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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Starscream 08:21 AM 03-17-2010
How's everyone doing this week?
244 today. Down another pound.
Scottw 08:23 AM 03-17-2010
203 this morning, total of 37 pounds lost since January 12th.
Starscream 10:52 AM 03-17-2010
Scott, you and Shawn are killing it this year!:-)
SilverFox 11:00 AM 03-17-2010
Did 40km yesterday on my Bike

Took my daughter to her playschool (she rode in the bike trailer)
Picked her up from playschool

Then went grocery shopping

A great way to burn 1,800 calories.

Things are still cooking for me, I am very close (within a couple of pounds) to the lowest I have been in over a decade.

With the lowered body weight it takes more work to burn off the calories, I am probably up to 2.5 to 3 hours of exercise a day 5 to 6 days a week, thankfully my goal is in sight as I cannot keep this up.

I am looking forward to putting on some mass then getting to the maintenance part of the whole is the part that is the hardest for me.

I am probably averaging about 1 lb every 2.5 to 3 days right now...............can't push it any harder...........according to my Doc it is physically impossible to lose the fat faster, any more and I will start to metabolize muscle mass. No wonder people have a tough time sticking programs, I am ahead of the average in the extreme and I am still dissatisfied with the results. Fortunately I am objective enough to know that you can't fight the science, so I am able to calm the emotional responses.

Anyway thats where I am.

This is the before picture, Christmas Day 291lbs

Starscream 05:11 PM 03-17-2010
What, no after pic, Shawn?
SilverFox 08:46 PM 03-17-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
What, no after pic, Shawn?

Its not after yet :-)
goalie204 06:10 AM 03-18-2010
don't forget that muscle is smaller than fat, and weighs more :P I'm a blob compared to your before pic, and weather permitting i WILL start walking every day. I will never go as hardcore as you are tho.
SilverFox 10:33 AM 03-18-2010
Originally Posted by goalie204:
don't forget that muscle is smaller than fat, and weighs more :P I'm a blob compared to your before pic, and weather permitting i WILL start walking every day. I will never go as hardcore as you are tho.
Who you calling hardcore............just cuz I biked 40km to go pick up my wifes car from the Mechanic, brought it home and jumped back on my bike to go get my daughter from preschool :-)

pmwz 02:44 PM 03-18-2010
stepped on the scale today. numbers should look good on sunday..
goalie204 05:53 AM 03-19-2010
Originally Posted by pmwz:
stepped on the scale today. numbers should look good on sunday..
Sunday is my weigh in day too, not sure how they're gunna look :x
Starscream 06:40 AM 03-19-2010
Keep it up fellas. I've been down another pound at 244 for the last few days.
htown 06:53 AM 03-19-2010
I'm down 23 pounds to 243- been on the South Beach Diet.
shilala 06:55 AM 03-19-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Its not after yet :-)
I hope you wear your Ricky track pants for the after, too, brother.
I have the same exact ones. :-)

I made it back down to 199.2 today. It's still easy for me to knock off pounds when I feel good, cause I'm active. I've been feeling good for a week or so, and lost 6 pounds fast. I hope it holds out for a few more weeks so I can get to 185. That's been a very elusive number. :-)
I have a few rough doctor appointments in the next two weeks, and I'm hoping I don't have to change meds or add a whole bunch, as things are starting to iron out a bit. (I quit a couple meds that were killing me and doing nothing, I'll probably catch hell.)
I've gone walking for the last two days and it's been a LONG time since I've been able to do that. It's a huge help. Thank God!!! :-)
I've also got to get a cigar in every day on my walks, and I desperately missed that. I'm gonna smoke a big dark nasty stinko today. I can't wait. :-)
Scottw 07:36 AM 03-19-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Keep it up fellas. I've been down another pound at 244 for the last few days.
Nice work Andy! keep it up brother.

Shawn ,you certainly look like a guy that I would avoid f*****g with no matter what you weigh.
pmwz 02:59 AM 03-21-2010
244.7 lbs today. trying to get to 242.5 till the end of the month
Scottw 08:14 AM 03-21-2010
down to 202, 2 more pounds till my goal although I might bring my goal to 190 now. 9 weeks and almost 40 pounds down.
MortonMilo 08:21 AM 03-21-2010
This thread is motivating me....I feel like I've gotta hop on a bike and run all my errands instead of laying on the couch!

Keep up the great work everyone.
Starscream 08:26 AM 03-21-2010
Originally Posted by MortonMilo:
This thread is motivating me....I feel like I've gotta hop on a bike and run all my errands instead of laying on the couch!

Keep up the great work everyone.
Get 'er done!:-)
SilverFox 08:30 AM 03-25-2010
The body is a truly amazing can do stuff without your permission.

I went for my semi monthly check in yesterday and my progress had slowed. To which I had assumed was impossible............after all its simple math right.

Calories intaken less calories burned................if that is a negative then you will lose weight............well that is true but there is also Macro Nutrients to consider. Which is why most if not all creditable nutritionists advice a nutrition plan high in lean protein and complex carbs (fruits and veggies) and stay away from processed carbs.

Seems I have been working out too hard and as a result have caused my body to crave (and I mean like a rock hound craves crack) carbs for energy, and I subtly switched my diet so that I was consuming much much more carbs (not extra calories mind you just more sugars and starches). My progress was not what I expected. Now any "normal" person would have been happy with the results but I was pissed and even went so far as to get snippy with my trainer/nutritionist/motivational coach. Not his fault but damn I worked my ass off and expected better results.

Took me a full 24 hours to realize that I let my subconscious guide my eating habits out of the acceptable range of my process but validate it by assuming that calories are calories and all are processed the same. This morning I went back through my journal and could see where the change had started and progressed, it is all a result of increased levels of Anaerobic exercise to the point where my muscles where screaming for carbs for energy.

So reset today..........back on the right plan and have slightly lowered my workout intensity and regimen.....essentially as you lose weight you require less energy to do the same work so in effect you burn less calories and lose less total weight. So I compensated by amping up exercise........apparently that only goes so far........intelligently I know that but my subjective says work harder and it will work.

So that is the if it doesn't fit use a bigger hammer mentality.........damn for such an intelligent person I am a moronic ass when it comes to myself.

Having said that..................I am lower than I have been since I have been married (20 years) and still have the drive to keep it going.

end of rant thanks for listening.
shilala 08:48 AM 03-25-2010
Keep up the good work, Shawn.
I've had exactly the same thing happen along the way. When I get to a point, my body screams for carbs, and I settle back around 195.
The only way I'm going to break that barrier is to get active playing ball and stuff, and that's not going to happen with my health being what it is. Not right now, anyways.
I'm just going to have to be patient, and patience is running thin. :-)
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