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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
shilala 09:11 AM 02-04-2010
195.4 today. :-)
Been drinking my grape water for the last week or two religiously. I sort of got away from it while I was sick and laying around all day and started packing on the fat again. Got up to 200.2 real fast and I wasn't eating anything.
It's a lot easier to put on weight than to take it off. :-)
Starscream 11:32 AM 02-04-2010
I'm down too! 249.
Starscream 06:45 PM 02-04-2010
Under 550 calorie meals at Applebee's are delicious!:-)
SilverFox 10:59 AM 02-05-2010
Fox Tip Time

So as many will know I am a somewhat obsessive person (in cigars, bikes, fishing, pipes, cameras etc)

I tend to research the hell out of stuff.

So here is the tip for today.

Get a Journal and keep track of your food intake. Now I don't necessarily mean weighing everything (I did until I was comfortable that I understood portion sizes) but actually recording everything that ends up in your stomach. Here is the quote from ScienceDaily

"ScienceDaily (July 8, 2008) — Keeping a food diary can double a person's weight loss according to a study from Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research. The findings, from one of the largest and longest running weight loss maintenance trials ever conducted, will be published in the August issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

This has been my personal experience as well. Seems that once you actually fully record everything you start to realize just where your calories are coming from. Hell I used to have 3 or 4 large Lattes a day assuming that they where a drink who counts that (ok naive I know but still)

I use this one and after trying a zillion things from spreadsheets to blackberry apps and iphone apps here is the one that I like the best. There are many out there but this one fits for me.



I don't fill in every column anymore but I used too, now its just portion and I check off if its a fiber, protein, fat, or carb (or a mix thereof)

The fitness stuff on the page opposite is great.

I got mine at Chapters/Indigo or you can order it online at

So far Feb is pace has increased...............i suspect a plateau soon that I will have to push through but for now seems I am killing it.

Keep it up gents.
shilala 11:45 AM 02-05-2010
Fox, I'm lazy. If I had to write anything down, I'd give up and go have a steak.
That's why I just carry a cup around. It's a passive persuader. If I get hungry and it's not time to eat, I fill it up.
That's about as involved as I'm willing to get in controlling my weight. Sad, but true. :-)
Starscream 11:52 AM 02-05-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Fox Tip Time
Get a Journal and keep track of your food intake.
I do this everyday. Food and exercise log. BorisTheBlade here at CA had a post about a website called I have been using it faithfully since January 4th (everyday). I've mentioned this one a couple of times before in this thread, but I like it so much I'll mention it again.

It's free.
It's a great place to log foods (it has a huge food database, and if the food you eat isn't in there, they allow you to add it).
It takes a while to log all of your fnew foods and recipes into the database at times, but it's not too time consuming or difficult.
It's a decent place to log exercise.
There are many great and positive thinking people there.

I'm not a spokesperson for the place, but I like it enough to reccomend it to others.

If you are not using a food log or exercise log, I would highly reccomend you do so, whether you do so on paper or through any website.
Starscream 11:54 AM 02-05-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
Fox, I'm lazy. If I had to write anything down, I'd give up and go have a steak.
That's why I just carry a cup around. It's a passive persuader. If I get hungry and it's not time to eat, I fill it up.
That's about as involved as I'm willing to get in controlling my weight. Sad, but true. :-)
If the cup works (and evidently it has), keep it up!
SilverFox 07:05 PM 02-06-2010
Looks like February is starting off in the same vein as January.

Weight is peeling off..............I am expecting to hit the wall soon but maybe it will hold off for another 20lbs.

Nothing but good nutrition and hard work but damn I feel good. Starting to see some definition in my arms so clearly the under all that fat there is still some muscle residing.
shilala 08:52 AM 02-07-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Looks like February is starting off in the same vein as January.

Weight is peeling off..............I am expecting to hit the wall soon but maybe it will hold off for another 20lbs.

Nothing but good nutrition and hard work but damn I feel good. Starting to see some definition in my arms so clearly the under all that fat there is still some muscle residing.
Keep on rolling, brother!!! :-)
Even with all my broken stuff, I feel worlds better than I did.
For whatever reason, I find it's a lot easier to manage the weight when I feel good as compared to when I don't. My brain has as much to do with it as my body, I suppose.
The reason I mention that is that the steady loss really lifted my spirits, making it easy to be "as stubborn as a Fox." :-)
This thread is where I've tracked my progress or lack of it, and being involved with the brothers here has been a huge help. It's made the whole trip fun. :-)
I'm down around 194. I have about 10 pounds to go. I expect that'll be gone by my birthday in early March. That'll be an awesome present!
Starscream 07:54 PM 02-07-2010
I went down to 247 on Saturday, but after today I'll probably be back to 251 or more. I gave in to Superbowl eating...:-)
shilala 10:56 AM 02-08-2010
I'm afraid to see what I weigh after the pile of stuff I shoved in my face yesterday. It was well worth it though. Had awesome eats at the superbowl party. :-)
Starscream 01:59 PM 02-08-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
I'm afraid to see what I weigh after the pile of stuff I shoved in my face yesterday. It was well worth it though. Had awesome eats at the superbowl party. :-)
SilverFox 04:45 PM 02-08-2010
Somewhat weight loss related.

A friend of mine won a contest. It is an all expense pair 4 day trip here.


Trip is worth about 10,000 give or take.

So he drops by yesterday and says hey I won this you want to go?

The weight loss related part is two fold.
- one if I had not been working out like crazy I would not have the legs to ski this kind of terran for 4 hours never mind 4 days.
- two my ski gear would not have fit my fat ass a month ago.

So I have to say that I have some new motivation for another month and a week :-)
Starscream 04:51 PM 02-08-2010
That is AWESOME!!!:-):-):-)
Have fun, Shawn!
shilala 07:09 PM 02-08-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Somewhat weight loss related.

A friend of mine won a contest. It is an all expense pair 4 day trip here.


Trip is worth about 10,000 give or take.

So he drops by yesterday and says hey I won this you want to go?

The weight loss related part is two fold.
- one if I had not been working out like crazy I would not have the legs to ski this kind of terran for 4 hours never mind 4 days.
- two my ski gear would not have fit my fat ass a month ago.

So I have to say that I have some new motivation for another month and a week :-)
I could come and ride ya, brother. You might wanna start working the legs, cause I'm gonna get heavy. :-)
Starscream 10:43 AM 02-09-2010
Fat Tuesday is one week away. I'm gonna drink a good bit this weekend and then eat like a hog on Tuesday (I know I shouldn't but I'm going to anyway). Wednesday begins the period of fasting for 40 days. I don't do it for weightloss, but losing weight is a good side effect.:-)
kayaker 07:07 AM 02-10-2010
Back from camp again. Done up there for now and don't know what's coming up next.

Lost another bit while I was up there. This gives me a head start over last year, so hopefully I can keep it off and more by the time summer kicks in.
pmwz 12:42 PM 02-16-2010
i start with my weightloss tomorrow. stepped on the scale today and my weight is at 266,3.
goal is somewhere between : 187 + 198 lbs
i am using a software this time that keeps track of workouts + diet (first real diet in 5 years). i plan on working out a lot + need some recipe suggestions that are fast + easy to make (+healthy).
I want to post an update every weekend if i dont post on sunday please pm me
Scottw 12:43 PM 02-16-2010
lost 23 pounds in my first 32 days of my diet. 20 more to go!
SilverFox 06:28 PM 02-18-2010
Well I am ahead of plan for February too.

Workouts are getting tougher to keep up the intensity I am going to have to give myself a few days off here soon and let the ole body recover.

Food intake is good.

I have dropped two pant sizes since I started on Jan 1.................wish this f'n spare tire would start going away..........oh well Rome wasn't built in a day.
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