CigarSquid 08:16 PM 05-28-2012
Few things I picked up while I was in Portland.
Crownedone 02:56 PM 05-29-2012
Nice hit! I love the Osok.
Great selection Garrrrrrrrrry!!!!!!!
CigarSquid 03:36 PM 05-29-2012
Few I have wanted singles of.. Finally got my hands on some.
Partially Deaf 04:21 PM 05-29-2012
What is the thing with the skull on it?
Originally Posted by Partially Deaf:
What is the thing with the skull on it?
Room 101 OSOK (One Shot One Kill)
688sonarmen 06:12 PM 05-29-2012
The presentation on these is to good not to share! Sorry if they are not rotated, photobucket is being hard to get along with.
irratebass 06:29 PM 05-29-2012
Some great sticks guys!!!!
kelmac07 06:50 PM 05-29-2012
Nice grabs Garry, Jake & Mickey!!
big pete 08:17 PM 05-29-2012
Small sampler I picked up from another CA member
maninblack 08:50 PM 05-29-2012
Holy smokes! Good pickups gents!
Angry_Pirate 01:23 AM 05-30-2012
The Wife and I went on a 6 Day road trip to Minnesota,North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska. We stopped by some B&M's and I picked up some great smokes!!
Forbidden X LBMF
:-), and Crowned Head Four Kicks
1 Tat Wolfman and Some L.P.'s
kelmac07 05:56 AM 05-30-2012
Blak Smyth 06:24 AM 05-30-2012
Wow good stuff JT, some HTF in there!!
Trace63 07:25 AM 05-30-2012
Seriously have to try some soon, never had anything from Viaje
Subvet642 07:48 AM 05-30-2012
Originally Posted by Trace63:
Viaje's!! :-)
Nice score, Bro!
Trace63 09:11 AM 05-30-2012
Originally Posted by Subvet642:
Nice score, Bro!:-)
I failed at quoting a previous poster, not mine! lol
Subvet642 09:25 AM 05-30-2012
Originally Posted by Trace63:
I failed at quoting a previous poster, not mine! lol
Well, someone scored.
:-) :-)
Mattso3000 09:33 AM 05-30-2012
Originally Posted by Angry_Pirate:
Viaje's!! :-)
Based on current stock I'm going to guess Tobacco Grove...
Nice haul!