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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
14holestogie 09:39 AM 01-06-2010
Alrighty then. Time for this chubby guy to join in.

220 on Monday, down to 215 today. Adding some ab rolling and stationary bike to help burn calories and tighten up the love handles. Dietary changes to sweet corn and rice every other day and attempting to stop the habitual nibbling.

Anyone ever tried the ab circle? Looks like it could help the obliques, maybe?
Starscream 09:44 AM 01-06-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
I did ok for a few weeks, then came down with bronchitis that seemed to get in the way of spinning class and when that happens, my diet usually goes to hell in a handbasket. I'm officially back on the wagon so to speak for 2010. I've made 2 diet related "rules" for the new year:

2) No SODA(excluding diet)

I have a little more motivation to stick with it this time. I'm having back surgery on January 18th for a minimally invasive procedure to drill off bones spurs pushing a disc into my spinal cord. Doc says this procedure has a high success rate for smaller guys, but larger people may need more in terms of rods/screws/etc. Needless to say, I don't want anything to do with that kind of stuff.
Thoughts and prayers sent for a successful operation, Duane. Good luck with the new diet too.:-)

256 this morning.:-)
Starscream 09:51 AM 01-06-2010
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
Alrighty then. Time for this chubby guy to join in.

220 on Monday, down to 215 today. Adding some ab rolling and stationary bike to help burn calories and tighten up the love handles. Dietary changes to sweet corn and rice every other day and attempting to stop the habitual nibbling.

Anyone ever tried the ab circle? Looks like it could help the obliques, maybe?
Welcome, Tim.:-)
Never tried the ab circle, but I would rather go for something more full body rather than focus on just one section. But if it works for you, go for it.
14holestogie 09:58 AM 01-06-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Welcome, Tim.:-)
Never tried the ab circle, but I would rather go for something more full body rather than focus on just one section. But if it works for you, go for it.

Other than the muffin top I've developed, I believe I'm in pretty good shape.

I figure if I can drop about 20 pounds and just tighten up the mid-section, I'd be happy. I'll probably add something else in there for flexibility stretches too. Hammies have been tight for years.
Starscream 06:25 AM 01-07-2010
I'm at 254 today! Four pounds dropped in three days. Gotta get back down to 245 very soon.
14holestogie 06:31 AM 01-07-2010
Congrats, Andy. :-)

214 myself this morning.
Starscream 06:37 AM 01-07-2010
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
214 myself this morning.
Good deal!:-)
SilverFox 01:53 PM 01-07-2010
Without giving things away due to my contest I am doing well.

Meal stuff is easy and the workouts are getting better, I can start to feel my power coming back and I have to say I miss it.

I am well ahead of plan but that is normal from such a high start point, I dropped in to see my life coach/personal trainer/nutrition guy and he has changed things up for me a little as he says "I failed you last time around and got caught up in your dedication to it, this time we will make a lifestyle change"

Now lets be clear I don't hold him responsible he didn't force the fork to my mouth or anything like that. I used to blame my car accident and what it did to my back but after only a week of exercise my back is the best its been. Amazing how many excuses one can give themselves to be unhealthy.
Don Fernando 02:08 PM 01-07-2010
good to hear things are going great Shawn.
goalie204 02:10 PM 01-07-2010
i gotta work out maybe, just eating right isn't working, and is hard to do
Starscream 06:27 AM 01-08-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Without giving things away due to my contest I am doing well.

Meal stuff is easy and the workouts are getting better, I can start to feel my power coming back and I have to say I miss it.

I am well ahead of plan but that is normal from such a high start point, I dropped in to see my life coach/personal trainer/nutrition guy and he has changed things up for me a little as he says "I failed you last time around and got caught up in your dedication to it, this time we will make a lifestyle change"

Now lets be clear I don't hold him responsible he didn't force the fork to my mouth or anything like that. I used to blame my car accident and what it did to my back but after only a week of exercise my back is the best its been. Amazing how many excuses one can give themselves to be unhealthy.
Are you counting calories, carbs, fat, or on some sort of program, Shawn?

Originally Posted by goalie204:
i gotta work out maybe, just eating right isn't working, and is hard to do
A mixture of both is what it takes to get the job truly done, Myles. Although I'm guilty of doing only one or the other.
SilverFox 08:48 AM 01-08-2010
I am on a program of sorts, reduced calories and managed eating. It isn't so much as counting calories as learning portion sizes and food mixes.

The basis for not just calorie counting is that statistically while it is a great way to lose weight you are destined to fail at maintaining so I am teaching myself how to eat.......intellectually I know how its the habitual part that is a killer. If you count calories it is always a situation where that is only till your goal is met then you stop counting and slowly progress back to where you were (or at least in my case)

I have lost weight so many times it is actually ridiculous..........I am an awesome weight loser and a horrible weight maintainer, trying to change that. (I figure over 42 years I have lost close to 400lbs how is that for the ultimate Yo Yo)

Along with that I am training pretty hard I will do between 3.5 to 6 hours of Cardio a week and weight training 5 days a week as well.

I am trying to reduce my carbs but mostly through better choices for bulk for calories.
Starscream 09:43 AM 01-08-2010
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
The basis for not just calorie counting is that statistically while it is a great way to lose weight you are destined to fail at maintaining so I am teaching myself how to eat.......intellectually I know how its the habitual part that is a killer.
Very true. I am counting calories, but also monitoring fat, carbs, protein, sodium, cholesterol, fiber, calcium, and vitamins. I'm using the tracker at right now. It works great for me, but not so well for others that I know.

Keep up the good work, Shawn!:-)
Starscream 09:48 PM 01-08-2010
Any of you here who own a Nintendo Wii, check out Dance Dance Revolution: hottest party. You need the Dance pad controller, but it rocks! I bought it for my daughter for Christmas thinking it was a girl's game, but it is a big calorie burner. It has a fitness mode in which you can set the amount of calories you wish to burn and it lets you know when you have reached your goal. I just burned 456 calories in about an hour or less.
Starscream 10:28 PM 01-09-2010
251 today! That's seven pounds off for the week so far.:-)
Just burned 400 calories with the DDR: hottest party game.
Starscream 09:59 AM 01-11-2010
Back up to 253 today. Tomorrow's the official weigh in for the week.

Fat, fiber, carbs, protein, cholesterol, and vitamin intake are good, but sodium is through the roof. I've gotta cut back.
14holestogie 10:05 AM 01-11-2010
The weekend in front of the tv was not too kind to me. Gained back almost all I lost last week. Time to get serious. :-)
SilverFox 10:07 AM 01-11-2010
Weight is down and lean body mass is up :-)

Exercise is getting easier (well more enjoyable I wouldn't say easier) my power seems to be coming back relatively quickly.

I was looking back at some of my old workout numbers and I can't even lift that now nevermind doing reps.

Cardio has been great too but I fried my heart monitor so I have a new one coming in.

It is nice to see progress.
Starscream 12:47 PM 01-11-2010
Keep it up, Shawn!:-)
Starscream 05:49 AM 01-12-2010
251 for the week! That's a total of 7 pounds lost for the first week. It's gonna start moving slower from here, so hopefully I can keep my patience and not get frustrated this time.
Keep the faith, all!
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