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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
swingerofbirches 12:18 PM 01-15-2015
Dang ... you're moving some weight, Tom! Nice job!

5x5 again today ... Squat @ 220 / Deadlift @ 220 / Bench @ 200 ... finished up with Cable Curls (ezbar) 5/20 @ 80 supersetted with Close Grip Angled Cable Extensions 5/20 @ 120

On a positive note, the good shoulder is feeling a bit better today. I'm hopeful that it'll be fine here in another day or two!
icehog3 01:33 PM 01-15-2015
Good news on the shoulder, Charlie! :-)
Adriftpanda 12:41 PM 01-16-2015
Deadlift party with myself last night.

Deads 4x4
Halted deads 4x5
Shrugs 4x10
Seated v-grip rows 4x6

finished it off with some tricep movements bc I miss doing it.

cable extensions 5x12-15, 15 sec rest
dips 4x10
seated db overhead extensions 4x8-10
icehog3 01:37 PM 01-16-2015
Nice, Huy!

Off today, International Chest Day tomorrow before work.
swingerofbirches 01:56 PM 01-16-2015
Did a little bit of back work today before my cardio.

Close Grip Row (HammerStrength) - 4/8 @ 230
Wide Grip Cable Row - 4/8 @ 160
Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 4/8 @ 120
Long Bar Shrugs - 5/10 @ 150

Just wanted to get a little back lift in ... i've got a rly busy weekend coming up and wanted to be able to do arms & shoulders (and cardio) tomorrow before things get busy so that i'll be on track next Monday to start again with 5x5s.

You guys have any pre-workout or fat burner recommendations?

Currently all I take is the GNC Men's Health Energy Vitamin Pak ... but i'm looking for a little bit of a boost and pre-workout should give me a boost before i hit the weights and a good (GOOD being a very key word) fat burner to help me shed some of this belly/love handle fat.
Sancho 03:19 PM 01-16-2015
Good news Charlie!

Huy, gotta love deadlift parties did some myself today :-)

I'm not using anything pre workout, stuff all gave me the jitters. I'm using Optimum Nutrition Gold, on Tom/Huy's recommendation. Like it a lot better than any GNC product which was akin to swallowing drywall cement.

Squats 5x5
OHP 5x5
Deads 135,185,265,185x5
Close grip cable pull downs 3 sets to failure
Adriftpanda 08:23 PM 01-17-2015
Squats yesterday, off today and tomorrow.

squats 4x6
front squats 4x3
close stance hack 4x8
bulgarian split squats 3x10

some core work +calves. Donuts and pancakes to recover today :-)
icehog3 10:30 PM 01-17-2015
Chest today, strength super low, so I prefatigued with some machine work and then did rep sets of inclines: 185, 205, 225, 245, 265. Then some flyes and machine inclines to finish. Decent workout for such a low energy day.
icehog3 12:29 AM 01-19-2015
Second low energy day in a row, and knew I had two hockey games, so I prefatgiued again with cables for back. The pullups I finished with really ended the workout on a good note...and pump.

Cable Rows 200, 230, 250, 270, 290, 310
Cable pulldowns (neutral grip) 200, 220, 240, 260, 280
Barbell rows 205, 225, 245, 265, 285, 225
Pullups 4 sets to failure
swingerofbirches 07:20 PM 01-19-2015
Good work, Tom!!!

Today was 5x5 (Squat @ 230 / Deads @ 200 / Bench @ 180 / OHP @ 160) ...

Followed by a hypertrophic shoulder workout:
Low Cable Pulls (5/20 @ 80)
High Rope Cable Pulls (5/20 @ 80)
Bent Over Cable Side Extensions (5/20 @ 20)
Shrugs (3/20 @ 110)

Finished with a superset of Cable Curls (5/20 @ 80) and Close Grip Cable Pull Down (5/20 @ 120)

My goal for the next month and a half or two is to do the following:
Monday - 5x5 + shoulders / Cardio
Tuesday - Cardio
Wednesday - 5x5 + chest & back / Cardio
Thursday - Cardio
Friday - 5x5 + legs
Saturday - Bis/Tris & Cardio

I'm really looking forward to this routine. :-)
Sancho 07:42 PM 01-19-2015
Perk up Tom! How many games have you been in this week? Still solid for low energy.

Good work Huy, I don't like those Bulgarian squats

Nice Charlie, program looks pretty heavy on PL

Squats 5x5
Bench 3-5x5
Row 5x5
ISO bench 2x5
Cable pushdowns 3 sets to failure, I may switch these to drop sets or maybe dips to mix it up.

Felt okay, bench is still giving me problems, progress there for me is slow slow slow.
swingerofbirches 09:38 AM 01-20-2015
Chris, if tomorrow rolls around and I haven't recovered enough (or Friday) then i'll back of the 5x5 by one time this week. I'd considered doing Mon/Wed/Sat, but figured that i'd rather have 2 full days off 5x5 over the weekend. If I feel like i'm in danger of overdoing it or hurting myself i'll just cut it down to 5x5 twice this week.

I'm feeling good and sore today lol ... we'll see how tomorrow goes.

My biggest struggle is that i'm trying to put on muscle while dropping fat/weight. It's a tough combo.
icehog3 11:04 AM 01-20-2015
Tough combo for certain, of luck with both goals!

Switching it up always seems to help me, Chris.

After two low energy days in a row, took yesterday off after a tough hockey game Sunday night, and did a psuedo double today. Felt much better, kept it basic.

Cambered bar curls 125, 135, 145, 155, 165
Preacher curls 135, 135, 135, 135, 110
Seated Military Press 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 185
Skull crushers 105, 125, 135, 145, 125, 105
swingerofbirches 06:21 PM 01-20-2015
Good work, Tom! Like I said before, you move some weight!!!

I managed 60min of cardio this evening. I know that gaining muscle while losing weight is tough stuff but if you want crazy results you gotta do crazy work. :-)

What kind of cardio do you guys do? Tom, anything beyond hockey (i know what a workout that is; i grew up in Chicago)? Chris?
icehog3 10:12 PM 01-20-2015
Charlie, it's strictly hockey for me. My team and two others I play for, I usually get 3 to 4 games a week, plus some rat time.

Keep pushing toward your dual goals, Brother! :-)
swingerofbirches 05:26 PM 01-21-2015
5x5 again today (squat @ 180 / dead @ 180 / bench @ 190 - focusing super closely on form for all exercises) followed by chest/back supersets. 3/10 Incline Bench (HammerStrength) @ 120 w/ Close Grip High Row (HammerStrength) @ 180 , 3/10 Decline Bench (HS) @ 140 w/ Close Grip Low Row (HS) @ 180 , 3/10 Cable Flys @ 80 , 3/10 Dips @ 130 , superset 3/10 Barbell Wide Grip Rows @ 110 w/ Shrugs @ 110 , 3/10 Reverse EZBar Curls @ 50 ... followed it all up with 45min of basketball shoot around.

I feel sick LOL
icehog3 10:08 PM 01-21-2015
THAT is some serious volume, Charlie! :-) :-)

Off day today, leg day manana.
swingerofbirches 12:41 PM 01-22-2015
Thanks Tom! :-) I think that this is part of me learning what works for me. I lifted when I was younger but it was a more traditional style of lifting and i've been lifting again for awhile now as an adult and my body (sports, lifting) has always responded best to high volume. I think that I may just be one of those people that has to work out like this if i'm gonna get the results that I want. I have a hard time with feeling like I didn't leave it all out there too, so this kind of lifting helps me feel like i'm giving it everything I have.

Good luck with leg day! I'll be doing hypertrophic legs tomorrow after my 5x5 so i feel your pain.

Just cardio today ... not sure if that's gonna be the elliptical/treadmill or if i'll get some pickup basketball in.
icehog3 01:05 PM 01-23-2015
Hola Psychos. :-)

Didn't feel like training when I got to the gym so I knew I had to do something different for back. Ended up being pumped as a MoFo by the time I left.

T-bar rows 225 x 10 sets. Dropped rest time every set until I wasn't even catching my breath for the last one. 25 reps on set 1, down to 10 reps by set 10.

Cable rows 240 x 6 sets, decreasing rest again

Barbell rows 175, 195, 215, 235, 255

Finished with 3 supersets of pullups to failure and cable pulldowns:
Bodyweight/220, bodyweight/200, bodyweight/180
swingerofbirches 02:15 PM 01-23-2015
"Pumped as a MoFo" - new standard for being pumped lol :-)

5x5 today - Squats (200) / Deads (200) / Chest (200) / OHP (160)

It occurred to me today that i've never counted the weight of the bar when totaling up my squat and dead weights. 200 up there means 200 in plates. Idk how much the bar weighs honestly.

Tomorrow is arms and cardio.

Last night was pickup bball for an hour.
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