icehog3 11:37 PM 09-29-2014
Shoulder day my shoulders have felt in weeks, pain was minimal. Only did delts, figured I could throw in traps tomorrow....didn't want to spoli a good thing.
Seated Military Press 135, 155, 175, 185, 205, 215, 225, 175, 155
Standing Military Press 165, 195
Adriftpanda 12:00 AM 09-30-2014
Glad it felt decent today, Tom.
icehog3 09:19 AM 09-30-2014
Thanks Brother, maybe I will regrow a new shoulder soon..
Adriftpanda 10:05 PM 09-30-2014
If that doesn't happen, you can get botox
Back day, felt nice. Decided to skip deads though because I'm going to sumo tomorrow for legs.
Wide grip lat pull down 5x6-10
High row machine 4x8 w/drop set
bent over rear delt flies db 3x10
Bent over BB row 4x8-12
Bent over db row 4x10-12
cable push downs 5x10-15
single arm tricep extension db 3x12-15
icehog3 01:50 AM 10-01-2014
I already have buttocks, Huy!
Arm day:
Cambered bar curls 145, 155, 165, 175, 175
Olympic bar curls 95, 105, 115, 125
Preacher curls (different grip each set) 100 x 4
Close grip bench 205, 215, 225, 235, 245
Cable pushdowns 125, 135, 145, 125, 105
Adriftpanda 10:18 PM 10-01-2014
Nice arm day, Tom.
Had a good leg session today.
Squats 5x5
Hack squats 4x10 w/drop set
Lying leg curls, single leg 4x12-15
Leg extensions single leg 4x10-15
Stiff leg deads 4x8-12
icehog3 11:39 PM 10-01-2014
Adriftpanda 08:27 PM 10-02-2014
Shoulder day with some friends
Bb standing military press 4x5-6
Seated Arnold press 4x8
Bb upright row -- DB side delt raise 4x10 w/2 drop sets
Front raises using cables 4x10-12
DB shrugs 4x15-20
icehog3 09:16 PM 10-02-2014
Wish I had friends.....
Inernational Chest Day...decided to do a high (16-20) rep day on inclines and flats
Incline bench 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255
Flat bench 205, 215, 225, 235, 255, 195
Heavier on declines 275, 295, 315, 345
1 set of machine flyes with extreme stretching and prolonged contraction - 225
Hockey tonight, back day tomorrow.
Adriftpanda 01:22 AM 10-04-2014
I really don't like to do two days of pushing in a row but the wife wanted to do chest.
Chest and arms, quick training session today.
Flat BB press 4x6-8
incline DB press 4x10
seated fly machine 4x8-10
db pull over 3x10
incline db curls -- over db extensions 4x10-15
preacher curls -- rope extensions 4x10-15
Dude Here 06:39 AM 10-04-2014
I've been bad about updating on here lately. Haven't been doing anything too amazing though. The wife and I are going to a Halloween party on the 25th and I've got a Spartan costume picked out. Gotta get into a bit better shape before I wear it out though so it's just been lots of cardio and high-intensity stuff as of late. Keep up the hard work men!
icehog3 11:56 AM 10-04-2014
Back day yesterday...the gym was so crowded I couldn't find an unused barbell at the start so I did cable work to start.
Wide grip pulldowns 180, 200, 220, 240, 260
Cable rows 220, 240, 260, 285
T Bar rows 225, 250, 270, 295
Barbell Rows 225, 275, 305
Pullups 2 sets to failure
Supposed to be a shoulder day today, but I didn't sleep well last night and have to go to work shortly, so so much for that.
Adriftpanda 06:22 PM 10-05-2014
Back day.
Stiff arm lat pull downs -- pull ups 4x10
Underhand lat pull down machine 4x10-12
Cable rows -- v grip pull downs 4x10
Dead lifts 4x6-8
DB row -- high row 3x10
Followed by 3x3 and 2x2 from In-n-Out
icehog3 12:24 AM 10-06-2014
Leg day today....had a hockey game tonight so I stayed light.
Leg Press 5 sets @645
Hamstring Curls 5 sets at 120
Finished with some light bis and abs
Sancho 05:58 PM 10-06-2014
Goblet squats 4x15
Bench press 4x10-15
DB shrugs 4x15
Inclined row 4x10
Machine flies 4x15
Then some interval cardio. I probably need to map my workouts better as I have just been winging it and it's probably not the best approach.
icehog3 06:05 PM 10-06-2014
Chest day, medium reps
Bench press 225, 265, 285, 305, 315, 275
Vertical bench (plate loaded) 275, 295, 325, 275
Incline dumbell press 100s, 100s, 95s, 90s
Dips (bodyweight) 4 sets to failure
Adriftpanda 08:56 PM 10-06-2014
I wing it once in a while, more like touch up work. Usually on days that I'm suppose to take off. Which usually doesn't happen.
Leg day, high reps.
Front squats 5x6-8, 4x5 pause reps
Leg press 5x20
Lying leg curls 4x20
Smith machine lunges 4x10-12
icehog3 02:41 PM 10-07-2014
Back day, hard and heavy.
Bent Over Rows 205, 235, 255, 275, 295, 315
T-Bar Rows 225, 250, 270, 295
Dumbbell Rows 100, 110, 120, 130
Cable Rows 260, 280, 300, 240
Pullups 2 sets to failure
Adriftpanda 11:06 PM 10-07-2014
Shoulders and a couple bicep movements at the end.
Shoulders felt decent today.
Bb upright row 4x10-8
DB presses 4x8-12 (80lb first time in a while, I've done these, felt nice and easy)
Seated side delt raises -- machine side delt raise 3x13
DB front raise 4x12-15
Shrugs 4x15-20
Seated DB curls 4x10
Preachers curls 4x10-15
icehog3 01:36 AM 10-08-2014
Nice workout, Huy.
Shoulders for me in a few hours.
:-) or
:-) ? We shall see.