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Sports>The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thread
TheRiddick 05:26 PM 04-07-2009
I had a sinking feeling ManU will falter today, too many people discount Porto yet they are still in the CL playoffs right along with the "big boys". They need a real striker as I keep saying, and until the day they buy one they won't be a "whole" team. This from a long time ManU supporter. Scholes needs to retire and will do so this summer, his play was atrocious today. Even Carrick could not pass the ball today for the most part. Arghh....
theycallmedan'lboone 12:28 PM 04-08-2009
I didn't get to see either match, as I was saving up to take this afternoon off, but the goals were all very nice. Rooneys little flick, not too shabby, Adebeyour's goal was very nice..
mastershogun 02:31 PM 04-08-2009
1st half of the barca game was awesome!
Jason 10:02 PM 04-08-2009
Hiddink is the man. has to be the special one that tuenwd the prev games into a snoozefest
TheRiddick 11:42 PM 04-08-2009
Is the bet on Liverpool - Chelsea still on? Not that I can't happen, but I don't think Chelsea will loose at home by 2 goals.
theycallmedan'lboone 06:20 AM 04-09-2009
I started the bet, I intend to finish it, to suggest otherwise would be un-gentlemanly of me, and no I don't think Chelsea will lose at home by 2+ goals. I know they can be beaten, and by 2+ goals, but Liverpool didn't show up, or did for about 10 minutes and then said 'oi lad pints at the pub'. I will say that Essien did a remarkable job shadowing Steven Gerrard, he was only Vaguely there. What do you think about JT's yellow for "jumping into" Pepe Reina? I couldn't believe it, he's on a yellow, ball is 5 feet above his head and he jumps laterally... not too bright from the London Lad. I do not envy whoever continues from our clash, as they will face a devastatingly effective Barca squad. Anyone see Henry kick the keeper in the face?

Need some hilarity in your life? Enjoy
mastershogun 08:48 AM 04-09-2009
Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone:
I started the bet, I intend to finish it, to suggest otherwise would be un-gentlemanly of me, and no I don't think Chelsea will lose at home by 2+ goals. I know they can be beaten, and by 2+ goals, but Liverpool didn't show up, or did for about 10 minutes and then said 'oi lad pints at the pub'. I will say that Essien did a remarkable job shadowing Steven Gerrard, he was only Vaguely there. What do you think about JT's yellow for "jumping into" Pepe Reina? I couldn't believe it, he's on a yellow, ball is 5 feet above his head and he jumps laterally... not too bright from the London Lad. I do not envy whoever continues from our clash, as they will face a devastatingly effective Barca squad. Anyone see Henry kick the keeper in the face?

Need some hilarity in your life? Enjoy
i know henry could not stop and was sliding off balanced but nonetheless that was very dangerous. :-)
TheRiddick 02:52 PM 04-09-2009
Terry is an idiot, too bad so many refs tolerate his (mis)behavior instead of doing what they need to rules wise. He usually runs through people never even looking at the ball.

Recall what I said above about Liverpool, they are an injury or two away from disaster. Gerard now, Torres may be as well come weekend. Rafa has no subs for these two.

I do not like Chelsea for a number of reasons, but them bringing Hiddinck in was the difference I figured could be enough to balance things out in this match up. Lampard looked like crap, his usual self IMO, and I have no idea why he ever features on England team. Essien was the difference. Now that Corvallho will most likely deputise for Terry, I think Chelsea defense may actually be improved for the next game, where Terry plays using his size and lack of brains, Corvallho is all brains and speed. Not that I am saying it is a done deal, but next game will probably be very entertaining (and dependent on what happens this weekend in EPL).

As much as I hope ManU can beat Porto away, unless they take some chances with their attacking options, I see Porto playin 10 in their own half and looking for nil-nil result. Evans gave away the first goal, Neville the second, Ferdinand is essential for next game. I'd say let Macheda do some running, his is way different and more effective than that of Tevez, and this may be enough to unsettle Porto. Plus I am willing to bet Scholes will be on the bench at best and Park will run Porto rugged.

Barca are the only sure bet so far.
theycallmedan'lboone 05:26 PM 04-09-2009 really you should watching this.
TheRiddick 09:29 PM 04-09-2009
Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone: really you should watching this.
He's way too light on Lampard, Terry and Cole. Funny how he didn't have any negative feedback on Liverpool and ManU players...
theycallmedan'lboone 06:14 AM 04-10-2009
I'm not sure, but I think he's the same guy who imitates the liverpool players. I think had any Liverpool player been there, or a United player other than Carrick, He'd have said something. The whole "unfortunate forward hairline" was hilarious.

Any predictions from this weekend. All the talking heads on Skysports/soccernet, seem to think Liverpool is set to take out their frustrations on poor blackburn. to be honest I'd love to see it, my opinion is that if they don't win 2,3-0 The chelsea defeat may have taken whatever starch Liverpool had left, out of them. United play a Sunderland who is on the verge of winning.. I'd be really shocked if united don't go 3-0 on them. any thoughts?
TheRiddick 12:10 PM 04-10-2009
Hmmmm... Rio was there as well, and so was Beckham :-))

Liverlpool game. Blackburn are more hurt, injuries wise, than 'Pool, although their drive is stronger since they are playing for their lives in the EPL. Tough to predict, although Gerard not playing is a big deal, not only will he be missed on the pitch (although I love Benayun and what he brings), this alters team's mental state since they will also be thinking of the upcoming trip to Chelsea and Gerard's possible sitting out that game as well. Let's not forget Torres is playing somewhat hurt, anything happens to him and 'Pool are done for the year. For a supposed contender, relying on just 2 players and their health is simply crazy, IMO. I'd say this may end in a draw with Blackburn front line's size making the difference at set pieces.

United game. Have no idea at this point. Vidic is there and I am guessing he will partner O'Shay (both Evans and Ferdinand are out). This leaves Neville on the right (an issue since he is not up to snuff yet) and no other backup, they do have a decent up and coming young kid, but he's more of center back. In the middle I call Ronaldo, Park, Fletcher and Carrick, although either Anderson or Nani could deputise for Carrick (he was way too slow and tired in the past week making way too many mistakes). Scholes better not be on the bench (Andreson). Up front, Rooney and Tevez, although I wish SAF starts playing the young guns, chiefly Macheda since he brings a different type of running (North/South instead of circles like Tevez does), at least for the last 20-25 minutes. I'd say a one goal win for United, whatever the score. At least I wish it this way :-)

Chelsea should win. Everton just might bring it to Villa and take that game. Arsenal should win, although they have a bunch of injuries and this could affect the game greatly (Van Persie is out?).
theycallmedan'lboone 09:41 PM 04-10-2009
true, no date on when it was filmed.. if it was not too long there's always the red giant... anyways. I'm glad someone else appreciate's the israeli. I think he brings much more to the game than Kuyt, and I love kuyt's never say day thing. Don't forget Gallas... he's done for the season. Carra has said the league is more important. Does rafa da gaffa play Gerrard and just hope for the best come Tuesday? or does he let the team play without him and see how things go (my guess). I'd love to see Everton beat villa. They're playing on nothing but fumes and chemistry, although JO brings something completely different (thanks Monty)...
TheRiddick 12:35 AM 04-11-2009
I don't think Gerard will play tomorrow, he is hurting and even if Rafa says go, I don't think Gerard's body will comply, he was more than subdued against Chelsea. Gallas is done, but I am sure Silvestre will do just fine in his place, Van Persie is a much bigger issue. Everton will play with a double incentive, first to overtake Villa and then hope that Arsenal will falter as well, should be a great game. If Moyes gets more money this summer, Everton will be scary next year.
theycallmedan'lboone 05:46 AM 04-11-2009
I like David Moyes, I really think he's a good coach, and must agree, a few key buys and they could be VERY scary. Agger and Benayoun, Insua, Mascherano starting 11. 4-4-2... A minutes silence for the 96. Thats a little bit scary seeing Anfield deathly silent.
theycallmedan'lboone 11:13 AM 04-11-2009
your boy Macheda has scored some important goals here lately.
TheRiddick 10:18 PM 04-11-2009
Looks like Tevez is gone this summer for sure, and as a ManU supporter I say, Thank you for your contribution, but its time to move along. I think Ronaldo will be gone as well, I just need to see Tosic in a few more games to see what he can do. Not sure Ribery will be available, but I'll gladly would do the trade.

Chelsea looked like its a game done with, have no idea why Bolton spent the entire first half playing behind the ball, by the looks of it they could have done much better if they actually brought the game to Chelsea from the get go. 'Pool looked impressive. Arsenal? Same as ManU, I had doubts.

At least we have some great young guns coming through ManU youth team, although we still need a real striker, Berba ain't it IMO. Macheda will do great, the kid has no "mental block" playing the big league, and his direct running is new for ManU finesse game. A few of my soccer buddies play fantasy league, last weekend (before Macheda's first outing) I told them to look out for the kid, they gave me a strange look and asked, Who the hell are you talking about? They know now :-)

I am still worried about Porto game, ManU really need to step up.
theycallmedan'lboone 07:43 AM 04-12-2009
I think united will pull out the stops at Porto. I got to watch The last 20 of the United-Sunderland fixture, and that kid has got some serious talent, he will be a force soon enough. I wouldn't mind ronaldo leaving, and I think his "mild" year will help him want to move, he gets beat up pretty bad in the EPL, and he would live longer in Spain. Only problem with him leaving, is who united get to replace him with (multiple)
TheRiddick 12:09 PM 04-12-2009
Well, Tosic is in, and from what I saw of him so far, he will fit well, he just needs better conditioning, up to EPL standards, plus some more weight and muscle, same issue Fletcher had when he was brought in years ago. Rumors are that Ribery will be Ronaldo's replacement and although Germans kep saying No, with a new coach to be installed soon enough their resolve to keep the guy plus Uniteds ability to pay a lot (using the proceeds from Ronaldo's sale) could change people's minds. Tevez is gone and I see Berbatov as a sub next year, no team in EPL can play 10 men in every game Berbatov is on, he's got more talent than most anyone around, but his laziness eventually costs the team, 10 men on for most of the season catches up quickly and makes the 10 men very tired and spent (we see it now). Welback will be loaned out, so will Frazier again, or both sold to bring one more true striker (Macheda is one). And one more central defender, they have a great young kid in the academy, but will probably go for one more experienced body, should have kept Pique, but then again we'd never find out how good Evans can be. They are set in the middle for now, hopefully Hargreaves will come back healthy (yet another option to replace Ronaldo, although risky due to Owen' on-going medical issues). Scholes is gone next year, Anderson will step up. And I still need to see Ljajic, supposedly he's the real deal and another option to replace Ronaldo.

I expected Everton to step up today and they did, away at a great team. Moyes needs more funds this summer to make next year's EPL more interesting beyond the usual 4-5 teams and out, I really hope team's management gets him the mney required. Arsenal could be scary next year as well depending on injuries. Chelsea must start bringing young blood in, this year shows they are getting old fast. 'Pool? Get rid of Benitez and start buying strikers to help out Torres, Benitez's expenditures, over 200M pounds and counting, have so far failed to bring in any trophies, that's the poorest ROI I have seen so far at any team in EPL or Europe for that matter.
theycallmedan'lboone 05:12 PM 04-12-2009
While, I can't say I agree entirely about getting rid of Benitez, Jason has mentioned the reek Parry issue, which according to Rafa da Gaffa, will straighten things out. Although I thought he was outside his mind when he was considering losing Alonso to pick up Barry. I think Rafa is a pretty good coach. Time will tell. Personally I think the Gerrard/Torres combination is a pretty decent one at WORST. While Gerrard isn't a true striker, I think he pairs well with Torres. I think Benitez has made some good buys in the past bit, Skrtel, Reira, I think Ngog will do acceptably, and Insua as he has pretty much proven. A good manager must have time, I think 'the hackman' needed more time, but wasn't the best fit for Chelsea. Yes, hiddink has done well, and should be kept if possible by the chelsea boardroom. I think If Benny can keep his defensive corps together(AGGER DAMNIT). I have trouble with complaining about kuyt on the wing thing, because he has the knack for popping up with goals on the occassion and the man will flat run until he cannot move. I think Benayoun is a better fit there and would produce more but I'm not the boss. TO refute your "trophyless claim" 2005 CL Cup, 2006 FA Cup, 2006 (or 7) Charity Shield. Lost by 1 goal in the 2007 CL Final. Not exactly poor returns. Wouldn't have minded picking up a piece of silverware in between, especially the FA cup last year. Trophey's take time, and I think Benitez is what's best for Liverpool.
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