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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 07:29 PM 11-13-2014
Just finished my first week of a the program that my pal put me on. It's a lot different from what I am use to. It geared towards power lifting and getting strength up.

Today was light legs, it wasn't really light lol.

squats for volume 4x6
front squats 3x8
close stance hack squats 3x10
bb lunges 3x10
russian twist 3x15
seated calve raises 5x10

Next couple days off and back at it Sunday. I normally train 6 days a week but with this program, I definitely need all the rest I could get. Keep it up, men.
icehog3 11:53 PM 11-13-2014
Good luck with the new program, Huy....kick some azz.
mariogolbee 11:59 PM 11-13-2014
Hi all, I joined an 4 month online challenge 5 months back. My personal goal was to lose 24 lbs to get under 300. Without any cardio I've lost about 30 lbs using mostly body weight while watching Netflix. I can even do real push-ups now!

Any suggestions on where to go from here?
Adriftpanda 12:21 AM 11-14-2014
Tom, did you happen to pick up more jack3d when they had them in stock? If you did, want to sell me one?
icehog3 08:23 AM 11-14-2014
I did, Huy, but I'm already into the last one, them tubs is too freakin' small! :-)
icehog3 08:24 AM 11-14-2014
Congrats, Mario! What are your goals at this point?
Sancho 09:00 AM 11-14-2014
Nice job Mario!

I'm At about the same point as you, recently returning to some semblance of fitness. I started doing machines to build some strength and conditioning. A month or so back I switched to the StrongLifts program, which is exclusively a barbell centric program for people just getting into lifting. You start with a empty bar and work up to whatever your goal or plateau ends up being. I have enjoyed the program and have seen some improvements in the time I've been using it. I fully expect that after 12-15 weeks I will be in much better shape.

Tom and Huy are the experts though, defer to their experience
Adriftpanda 10:31 AM 11-14-2014
First off, congratulations on losing that weight! Glad to see you're still alive Mario. I do miss you buddy, it's been too long. Come to Steve's house this Saturday, we are herfing.

Like Tom said, what are your goals? Without a goal in mind, it's diffcult to give anyone a game plan. If you come tomorrow to Steves, we can discuss it more in depth.
mariogolbee 08:05 PM 11-14-2014
Thanks, Tom, Chris, and Huy!

After the 24 lbs my secondary goal is 31.6 lbs, netting me 10% total body weight reduction. I just need to lose about another 1.5 lbs to get there, so I'm unsure whether my next yoL should be more weight loss, muscle gain, or something else. I am trying to gain muscle now, rather than just losing weight.

I started with incline push-ups on my knees until failure and can now do 3 sets of 5-6 declines along with several sets of inclines, etc. I'd like to define my triceps and bulk up my chest. I have been consuming more protein now that I want to gain actual muscle. Although I haven't been neglecting my legs, I have been neglecting my back, abs, and cardio. I think I will be working abs into my off days, and need to start that cardio, but I'm pretty much in the dark on what to do with my back, other than maybe some shrugs, etc.
icehog3 09:58 PM 11-14-2014
Anything that pulls back and contracts the lats, Mario. If you aren't strong enough to do pull ups, some cable pulldowns are good. Also some form of rowing....barbell rows, t-bar rows, etc will help. Start with those basics and you can add more when your back is used to the basics. Don't neglect your abs and core, they will support your back for those rows. Good luck and keep asking any questions that come up.
mariogolbee 11:55 PM 11-14-2014
Thanks, Tom! I'll look into these and start them this weekend. And I'll back on my crunches. Any recommendations for lower back?
icehog3 07:57 AM 11-15-2014
I don't directly work my lower back, Mario, I find it is fine as long as I keep my core strong.
Adriftpanda 10:13 AM 11-15-2014
Depending on what you have to work, assuming you're still working out at home, back extensions is a great lower back exercise. Lay on your stomach. Something elevated, maybe a bed or couch, and slide yourself down to the edge of whatever you're using, bed or couch. Make sure your hips are still on the bed. Your lower body should be on and your upper body should be hanging off.

Keeping your body and back straight, slowly bend down and up. You can place your hands behind your head when doing this or just across your chest.

Sorry if I didn't explain this well enough.

Also, glad to hear you're getting in shape. For me, the biggest thing about getting in shape was to understand nutrition but that's a whole different topic for another time. I always tell my friends, before I can train them they have to understand proper nutrition. I can give them all the exercise to do but without proper understanding of nutrition, it's pointless.
Sancho 06:57 PM 11-15-2014
Good workout tonight, even the damaged shoulder from years ago is keeping up even seems it might be a bit less "crunchy"

Squats 5x5 30% to my goal weight
OHP 5x5
Deadlifts 3x5 adding 20lbs per set, finally got to 45's on each end :-)
mariogolbee 12:14 PM 11-16-2014
Good to know, Tom.

Huy, I'll give those a try later on today.
Sancho 11:16 AM 11-17-2014
Squats 5x5
Bench 4x5 missed on my last rep, next time!
Pendlay row 5x5
icehog3 02:12 PM 11-17-2014
Shoulder day here. Pain only around a 6, that is a good day. :-)

Seated military press 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 175, 135
Standing military press 3 sets @ 165

Skipped the shrugs, will throw them in tomorrow. Didn't want to ratchet my pain up to a 7. :-)
Adriftpanda 10:50 PM 11-18-2014
6 is good! lol

volume day today. push and some pull, not much.

standing OHP press 6x6
bench (pause push) 4x6
seated db press (unilateral) 3x10
wide grip lat pull down 3x10
db row 3x12

super set a couple bicep/tricep movement.

heavy deadlifts tomorrow :-)
icehog3 01:04 AM 11-19-2014
Legs, Bis and Tris off tomorrow. Hallelujah. :-)
Sancho 11:07 AM 11-19-2014
Nice Huy!

Squats 5x5
OHP 5/5/4/4/5 couldn't get the bar above my shoulders on two sets, try again next week
Deadlifts 135, 145 x5

My chest is feeling it big time, pectorals feel throughly flogged.
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