elderboy02 07:57 AM 11-03-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Being at a herf where elderboy Dan runs out of ketchup. :-)
That would not be a good thing

ninjavanish 08:00 AM 11-03-2010
Found out yesterday that since the two wisdom teeth in question came in fully and sit up nice and high like normal teeth... there will be no need to Put me under. He said it would literally take longer to give me a local and wait for it to start working than it would to actually remove the teeth...
Being as such, he did warn me about something that scared the bajeezus out of me again...
He said that sometimes when they pull a wisdom tooth on the top side... it opens up a hole into your sinuses... which can lead to infection... which... scares the crap out of me... my sinuses already have enough holes.
And then he told me that sometimes pulling one from the bottom can leave part of your lip and tongue permanently paralyzed... both of which I use on a daily basis and would prefer them to stay in good working order...
Dentistry is a barbaric practice... but necessary I suppose.
Chingas 08:08 AM 11-03-2010
I think it's time for a new Dentist. This guy sounds shady!
McSmokey 08:30 AM 11-03-2010
Originally Posted by awsmith4:
My other biggest fear now that I'm a parent is my kids getting hurt. I know every parent worries but sometimes I think I have lost my mind with the crazy **** I can imagine while I'm watching them.
That right there is my one real fear... my friends used to think I was suicidal with the stupid crap I'd do, but now I'm exactly like this Albert it's like the imagination is stuck in overdrive on what is the worst possible thing that could happen.
CigarNut 09:20 AM 11-03-2010
My biggest fear is being separated from my family during a disaster and not being able to get in touch/together with them (no cell phone service, etc.).
Mugen910 09:26 AM 11-03-2010
Originally Posted by doctorcue:
Moray eels!
The exhibit at Sea World San Diego freaked me out!!
I saw some type of water snake when I was snorkeling out in Okinawa back in 99...scared the crap outta me!!! The strangest thing is even though I am afraid of stuff coming from under the water to grab me I'd still go out 1-2 miles in the ocean and snorkel with buddies.
marge796 09:37 AM 11-03-2010
Clowns, all of them, they scare the hell out of me to this day!
ChicagoWhiteSox 09:40 AM 11-03-2010
Originally Posted by marge796:
Clowns, all of them, they scare the hell out of me to this day!
GKitty 09:58 AM 11-03-2010
Originally Posted by ninjavanish:
He said that sometimes when they pull a wisdom tooth on the top side... it opens up a hole into your sinuses... which can lead to infection... which... scares the crap out of me... my sinuses already have enough holes.
And then he told me that sometimes pulling one from the bottom can leave part of your lip and tongue permanently paralyzed... both of which I use on a daily basis and would prefer them to stay in good working order...
Dentistry is a barbaric practice... but necessary I suppose.
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I got the same schpiel. I too was concerned because my teeth have a bad habit of having curved and/or twisted roots. After the teeth were pulled and everything was fine, I admitted to the dentist I'd been concerned about that aspect. My oral surgeon told me that it's rare that those things happen, but they tell everyone about it as a precaution against lawsuits. Kinda like those pharmacuetical ads where the listed "possible side effects" include death. It's unlikely that it'll happen, but if they've warned you against it and it does they're in the clear.
Personally, I'm not big on dark water. Used to swim at a lake at my grandparents' that is populated by gators. I learned to snorkle in the Gulf of Mexico, less than 3 miles from the pier where we used to watch fishemen pull in sharks. It trained a hypervigilence into me that sometimes blossoms into paranoia. I love the water, so I try to keep it in check, but sometimes I just have to get my feet back on dry land and calm myself down.
shilala 10:07 AM 11-03-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
I saw some type of water snake when I was snorkeling out in Okinawa back in 99...scared the crap outta me!!! The strangest thing is even though I am afraid of stuff coming from under the water to grab me I'd still go out 1-2 miles in the ocean and snorkel with buddies.
That made me think of one...
When I'm diving in stirred up water and I get intent on staring at something on the bottom, then look up and see a giant "whatever it is" swimming ten feet away and I can't make it out.
It sends a shiver right up my spine. It's fun.
Stevez 02:28 PM 11-03-2010
Originally Posted by cricky101:
I discovered that same thing a week or so ago when I was up on my roof attempting to blow out my gutters with a leaf blower. I'd never been on a roof before. It wasn't the height so much as the getting back on the ladder part. It was a chilly morning spent up on the roof psyching myself up to get on the ladder to get down :-)
Yes, I am extremely afraid of heights too and got stuck on my roof once. It was worse because there were snakes up there and they are my second greatest fear. Horibble day.
Martel 02:56 PM 11-03-2010
I'm not sure I would call it a "fear" because that implies some level of rationality, but... I'm a claustrophobe, especially with large crowds. It's not like being afraid of something that can legitimately hurt you, like poisonous snakes or falling off your roof. Intellectually, I know that I can't be injured by being in a small, enclosed space. But if I'm in one, I panic; crowded elevators are the worst! It bothers me that I have this visceral reaction to something harmless. It seems to have gotten worse with age.
MajorCaptSilly 03:10 PM 11-03-2010
I'm extremely claustrophobic but what scares me the most is the thought of having to carry on a conversation with any of my wife's sisters and most of her brothers. It is a mind numbing, IQ lowering experience that requires hours of intellectual stimulation to bring me out of my coma.
gvarsity 04:21 PM 11-03-2010
I have some of the claustrophobia, crowd, and get vertigo at heights but I'm not afraid of these things just uncomfortable at a visceral level.
The only thing that really scares me is something happening to my kids like many have already mentioned. Particularly something involving long term illness or disability. I'm mean anything bad to your kid is bad but having to watch them struggle and suffer for a long time plus having to find a way to step up everyday to support them pretty much scares the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of me. Fortunately I don't think about it much and am not of a temperament to do so unlike my wife who worries about all kinds of random ****.
Good luck with all the dentistry. It amazes me how much surgery of any kind reminds me of advanced carpentry.
BigFrank 05:23 PM 11-03-2010
Big time scares for are...
Anything involving the Dentist. I usually have to get the little blue pill before I go to just get a basic cleaning. I really hate bodies of water too, ocean, lakes, ponds whatever. Only things that I can really say bother me, because I get real bad anxiety. Nothing else does it for me.