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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
GhostRyder 03:19 PM 01-19-2009
Deadlifting question: I just got back from the gym and had a pretty decent deadlift. Almost 2x bodyweight after not doing it in at least 6 months. So... my question pertains to grip. My legs and back were fine, but my grip kept slipping. I don't lift with gloves, but is it time to start? I was using a bar that is pretty well worn, but it sucked because I couldn't finish my third rep. I'm using an overhand grip with my thumb tucked under my index finger -- not sure why I do that. I think I saw it in a Men's Fitness back when I first got into lifting in high school. So... what kind of deadlift grip do you use? Do you use gloves? How can I improve my grip?
BigFrank 03:50 PM 01-19-2009
GhostRyder, lifting with gloves only does one thing and that is pad your hands. Using them will trash your grip strength. It really depends on what you want to do.

I was using a bar that is pretty well worn
This can be a good thing, it will teach you to use a bar with poor notches, making your hands strong.
I'm using an overhand grip with my thumb tucked under my index finger
The grip you are using is called the "hook grip" its used to make your hands stronger, it is one of the more difficult grip styles.
Ditch the thumb under the index finger and just grip it like your squeezing it. Until your hands become stronger. Thumb should be underneath bar for this. Most people use a grip technique called over/under. It allows you to hold more weight. I would use this until your grip strength improves, mainly on the heaviest of sets.
what kind of deadlift grip do you use?
I use the standard overhand grip on light sets then switch to the over / under grip for heavy sets.
Do you use gloves?
How can I improve my grip?
There are a lot of grip exercises to do. Pulling without wrist straps and doing all back work without straps. I do plate pinches and Captains of Crush to train my hands.

Go buy some chalk or liquid chalk or something and pull like a man. You will get some calluses from pulling like this on your hands.

Over/under grip
Hook Grip
Plate Pinches
GhostRyder 04:39 PM 01-19-2009

Thanks for the quick response. The calluses aren't a problem. I've been lifting on and off (mostly on) for 4 years and the ridiculous number of pull-ups I've had to do has given me decent calluses. I've always been an avid "no gloves" kinda guy so I'm glad I'll get to stay that way. I was fine with the overhand grip up to #245 today but when I went to #275 my hands slipped. The bar just rolled out. I will try those plate pinches, and I'll switch to an over-under grip on those heavy sets (for me at least) in the future.
BigFrank 04:52 PM 01-19-2009
No problem Ghost. Now that I am thinking, a lot of guys do rack pulls from right below or right above the knee to get accustomed to using heavier weight. This will also in turn build grip strength, and help your deadlift.

Tonights Workout - Bench
Bench- 375x3 - 390x3 - 405x3 ( 4th rep bombed, almost crushed my stomach ) 405x1 ( 2nd bombed again )
Speed Bench - 315x10x3
Rope Ext-bunches

Bench felt terrible tonight. Couldnt find the groove at all. Shakey final reps. Just rough. Might be from heavy tricep work on saturday. Just bad. Although I hit my reps, I did not get my PR for the weight and reps. Hit my 3 reps bombed the 4th this one was bad, I touched the bar way low and almost lost it. Got really pissed and went for it again, which was a huge mistake. bombed on the 2nd rep this time it was some kind of crazy flying arch bench. hard to described but it was crap.

pulls tomorrow
DavenportESQ 05:30 PM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by GhostRyder:
Deadlifting question: I just got back from the gym and had a pretty decent deadlift. Almost 2x bodyweight after not doing it in at least 6 months. So... my question pertains to grip. My legs and back were fine, but my grip kept slipping. I don't lift with gloves, but is it time to start? I was using a bar that is pretty well worn, but it sucked because I couldn't finish my third rep. I'm using an overhand grip with my thumb tucked under my index finger -- not sure why I do that. I think I saw it in a Men's Fitness back when I first got into lifting in high school. So... what kind of deadlift grip do you use? Do you use gloves? How can I improve my grip?
Suprised no one has talked about using straps while lifting. I do a lot of "pulling" exercises and try to avoid using straps for my regular workouts. When I am going for a max or really heavy effort. or if I am having a tough day I will use them. Some people may think of this is cheating, but I think in the name of getting stronger. Also, remember that the grip is part of the exercise.

These are my boys so I will give them some props. On the forum they have a whole section on grips

I think you should stick with the hook grip. Its what the big dawgs use. I use it as much as I can.
zemekone 07:10 PM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
Suprised no one has talked about using straps while lifting. I do a lot of "pulling" exercises and try to avoid using straps for my regular workouts. When I am going for a max or really heavy effort. or if I am having a tough day I will use them. Some people may think of this is cheating, but I think in the name of getting stronger. Also, remember that the grip is part of the exercise.

These are my boys so I will give them some props. On the forum they have a whole section on grips

I think you should stick with the hook grip. Its what the big dawgs use. I use it as much as I can.
the sorinex guys are just sick!

i use straps when im doin high rep stuff... i see it as im not working out my grip, im hitting (usally) traps and back...

you and also simply just hang... thats what i use to do...
King James 09:32 PM 01-19-2009
good leg workout tonight... took an ice bath when i got home so my legs aren't too dead tomorrow
GhostRyder 09:54 PM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:

These are my boys so I will give them some props. On the forum they have a whole section on grips

I think you should stick with the hook grip. Its what the big dawgs use. I use it as much as I can.
That sorinex site is awesome. The OpFit article under the Military/LE thread is right on. I'm all about that kind of workout. Kind of in the crossfit vein.

Crossfit is great, just doesn't do it for me all around. Anyone else dabble in Crossfit? How about GymJones type stuff?
DavenportESQ 09:56 PM 01-19-2009
Originally Posted by GhostRyder:
That sorinex site is awesome. The OpFit article under the Military/LE thread is right on. I'm all about that kind of workout. Kind of in the crossfit vein.

Crossfit is great, just doesn't do it for me all around. Anyone else dabble in Crossfit? How about GymJones type stuff?
I think its great for people who are busy and looking for a great workout.

People don't realize you dont need to be in the gym for 2 hours a day to be in great shape or get strong/fit.

You just have to have a plan and be efficient with it
King James 09:26 AM 01-20-2009
Upper Body today.... Ice Bath really helped I think... usually the second day after is the worst... so tomorrow will be the true test.

New workout I started is tough as hell but I really like it
Mugen910 09:32 AM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
I think its great for people who are busy and looking for a great workout.

People don't realize you dont need to be in the gym for 2 hours a day to be in great shape or get strong/fit.

You just have to have a plan and be efficient with it
Genetic Defect 09:35 AM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
its very true, I actually hate being in there that long. it is not a good idea to over stress your CNS
Mugen910 09:35 AM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
its very true, I actually hate being in there that long. it is not a good idea to over stress your CNS
CNS? :-)
Genetic Defect 09:43 AM 01-20-2009
central nervous system, when you train it wears on that too
BigFrank 01:36 PM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
I think its great for people who are busy and looking for a great workout.

People don't realize you dont need to be in the gym for 2 hours a day to be in great shape or get strong/fit.

You just have to have a plan and be efficient with it
amen brother.

I keep my workouts under an hour, except legs I stretch before and after on leg day, and also allow myself plenty of time to warm up.
zemekone 01:43 PM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
amen brother.

I keep my workouts under an hour, except legs I stretch before and after on leg day, and also allow myself plenty of time to warm up.
me too... my longest day is my leg day too... :-)
DavenportESQ 02:54 PM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by zemekone:
me too... my longest day is my leg day too... :-)
Squat More!:-)
zemekone 02:57 PM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
Squat More!:-)
im squatting 2wice a week... what more do you want man?:-)
BigFrank 03:45 PM 01-20-2009
Ouch twice a week? I dont think I could handle that, leg day for me is always epic! LOL...

Pull workout
485x3 505x3 530x3
Chins - Superset w/ good mornings 4 sets
Close Grip Rows-3 sets

Quick workout, I think I spent 35 minutes warming up and working up to my heavy weights. After that is was game on. Tonights workout felt good, 530 went up quick and smooth. I think I need to change my workout days. I always feel like crap on mondays then the next 3 workouts always go well. Thinking about doing my first full meet this March.

Oh well.
zemekone 03:52 PM 01-20-2009
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
Ouch twice a week? I dont think I could handle that, leg day for me is always epic! LOL...
i have been talking to davenportESQ about strengthening my squat, so he put a speed day and a volume day...
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