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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 10:37 PM 09-29-2014
Shoulder day my shoulders have felt in weeks, pain was minimal. Only did delts, figured I could throw in traps tomorrow....didn't want to spoli a good thing. :-)

Seated Military Press 135, 155, 175, 185, 205, 215, 225, 175, 155
Standing Military Press 165, 195
Adriftpanda 11:00 PM 09-29-2014
Glad it felt decent today, Tom.
icehog3 08:19 AM 09-30-2014
Thanks Brother, maybe I will regrow a new shoulder soon.. :-)
Adriftpanda 09:05 PM 09-30-2014
If that doesn't happen, you can get botox :-)

Back day, felt nice. Decided to skip deads though because I'm going to sumo tomorrow for legs.

Wide grip lat pull down 5x6-10
High row machine 4x8 w/drop set
bent over rear delt flies db 3x10
Bent over BB row 4x8-12
Bent over db row 4x10-12

cable push downs 5x10-15
single arm tricep extension db 3x12-15
icehog3 12:50 AM 10-01-2014
I already have buttocks, Huy! :-)

Arm day:

Cambered bar curls 145, 155, 165, 175, 175
Olympic bar curls 95, 105, 115, 125
Preacher curls (different grip each set) 100 x 4
Close grip bench 205, 215, 225, 235, 245
Cable pushdowns 125, 135, 145, 125, 105
Adriftpanda 09:18 PM 10-01-2014
Nice arm day, Tom.

Had a good leg session today.

Squats 5x5
Hack squats 4x10 w/drop set
Lying leg curls, single leg 4x12-15
Leg extensions single leg 4x10-15
Stiff leg deads 4x8-12
icehog3 10:39 PM 10-01-2014
Good leg day, Huy. :-)
Adriftpanda 07:27 PM 10-02-2014
Shoulder day with some friends

Bb standing military press 4x5-6
Seated Arnold press 4x8
Bb upright row -- DB side delt raise 4x10 w/2 drop sets
Front raises using cables 4x10-12
DB shrugs 4x15-20
icehog3 08:16 PM 10-02-2014
Wish I had friends..... :-)

Inernational Chest Day...decided to do a high (16-20) rep day on inclines and flats

Incline bench 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255
Flat bench 205, 215, 225, 235, 255, 195

Heavier on declines 275, 295, 315, 345

1 set of machine flyes with extreme stretching and prolonged contraction - 225

Hockey tonight, back day tomorrow.
Adriftpanda 12:22 AM 10-04-2014
I really don't like to do two days of pushing in a row but the wife wanted to do chest.

Chest and arms, quick training session today.

Flat BB press 4x6-8
incline DB press 4x10
seated fly machine 4x8-10
db pull over 3x10

incline db curls -- over db extensions 4x10-15
preacher curls -- rope extensions 4x10-15
Dude Here 05:39 AM 10-04-2014
I've been bad about updating on here lately. Haven't been doing anything too amazing though. The wife and I are going to a Halloween party on the 25th and I've got a Spartan costume picked out. Gotta get into a bit better shape before I wear it out though so it's just been lots of cardio and high-intensity stuff as of late. Keep up the hard work men!
icehog3 10:56 AM 10-04-2014
Back day yesterday...the gym was so crowded I couldn't find an unused barbell at the start so I did cable work to start.

Wide grip pulldowns 180, 200, 220, 240, 260
Cable rows 220, 240, 260, 285
T Bar rows 225, 250, 270, 295
Barbell Rows 225, 275, 305
Pullups 2 sets to failure

Supposed to be a shoulder day today, but I didn't sleep well last night and have to go to work shortly, so so much for that.
Adriftpanda 05:22 PM 10-05-2014
Back day.

Stiff arm lat pull downs -- pull ups 4x10
Underhand lat pull down machine 4x10-12
Cable rows -- v grip pull downs 4x10
Dead lifts 4x6-8
DB row -- high row 3x10

Followed by 3x3 and 2x2 from In-n-Out :-)
icehog3 11:24 PM 10-05-2014
Leg day today....had a hockey game tonight so I stayed light.

Leg Press 5 sets @645
Hamstring Curls 5 sets at 120

Finished with some light bis and abs
Sancho 04:58 PM 10-06-2014
Goblet squats 4x15
Bench press 4x10-15
DB shrugs 4x15
Inclined row 4x10
Machine flies 4x15

Then some interval cardio. I probably need to map my workouts better as I have just been winging it and it's probably not the best approach.
icehog3 05:05 PM 10-06-2014
Chest day, medium reps

Bench press 225, 265, 285, 305, 315, 275
Vertical bench (plate loaded) 275, 295, 325, 275
Incline dumbell press 100s, 100s, 95s, 90s
Dips (bodyweight) 4 sets to failure
Adriftpanda 07:56 PM 10-06-2014
I wing it once in a while, more like touch up work. Usually on days that I'm suppose to take off. Which usually doesn't happen.

Leg day, high reps.

Front squats 5x6-8, 4x5 pause reps
Leg press 5x20
Lying leg curls 4x20
Smith machine lunges 4x10-12
icehog3 01:41 PM 10-07-2014
Back day, hard and heavy.

Bent Over Rows 205, 235, 255, 275, 295, 315
T-Bar Rows 225, 250, 270, 295
Dumbbell Rows 100, 110, 120, 130
Cable Rows 260, 280, 300, 240
Pullups 2 sets to failure
Adriftpanda 10:06 PM 10-07-2014
Shoulders and a couple bicep movements at the end.
Shoulders felt decent today.

Bb upright row 4x10-8
DB presses 4x8-12 (80lb first time in a while, I've done these, felt nice and easy)
Seated side delt raises -- machine side delt raise 3x13
DB front raise 4x12-15
Shrugs 4x15-20

Seated DB curls 4x10
Preachers curls 4x10-15
icehog3 12:36 AM 10-08-2014
Nice workout, Huy. :-)

Shoulders for me in a few hours. :-) or :-) ? We shall see.
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