't hit me until about 2 days later but I'm already feeling it today. Good stuff!!!
icehog3 01:37 PM 01-28-2015
Yes, Charlie! :-)

Back today. Fogot my preworkout drink, my headphones, and was late. Great day...not.

Cable pulldowns 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 290
Cable rows 220, 240, 260, 280
Barbell rows 225, 255, 275, 295

Dat's all, folks. :-)
icehog3 01:29 PM 01-29-2015
Took the pain and repped out for shoulders.

Seated Military Presses 125 x 20, 145 x 20, 165 x 20, 185 x 16, 195 x 13, 205 x 9, 165 x 16

Tricep pushdowns 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 125, 105
swingerofbirches 03:10 PM 01-30-2015
Good work, Tom!

I played bball last night but started feeling sick as the night went on and work up with a pretty wicked sinus thing ... so today is a rest day.
icehog3 05:21 PM 01-30-2015
Feel better soon, Charlie.

Kind of an off-day, just bi's and abs. Leg day manana.
swingerofbirches 04:40 PM 01-31-2015
Sick again today :-)

How'd legs go, Tom?
icehog3 12:56 AM 02-01-2015
Hope you feel better tomorrow, Charlie.

Legs went well.....didn't do much, 6 sets of leg presses at 655, some seated hamstring curls and some stretching. Between 3 games this week and another coming Monday, it's all I could muster. :-)
icehog3 04:44 PM 02-01-2015
Chest and back today, doubled up because I'm concerned about the roads tomorrow before work. Reps on chest, a littlle heavy on back.

Incline bench 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 275
Bench press 245, 275, 295, 275
Decline Bench 245, 275, 295
Machine Flyes 175, 205, 220, 250

T-bar rows 205, 225, 250, 270, 295, 320
Barbell rows 205, 225, 245, 265, 285, 305
Cable rows 6 sets at 260
2 sets of pullups

That should hold me if I skip tomorow. :-)
swingerofbirches 06:09 PM 02-02-2015
Still sick today ... i'm starting to become hopeful that tomorrow i'll be able to get back to the gym. I'll go lighter since it'll be my first day back after 4 sick days off and feeling pretty weak.

Nice work today, Tom!
swingerofbirches 12:17 PM 02-03-2015
A little sick today but definitely on the up-swing ...

Decided to do a pretty easy 5x5 followed by some 3x8s to round out a full upper body workout since i've been off for 4 days :/

* 5x5 - Squats @ 245 / 3x5 - Deads @ 245 / 5x5 - Bench (HS) @ 200 / 5x5 - OHP (HS) @ 140
* Bent over barbell rows - 3/10 @ 180 supersetted with barbell shrugs 3/10 @ 180
* Cable Curls EZBar 3/8 @ 160 supersetted with Close Grip Angled Pull Downs 3/8 @ 200 ... final set of each drop-setted by 20lbs down to a total of 100lbs under starting weight; all dropset sets done until technical failure

No cardio today ... as long as i'm not dead in the morning i'll start back up with cardio tomorrow :-)
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