mosesbotbol 02:16 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
Don't ever invite me over or I'll accidentally take home your wine/port glassware :-)
You'll have to get by Camber first. If you come by for a port night, I will give you a couple to take home.
mosesbotbol 02:19 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Hey Kirk,
Another that you might like to give a try that is readily available and very reasonable is the Torres Gran Coronas Cabernet Sauvignon. It is a reasonable priced wine (you should be able to find it at around the 15 to 17 dollar mark. It is an 85% Cab and 15% Tempranillo. It is from Spain if I recall, it is a very easy drinking wine that goes super with bbq :-)
Already off to a good start... That is a solid Spanish wine with a recognizable label.
I picked up a 1991 Torres Grand Reserva for $25 in bin ends on Saturday. My girlfriend and I are anxious to open it.
Mugen910 02:22 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
You'll have to get by Camber first. If you come by for a port night, I will give you a couple to take home.
Is that's your dog's name? That's awesome!
1)Torres Gran Coronas Cabernet Sauvignon
TheRiddick 02:34 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Already off to a good start...
If one doesn't mind the presence of American Oak barrels - dill nose and flavor.
pnoon 02:42 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Already off to a good start... That is a solid Spanish wine with a recognizable label.
I picked up a 1991 Torres Grand Reserva for $25 in bin ends on Saturday. My girlfriend and I are anxious to open it.
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
If one doesn't mind the presence of opinions other than my own.
I fixed it for you.
mosesbotbol 03:05 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
Is that's your dog's name? That's awesome!:-)
Yes, that's her. My avatar.
rlmedic 03:12 PM 02-22-2010
Ok lets try this again... how about a favorite French wine of mine under $20, pretty easy to find, and 90+ points by Parker if that matters to you
Saint Cosme Côte du Rhône
Mugen910 03:14 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Yes, that's her. My avatar.
Originally Posted by rlmedic:
Ok lets try this again... how about a favorite French wine of mine under $20, pretty easy to find, and 90+ points by Parker if that matters to you
Saint Cosme Côte du Rhône
Is there a specific year or does it not matter for newbies?
rlmedic 03:17 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by bobarian:
And you think there is no difference here in this "minor" mistake? A CA Cab sells for about a $3-12 a bottle. A Napa Cab $50 and up for a decent winemaker. There is no reason to even have a Napa and a CA cab in the same room. A CA cab has no hints of terroir, they may be decent wines but they are blended to take out the distinctness of region or terroir.
It was a typo that got got carried away...lets not revisit it

kgoings 03:18 PM 02-22-2010
1)Torres Gran Coronas Cabernet Sauvignon
2)St. Francis Old Vine Zinfandel
rlmedic 03:20 PM 02-22-2010
rlmedic 03:23 PM 02-22-2010
1)Torres Gran Coronas Cabernet Sauvignon
2)St. Francis Old Vine Zinfandel
3)Saint Cosme Côte du Rhône
Plus another great Zin from CA:
seghesio old vine zin
TheRiddick 03:43 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by pnoon:
I fixed it for you. :-)
Can you clarify what was it you took as "opinion"? The fact that American Oak barrels instill dill flavor on wine, sometimes heavily so? Or the fact that Spain is only second to Australia in use of American Oak in wines in that price range?
pnoon 03:50 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
Can you clarify what was it you took as "opinion"? The fact that American Oak barrels instill dill flavor on wine, sometimes heavily so? Or the fact that Spain is only second to Australia in use of American Oak in wines in that price range?
Certainly. My comment has nothing to do with wine. You obviously are quite knowledgeable about wine. But you also are intolerant of anyone's opinions or tastes but your own. Others in this thread have said as much but you choose to ignore their feedback. Evidence that you have little regard for anyone else's opinion. Moses stated he thought the list was off to a good start. Your post was arrogant and pompous and, for all intents and purposes, said it wasn't off to a good start. Why not just allow people their opinions instead of trying to come across that your opinions are the only ones that matter?
weak_link 03:52 PM 02-22-2010
I'd love to 'out' someone in this thread but I won't. Much more fun this way.
TheRiddick 04:02 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Certainly. My comment has nothing to do with wine. You obviously are quite knowledgeable about wine. But you also are intolerant of anyone's opinions or tastes but your own. Others in this thread have said as much but you choose to ignore their feedback. Evidence that you have little regard for anyone else's opinion. Moses stated he thought the list was off to a good start. Your post was arrogant and pompous and, for all intents and purposes, said it wasn't off to a good start. Why not just allow people their opinions instead of trying to come across that your opinions are the only ones that matter?
What was so "intolerant" in my response to a wine recommended? Stating the obvious that when recommending a wine maybe a few bits about flavor profile should also be included? If you like strong cigars and someone suggests a cigar you have never tried, should someone be allowed to let you know "it is light"? Is price and label enough for someone to judge if they will like it or not, be it wine or cigars?
TheRiddick 04:03 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by weak_link:
I'd love to 'out' someone in this thread but I won't. Much more fun this way. :-)
Eric, won't matter one way or another, it is clear by now...
I realize i am an unsophisticated southerner, but now i have to go and buy a different "special" glass to drink my port out of. The plastic tumbler i have used up to now isn't cutting it.
The Poet 04:14 PM 02-22-2010
To clarify my last point, 'way up there before the baitch-slappin' fight started, I never said I liked the Mollydooker. Actually, I prefer something with a bit more bite, and I never mind high tannins . . . until it hits the alum-pucker stage, anyway. What I said, or thought I did anyway, was a higher-alcohol content does not mean the drink cannot be smooth.
As for comparing Mollydooker to Bud Light . . . well, I can see YellowTail maybe, but not Mollydooker, even if only by pricepoint.
kgoings 04:17 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
What was so "intolerant" in my response to a wine recommended? Stating the obvious that when recommending a wine maybe a few bits about flavor profile should also be included? If you like strong cigars and someone suggests a cigar you have never tried, should someone be allowed to let you know "it is light"? Is price and label enough for someone to judge if they will like it or not, be it wine or cigars?
Why don't you just add to the list instead of giving negative feedback to the wines on the list. That way those of us who wish to explore more wines can make up our minds ourselves.