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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
forgop 08:06 PM 03-30-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
I wasn't implying that you were depressed over your physical appearance and I apologize if that is what you thought. I am talking about suffering from clinical depression. This is a serious mental issue.
I didn't interpret it as such. I'm actually going through an abnormal psychology class right now and it's kinda funny that the instructor joked that a lot of us will somehow feel as though we could be diagnosed with many of the disorders we're covering. It's a pretty interesting class and gives a lot of insight over a lot of these things.

Obviously depression can be attributed to a number of factors in ones environment and feelings over your physical appearance can obviously have a significant impact on it. Obviously the goal is to cut the weight because I obviously recognize the health/mental benefits of it. It's just that darned problem I have with virtually no motivation from the time I start my diet and it just unravels after a few days. I have that goal of losing ~ 55 lbs, but I seem to have lost that competitive edge anymore to stick with it.
MortonMilo 08:41 PM 03-30-2010
Duane, I'm sorry to hear, and wish you all the best.

For some situations, time is one of the biggest healers.
Starscream 07:19 AM 03-31-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
I'm up around 205 now. I'm gonna go look for the "Gaining weight with Andysutherland" thread. :-)
There's a gaining weight with hardcz thread out there somewhere in thread limbo.:-)
Originally Posted by forgop:
I didn't interpret it as such. I'm actually going through an abnormal psychology class right now and it's kinda funny that the instructor joked that a lot of us will somehow feel as though we could be diagnosed with many of the disorders we're covering. It's a pretty interesting class and gives a lot of insight over a lot of these things.

Obviously depression can be attributed to a number of factors in ones environment and feelings over your physical appearance can obviously have a significant impact on it. Obviously the goal is to cut the weight because I obviously recognize the health/mental benefits of it. It's just that darned problem I have with virtually no motivation from the time I start my diet and it just unravels after a few days. I have that goal of losing ~ 55 lbs, but I seem to have lost that competitive edge anymore to stick with it.
Duane, have you tried setting smaller goals? Don't try to lose 55 lbs. Set a goal to lose 5 or 10 pounds. Then when you reach that goal you will feel that you have accomplished something. Then set another goal of 5 or 10 pounds and so forth. Keep setting small goals so you will constantly be successful. Eventually you'll reach that 55 lbs. goal. Short term goals help a bit with motivation. 55lbs seems like so far away that you'll give up more quickly than you would with a 5 pound goal.
SilverFox 11:16 AM 03-31-2010
Tommorrow is weigh in day still time to get a guess in at my contest.

Oh except for you Andy.........:-)
Starscream 05:56 PM 03-31-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Tommorrow is weigh in day still time to get a guess in at my contest.

Oh except for you Andy.........:-)
kayaker 10:56 AM 04-01-2010
Hey everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. Life has been crazy busy since I landed in Alberta. I haven't been able to maintain any kind of regular exercise except when I'm working. The weather is getting nicer here, so I hope to spend more time outside.

My weight has been fluctuating but since the first month or so up here I've been able to keep it around par for me (235). This morning gave me a nice surprise of 231.2. Now the goal is to at least stay at this weight or drop a few more. Maybe I will go run some stairs in the river valley.:-)
MortonMilo 12:25 PM 04-01-2010
Down 12.5 lbs from my peak a little over a month ago to 185. Sub 180 is in my sights!
SilverFox 02:14 PM 04-01-2010
228.8 this morning

For reference I was 240 when I graduated high school.

I am kicking ass and taking names and I have no intent on slowing down.

Muscles are starting to peak through here and there. My wife says that while she always thought I looked hot............that now she fears others might start thinking so (dunno about that ugly is ugly LOL)

No six pack yet but there is a 2 pack (my lower abs are rock hard and showing) pretty damn cool

Body fat % is down to 19.4%, been burning a little muscle the last couple of weeks in addition to fat but that can't be helped.

15 to 20 more to go then its muscle building time.

C'mon over and take a guess for month 4 RIGHT HERE
Starscream 05:40 PM 04-02-2010
Awesome Shawn!:-)
I've spent the afternoon in the heat at baseball practice and then went outside in the yard with my son and worked on catching and fielding. Worked up a good sweat today.
Starscream 06:15 PM 04-03-2010
I just bought a Wii Fit Plus. Gonna test this thing out now.
forgop 06:38 PM 04-03-2010
I had blood drawn on Friday to test thyroid and various other stuff. I figured if I'm gonna do this right, I need to know if my thyroid is working against me anyway. I've also set up an appointment for Wednesday to discuss the results and inquire about an anti-depressant of some sort that will hopefully help me stay on track.
Starscream 07:08 PM 04-03-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
I had blood drawn on Friday to test thyroid and various other stuff. I figured if I'm gonna do this right, I need to know if my thyroid is working against me anyway. I've also set up an appointment for Wednesday to discuss the results and inquire about an anti-depressant of some sort that will hopefully help me stay on track.
Thoughts and prayers sent for positive results Wednesday, Duane.
pmwz 02:14 PM 04-04-2010
weight yesterday 240.3. gym is closed today + my first day without training in 10 days. big easter meal today + on wednesday i am going to fire up my grill for the first time this year.
The great thing is that the 100 kg mark is in sight. goal is to be under it at the end of may (first time since summer of 2005 when i was 17)
I am also going back to keeping a food + exercise diary after the easter holidays because i dont think i can get to my goal in time without one....
Scottw 02:31 PM 04-04-2010
198 this morning althought ill put on 5 pounds today with all this food. might make a run at 190. I graduated high school at 190.
forgop 07:08 PM 04-04-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Thoughts and prayers sent for positive results Wednesday, Duane.
Thanks...I'm actually kinda hoping they do find something a little off with my thyroid so I actually do have a bit of an excuse when it comes to how much harder it's been for me to lose weight in the past 5 years. Being down in the dumps and not really caring about much will do a lot to undermine your dieting efforts as well.

At any rate, I'm hitting the spinning class starting tomorrow from 9:15-10:15am at LA Fitness Monday-Friday and getting back on my program full-time. We'll see if I can keep from falling off the wagon this time around.
Starscream 11:34 AM 04-06-2010
Been playing Wii Fit for about two hours. only burned 250 calories. Too much time taken to explain everything. Maybe when I set up my routines it will let me keep exercising at a steady pace. This things pretty awesome, though!:-)
shilala 02:48 PM 04-06-2010
I think I was 204.8 this morning. The weight is coming off since I got all my drugs settled in. I'm starting to feel pretty good, too. :-)
I'm excited to see what the next month brings. :-)
SilverFox 03:30 PM 04-07-2010
Had my 2 week check in with fitmetabolism today.

Had the best two week results since I have started my program.

Add that in to the training for the 200k ride and things should keep progressing nicely...........hell I even had Easter Dinner and still did well.

I have my up days and down days but there seem to be more up of late.
forgop 12:36 PM 04-08-2010
My labs came back normal, so nothing appears to be working against me other than getting a bit older compared to when I had a lot more success 6-7 years ago.

Doctor gave me 6 weeks worth of lexapro and diagnosed me with more of an adjustment disorder rather than full blown depression per se. I think he also wanted to note me as something less severe because he knows I'm going back to school to pursue nursing as he specifically commented to the fact that if I'm ever asked if I've been treated for depression, I can answer no. I'm sensing that issues of depression in the past may work against you going into the medical field, so he's probably trying to help me in that regard. I'm quite jittery after my first dose this morning.
pmwz 02:40 AM 04-11-2010
+- 0 frustrating... had one high cal day + one day without working out...but when i work out i work out hard.
going to keep track of everything i eat again. goal for the month is to get under 105 kg..
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