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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
GTS21 10:21 PM 02-18-2010
Cool thread. Been trying to get healthier as well over the last two years. Dropped 120 lbs so far, feeling a lot better. Still smoking cigars though, can't lose that vice.
Scottw 07:39 AM 02-19-2010
Originally Posted by GTS21:
Cool thread. Been trying to get healthier as well over the last two years. Dropped 120 lbs so far, feeling a lot better. Still smoking cigars though, can't lose that vice.
That is amazing bro. 120 lbs? keep up the great work!
shilala 07:42 AM 02-19-2010
194.4 this morning. Finally on the right side of 195. Now I feel good about getting back to 185 and staying there. I'd wanted to get to 175, but it's just way too skinny.
185 is borderline too skinny, even if it's "healthy".
I'm just glad my knees don't hurt anymore. :-)
SilverFox 07:53 AM 02-19-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
194.4 this morning. Finally on the right side of 195. Now I feel good about getting back to 185 and staying there. I'd wanted to get to 175, but it's just way too skinny.
185 is borderline too skinny, even if it's "healthy".
I'm just glad my knees don't hurt anymore. :-)
I am with you there, I have gone from trudging up the stairs to bounding up two at a time.

It will be interesting to see what its like at my goal weight.
pmwz 12:59 AM 02-21-2010
down too 259.2 lbs. i planned on weighing in every sunday but i will probably weigh in on wednesday o see if i can hit 10+ pounds.
i prepare every meal + it really helps, drive with my bicycle to work (60min/day) + try to hit the gym every day.
Starscream 11:59 AM 02-21-2010
I'm hanging in there at 249 still right now. Coaching baseball and eating veggies is gonna be a big factor over the next few months.

Hang in there and congrats all!:-)
barbourjay 12:51 PM 02-21-2010
great thread, i started out march last year at 207, i'm down to 170 which was my target.

i can say this, i had to change my entire eating habbits to get this far. i had tried the low carb thing before and it works but only temporarily for me. i essentially stopped eating fried foods completely and have 1 cheat day a week (maybe two). i do cardio more than a few times during the week. i can't do much weight lifting as i have shoulder problems and knee issues from my athletic days.

i try to take in more protein and eat a lower calorie diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables compared to what i use to eat. i grill out a lot (3-4 nights a week) and that helps out a lot, mainly chicken kabobs, chicken breast or beer can chicken. i still do red meat at least once a week or so as well but i just make sure to do a lower calorie side dish (green beans no fat in the mix or corn with pepper).

i try to keep meals around 500-700 calories and my snacks are mainly fruit like strawberries or pineapple. i know most people don't think i was overweight but i was, i use to eat fast food everyday (sometimes twice a day) and probably drink a 2 liter of soda while at work. i feel a lot better physically but have seen a huge increase in energy and i don't have palpatations in the manner i started experiencing before i decided to change everything. taking sodas out of the picture was really hard to do but i think that was where i gained a lot of weight.

i hope everyone achieves their goals. just make sure you are happy with yourself. that's what is really important.
pmwz 07:46 AM 02-24-2010
bad day yesterday.i almost had the whole day off but got a calll that i had assist a disabled student (24 hour shift). had to eat delivery food (pizza) + didnt get a workout in.
Scottw 07:52 AM 02-24-2010
Down to 213 this morning, 26 pounds in 42 days. Trying to hit 195 by the end of March.
Starscream 06:16 PM 02-27-2010
Baseball workouts are strenuous. I need to do them more often. Just hitting fungos alone are exhausting.
pmwz 01:28 AM 02-28-2010
255 lbs this morning. tuesday destroyed my week. hope to get to under 250 next sunday.
goalie204 05:22 AM 02-28-2010
started giving a **** again, and for real this time. Been on the wagon about 1 month, but 1 week on Weight watchers online again. Down 3.5 since the last time i checked :-) I really should start adding in exercise, afterall i'm not doing this to look good, i'm doing it for health and preventative measures
SilverFox 08:24 AM 02-28-2010
Originally Posted by goalie204:
started giving a **** again, and for real this time. Been on the wagon about 1 month, but 1 week on Weight watchers online again. Down 3.5 since the last time i checked :-) I really should start adding in exercise, afterall i'm not doing this to look good, i'm doing it for health and preventative measures

Looking good is just a free bonus that goes along with it :-)

But I fully agree, I have been blessed with low cholesterol and great blood pressure levels and at my last heart work up and scan I was ranked a 0 on the scale of 0 to 5 (cardiologist actually told me I had wasted my time getting a work up). But as we age these things can go like a trigger and the next thing you know you are on a gurney.

With my lifestyle desires..............I enjoy my booze (in moderation) and my cigars (less so in moderation :-)) I think its important to do what I can in other areas.

Good on ya Myles.........exercise is awesome (well ok not necessarily at the time) and it makes me feel a tone better.

Keep it up amigo.
Scottw 10:49 AM 02-28-2010
210 this morning, 15 pounds to go!
SilverFox 08:33 AM 03-01-2010
Well I am kicking ass and taking names so far

Dec 25 291.2 lbs
Jan 1 287.5 lbs
Feb 1 265.0 lbs
Mar 1 247.4 lbs

Total loss over two months 40.1 lbs since Christmas day it has been 43.2 lbs

I have dropped my total body fat from 33.5% to 22.1% while maintaining my glycogen index (body water)

I have gone from a 42 waist to a 36.

My workout regimen is tough though and I don't think I can ramp it up. I am at 7.5 hrs of intense (anaerobic) cardio a week as well as 4.5 hrs of weight training.

The eating part is getting tougher, in that I find it hard to continue eating properly to maintain my goals. But in reverse of what you would expect, I just want to stop eating so that the weight goes. It has become a chore rather than an enjoyment. My wife tells me that she thinks I am Manorexic (by the way she says that tongue in cheek - we really need a sarcastic smiley)

Add in that I feel like absolute crap right now, my throat and glands are inflamed and I can't talk (my kids think it is a blessing) and all my muscles are killing me. I am tired and cranky, so no workouts.

I am still motivated however and have now more clearly defined my goals.

The mid goal is 215lbs and 14% body fat. at that point I am going to switch things up and put 15 lbs of muscle back on so that I will be 230 lbs and about 12.5 to 13% fat. The reason for this is twofold, one it will look damn good but the real reason is a bigger engine burns more fuel so adding that muscle mass on will help to increase metabolism and put me in around that 2,500 kcal a day range for maintenance and a reasonable workout schedule.

That is my long diatribe for the start of month three, hope you all have success in your goals.
Starscream 08:47 AM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Well I am kicking ass and taking names so far

Dec 25 291.2 lbs
Jan 1 287.5 lbs
Feb 1 265.0 lbs
Mar 1 247.4 lbs

Total loss over two months 40.1 lbs since Christmas day it has been 43.2 lbs

I have dropped my total body fat from 33.5% to 22.1% while maintaining my glycogen index (body water)

I have gone from a 42 waist to a 36.

My workout regimen is tough though and I don't think I can ramp it up. I am at 7.5 hrs of intense (anaerobic) cardio a week as well as 4.5 hrs of weight training.

The eating part is getting tougher, in that I find it hard to continue eating properly to maintain my goals. But in reverse of what you would expect, I just want to stop eating so that the weight goes. It has become a chore rather than an enjoyment. My wife tells me that she thinks I am Manorexic (by the way she says that tongue in cheek - we really need a sarcastic smiley)

Add in that I feel like absolute crap right now, my throat and glands are inflamed and I can't talk (my kids think it is a blessing) and all my muscles are killing me. I am tired and cranky, so no workouts.

I am still motivated however and have now more clearly defined my goals.

The mid goal is 215lbs and 14% body fat. at that point I am going to switch things up and put 15 lbs of muscle back on so that I will be 230 lbs and about 12.5 to 13% fat. The reason for this is twofold, one it will look damn good but the real reason is a bigger engine burns more fuel so adding that muscle mass on will help to increase metabolism and put me in around that 2,500 kcal a day range for maintenance and a reasonable workout schedule.

That is my long diatribe for the start of month three, hope you all have success in your goals.
Keep it up, Shawn!:-):-)
Monte214 08:57 AM 03-01-2010
Guys i am a gym rat, and have found it difficult to maintain muscle mass, its a lot of work for me. off topic a bit, but the formula is pretty simple in theory. Calories in minus calories out must be a deficit in order to lose weight. Eating at least five small meals a day is key, its a pain to have to schedule around eating schedules, but it keeps the metabolism of your body in gear. Egg whites, grilled chicken, veggies, lean protein. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn, that is a fact.

So for all those who are looking to lose weight, starvation method does not work. Eating frequently consuming about 400-500 calories per meal with lean protein is very useful, at least it has worked for me.
Of course working out and being active is necessary as well as it helps burning calories.

I wish everyone good luck in reaching their goals. keep up the hard work
SilverFox 10:48 AM 03-02-2010
F,kn energy can't work out.

Throat is so sore I can barely drink water nevermind eat. Which means my metabolism is going to take a **** kicking.

Oh well wait it out and then get things back to normal.

Such is life I suppose.
Starscream 10:48 AM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
F,kn energy can't work out.

Throat is so sore I can barely drink water nevermind eat. Which means my metabolism is going to take a **** kicking.

Oh well wait it out and then get things back to normal.

Such is life I suppose.
It'll pass, Shawn. Hope you feel better soon.
Starscream 06:33 AM 03-04-2010
Still hanging in there at slightly under 250. 248 this morning.
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