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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 10:12 AM 12-20-2014
Rest weekend. :-)
icehog3 09:33 PM 12-20-2014
I have one of those coming up in March, Huy! :-)

Back gas at all. Didn't feel like I was getting much of a pump. My workouts have generally been great lately, so I am not going to beat myself up for having a mediocre one today.

T-bar rows 180, 205, 225, 250, 270, 295
Wide grip cable rows 200, 220, 240, 260
V-grip cable rows 220, 240, 260, 290
Barbell rows 205, 235, 265, 295, 225
Adriftpanda 10:21 PM 12-20-2014
Finished week 6 of my powerlifting program. My deads and squats have jumped in numbers. My bench still remains about the same, although form and technique has improved. Entering week 7, I may start it tomorrow so that I way I get Xmas off. :-)

Keep up the hard work men.
icehog3 12:28 AM 12-21-2014
Kick ass in week 7, Huy. :-)
Adriftpanda 06:39 PM 12-21-2014
Decent day, considering I had no spotter and I decided to train fasted this morning.

Pause push bench 5x4
Wide grip bench touch n go 4x5
Chest supported rows 5x5
Neutral grip Db press 4x6

2 super sets of biceps and triceps 4x10
Sancho 07:50 PM 12-21-2014
Taking names Huy! Good call on the rest day on Christmas.

Squats 5x5
Bench 5x5 next workout I should hit 135, personal goal one will be accomplished!
Rows 3/5x5 was pretty gassed after bench

Finished with some bicep curls
swingerofbirches 06:30 PM 12-24-2014
I did shoulders and cardio yesterday (hypertrophy ... 8 sets/10reps). Today was off. Tomorrow i'll do an unweighted leg workout at home, since the gym is closed on Christmas Day.
icehog3 08:14 PM 12-24-2014
Christmas Eve back workout. Pre-fatigued with the cables before rowing.

Wide cable pulldowns 220, 240, 260, 290, 310
T-bar rows 225, 250, 270, 295, 225
Barbell rows 245, 265, 285, 305, 225
Cable rows 240, 260, 280, 290, 310
Dead hangs 3 sets to failure

Got lots of carbs in my Xmas Eve dinner for my Christmas Day workout manana,
icehog3 02:00 PM 12-26-2014
Shoulders and arms today, wentsemi-heavy oin bis for the first time since hurting my wrist.

Seated Military press 135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215
Barbell shrugs 225, 225, 275, 275
Cambered bar curls 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
Preacher curls 135, 150, 135
Close grip bench 4 sets @ 225
Tricep pushdowns 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 115
Sancho 08:28 PM 12-27-2014
Glad it went okay Tom, how has the shoulder been lately?

Power rack was occupied tonight and didn't feel like calling it off so mixed it up with some machine work.

Incline bench 8x5@115
Leg press 8x5@360 tried to correlate the feel to squats where I'm moving 165, felt easy on the machine :-) who knows.
Deadlifts 135,205,225x5
Bicep curls 2 sets to failure at 50
Tricep push downs 2 set to failure at 50

Felt okay, been slacking this last week.
icehog3 12:27 AM 12-28-2014
Thanks Chris, wrist felt fine, I think I must have just aggravated the osteoarthritis with those close grip curls....probably won't do those again for another week or two.

Off day today, back at it tomorrow.

Way to adapt and overcome today, Chris. :-)
swingerofbirches 03:55 PM 12-30-2014
Had a great chest/back superset & hypertrophy day on saturday and then a great arm day today (bis/tris), again hypertrophic supersetting.

I don't usually list out my workouts but it seems to be the norm here so i'll oblige. :-)
This is my second week doing hypertrophic supersetting and i'm feeling it big time! I'm actually really loving this kind of working out. Hate that I can only really do it for 3 weeks max; then it's back to some heavier stuff.

All exercises 8 sets / 10 reps :

EZ Cable Curl @ 100lbs / Close Grip Angled Pull Downs @ 140
Standing Reverse Curl EZ-bar @ 40lbs / Overhead Rope Extension @ 110
Seated Dumbell Curl (machine) @ 65lbs / Dips (machine) @ 160lbs
Seated Preacher Curl EZ-bar @ 60lbs / Lying Overhead Extensions @ 60lbs EZ-bar

Legs tomorrow ... shoulders on thursday.
Sancho 08:14 PM 12-30-2014
Nice Charlie!

Today was a normal day
Squats 5x5
OHP 5x5
Deadlifts 135,205,235x5
swingerofbirches 08:40 PM 12-30-2014
Nice Sancho! How long have you been a power-lifting routine like that?
Adriftpanda 09:08 PM 12-30-2014
Had some good days of training while on vacation. Entering week 8 of my PL program and my numbers have been awesome. Although my bench is a bit flat, I'm still pretty stoked about all my other numbers.

Heaviest squat day thus far. Didn't think I was going to hit it today but it flew.

Squat 4x4 @375
Pause squat 5x4 @305
Good mornings 5x5
Back extensions 3x10

Finished off with some core work and calve raises.
icehog3 10:16 PM 12-30-2014
Nice squattin', Huy!

Took today off to rest my kidney, not sure if it's bruised or what, but it's been pretty sore for 3 days. Gonna try a double tomorrow if I feel up to it.
Sancho 11:50 AM 12-31-2014
Nice Job Huy! That's moving some iron!

Tom, is that a hockey injury? Sounds pretty painful, hope you heal up fast.

Charlie, I'm 10 weeks into this program so I started from a empty bar after several (almost a decade of being sedintary). It's been pretty good, progress has been steady:
Bench 90-130
Squat from 45-165
Deadlift 95-235
OHP from 45-85 (easily my biggest struggle, got upto 95 but ended up stalling and deloading)
Rows from 65-115
swingerofbirches 05:57 PM 12-31-2014
Hypertrophic legs today ...
I will say that it's really strange doing hypertrophy on my lower body, but my legs are far and away the strongest part of my body and I'd have massive legs if I always did heavy lifting. A lot of folks can get away with heavy lower body all the time but that's just not how i'm built. It's kind of a psychological battle, honestly ... i know i need to keep my lower body from running away from my upper body but loading 8 plates onto the leg press as opposed to 14 is strange. LOL

Squats : 4 sets / 10 reps - warm up set of 90lbs / 1 set of 140 / 2 sets of 180 / 1 set of 230
Leg Press : 8 sets / 10 reps @ 400
Calf Raises (unweighted on stairs) : 8 sets / 25 reps
Curls : 8 sets / 10 reps @ 130
Inner Adductors (machine) : 8 sets / 10 reps @ 100
Outer Adductors (machine) : 8 sets / 10 reps @ 100
Calf Raises (weighted) : 8 sets / 20 reps @ 90
Abs - crunch machine - 8 sets / 20 reps @ 60

Tomorrow is shoulders! :-)

Good stuff, Sancho! Like you, I had a decade long layoff (from all things physical in my case) that resulted in massive weight gain, but i'm a bit over a year into my weight loss journey. You have any plans to modify your routine anytime soon or you sticking with a powerlifting style routine for a while?
Adriftpanda 11:20 PM 12-31-2014
Closed out 2014 with a bang. Closed down the gym today! Literally, since they closed at 6 and I was the last to leave.

OHP press 4x3
Pause bench (wide grip) 4x5
Wide grip lat pull down 4x8
Unilateral DB press 3x8
DB row 3x8

Finished off with a superset of bi/tri
icehog3 03:21 PM 01-01-2015
Chris, it's not a hockey injury, at least I don;t think so. Start noticing it in the gym when I do heavy flat bench. Feels better today, but I will probably stick with inclines on chest day tomorrow.

Way to close out 2014/open up 2015 to you, Charlie and Huy! :-)
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