I was deployed and a buddy gave me a few cigars. He was the cigar guy that deployment. Anyway I enjoyed them, I bought a box soon after. Then when I came home I took a 3 year brea. It wasn't till I came home from my 2nd deployment that I really started to smoke Cigars. Rockey Patel edge
i first got into cigars when i was around 16. my grandad - a baller in the truest sense and real classy guy took me on a holiday to italy. we were in a quiet restaurant in front of the sea not far from napoli, there was red marble everywhere. my grandad was talking to a a man who he seemed to know well, and he brought out a wooden box with a cigar in it. i don't know what cigar it was but my grandad, suddenly aware i was staring, handed it to me and said don't inhale. and that was it, i've loved cigars since.