stevef2005 09:06 PM 08-29-2013
Originally Posted by Sadden:
when we build a house i get a smoking lounge.
I actually was dicussing this with my fiance the other day. When we build a house eventually I want a smoking lounge/office area.
My better half though is supportive of my habit. She says if it makes me happy and does not bother others, then have at it. That probably stems from the fact that she enjoys partaking in a cigar from time to time. In fact, she was the one who got me my first cigar, a Montecristo Rothchilde, while we on vacation in Miami...not even going to mention house much she overspent on that, haha! Damn street vendors....LOL
dmiller662 08:59 PM 02-01-2016
LOL.... this brought up old memories and a very LONG discussion one evening..
I have smoked for approx. 10 yrs, and very much enjoy a nice cigar on a regular basis...
My wonderful wife, has been supportive (uh for years anyway), and even tried a few here and there, bless her heart..
She has seen me start out with a very small humidor holding a few cigars to my collection of today with over 50 boxes and many singles in a Aristocrat Cabinet Humidor....
I would get the occasional question when a new box came in... "how much was that" and was always the answer " caught it on sale for like $40" or some other lame excuse. I used to get a bit annoyed.. I mean , I own a business, pay my fair share of bills, and we each buy our own things, I mean I never asked how much a pair of her shoes were.. But Honesty is much better in a 20+ year marriage , trust me.. More on that below...
Ok, I will try to shorten this up...
My wife works for a large restaurant company, she is a accounting supervisor.. Anyway, they have a few very Nice upper end Steak Houses.. With which we get a nice discount at, so do like to eat there a time or 2.. One one in particular has a very nice cigar lounge, where they sell cigars, and you can enjoy them... And she has always encouraged me to go sit after a meal. Anyway, she was taking me a few years ago for my 45th b-day for a nice steak dinner....
what I did NOT know, (being the awesome wife she is), she contacted the GM of the steak house, and let him know, she wanted to buy me some cigars for my b-day. asked what I liked, and she of course did not know.. So he said to get a few different ones and bring them by the office or the restaurant and he would see if they had in stock, or he could order for her..
Well she got into my humidor, opened some boxes (I found this out later in our discussion), and decided to take 2 cigars out from boxes I only had a couple left in, so she was going to buy me a box of one of them...
Ok, remember the $40 a box I used to say....
Well when she went by the restaurant with the 2 to show him, to buy a box..
He said..
"-----" (wifes name), this one here, you CANNOT get, trust me, take it home and put back and don't ask questions....
on the second he tells her, Uh, we sell the singles, but I can order you a box for about $300
first one I cannot name
2nd was a opusX lost city
Needless to say, as pissed as she was, I did get a few cigars, but not a box..
Im sure you can imagine the LONG discussion we had DURING dinner, and the slight smile I got from the GM that came by and wished me a happy b-day..
icehog3 10:54 PM 02-01-2016
Honesty is the best policy.
Or in my case, being single is the best policy.
:-) :-)
smokin5 08:09 PM 02-02-2016
Well THERE'S something we can all agree on, Admiral - both sexes included!
Tio Gato 04:41 AM 02-03-2016
My bride is too good to me. When I mentioned the potential FDA issues last fall she said "You better stock up."
She didn't have to tell me twice. I filled 5 new coolers and she said, "you better get more just in case."
Sooner 09:55 AM 02-03-2016
MY wife is very supportive of my hobby! She is always wanting to surprise with cigars, but always has to ask me which ones I like! She insists at least twice a week that I go out and enjoy a cigar. Sometimes more than that. She enjoys smelling my cigars before I light them, as do my kids. She isn't a partaker, however over the years she enjoys the smell of them burning more than she used to.
She also likes bringing me snacks or drinks when I am out there. Of course now that it is winter I have to go inside to get them, but she still has them ready!
She was even cool when I started removing shelves and whatnot from our shed so I would have a place to smoke this winter. A supportive spouse is definitely a blessing. I don't know how I could enjoy cigars like I do if my wife was opposed to it.
Touten2 04:57 PM 02-04-2016
My wife was a little miffed when I first came home with a 5 pack sampler from JR's. Wanted to know what brought this on. She would open the door, look out on the porch at me and my new "hobby" and just shake her head and close the door.
I was shocked today when I stopped in one of the local B & M's and the wife wanted to go in with me. She said the odor was overpowering when we first walked in, but before long she was picking up various sticks asking "is this a good one?"
As I was paying for my purchase, she was looking at a floor model humidor. I currently have a 50 count desktop, that is filling quickly. I told that it would make a very nice Valentines gift.
Grape Ape 08:31 AM 02-06-2016
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Honesty is the best policy.
Or in my case, being single is the best policy. :-) :-)
If you mean "divorced" THAT'S ME! Been a bachelor for the past ten years, and I never have to worry about enjoying a smoke.
A few years back I had a relationship actually end because it progressed to the point where it made sense for her to move in. She knew I was a cigar smoker and knew I smoked in my condo; had been over countless times when I had, in fact! But for some reason she thought that was going to change when she moved in. We went round and round for weeks, and in the end, we broke off the relationship. I remember her screaming she couldn't believe I was choosing my precious cigars over her. I replied it wasn't about the cigars, it was about the assumption that she would change me. I'm not opposed to compromise, but there was not of that. It still makes a little sad to think about, but in the end, I have to believe it was for the better.
icehog3 08:49 AM 02-06-2016
Exactly, Grape.
My ex once asked me, "If I asked you to choose your job or me, which would you choose?"
Without hesitation, I said "the job."
When she asked how could that be, I replied "Because if you loved me, you'd never ask me to make that choice".
AdamJoshua 09:10 AM 02-06-2016
Originally Posted by dmiller662:
Well she got into my humidor, opened some boxes (I found this out later in our discussion), and decided to take 2 cigars out from boxes I only had a couple left in, so she was going to buy me a box of one of them...
This is why A) Divorces are so expensive and 2) Aristocrats have locks.
massphatness 10:25 AM 02-06-2016
I really need to have a cigar lounge built in the basement ...

rwiiames 09:03 AM 02-14-2016
I got interested in cigars several years ago listening to "The Cigar Dave Show" on XM radio when I regularly worked weekends. I finally pulled the trigger a year ago and bought a desktop humidor. That didn't exactly go over well. The usual stuff, she has asthma, no I don't intend to ever smoke in the house. Smoking causes cancer. Cigars vs cigarettes.
After about three weeks to season, I bought a sampler. Some I liked and some I didn't, so I bought more and visited my B&M for recommendations. Then I saw the winador threads and found a wine cooler on Craigs List and have to fought to keep things under control since.
Through it all, my wife has made an amazing transformation. Initially she was openly hostile, then somewhat mocking. I kept to my word. I never smoke in the house and usually only have time for one or two during the week if I finish my run early (I'm an over the road truck driver, so I'm gone all week), and usually one on Saturday with a beer after I finish cutting the grass as my "reward". About July, she began joining me on the porch, and this fall and early December when we had a few warm weekends, she suggested I take advantage of the moderate temps and have a smoke.
Come Christmas time, she mentioned the kids asking what I might like for Christmas. I sent her links for a Xikar cutter and punch. The kids got me gift cards, she got me the Xikar!
A few weeks ago, I was thumbing through the latest catalog and she asked me if I saw anything I liked. I told her plenty, but many of them way out of my budget. I then dog-eared some pages and marked some samplers and fivers under $50 and told her if anyone was looking to get me a modest gift that I had marked a few things. Last night before dinner, she handed me a box. When I opened it, it contained a Brick House Mighty Mighty Sampler. I was totally blown away. I know it's not a Lost City, but I had gotten a Brick House in a sample pack and liked it enough that I was interested in trying others in the line.
All I can say is what an amazing woman. She puts up with a lot because of me being gone all week, and now this. I've always told people that I picked better the second time, and I realize that is more true each and every day.
pnoon 09:09 AM 02-14-2016
Originally Posted by rwiiames:
I got interested in cigars several years ago listening to "The Cigar Dave Show" on XM radio when I regularly worked weekends. I finally pulled the trigger a year ago and bought a desktop humidor. That didn't exactly go over well. The usual stuff, she has asthma, no I don't intend to ever smoke in the house. Smoking causes cancer. Cigars vs cigarettes.
After about three weeks to season, I bought a sampler. Some I liked and some I didn't, so I bought more and visited my B&M for recommendations. Then I saw the winador threads and found a wine cooler on Craigs List and have to fought to keep things under control since.
Through it all, my wife has made an amazing transformation. Initially she was openly hostile, then somewhat mocking. I kept to my word. I never smoke in the house and usually only have time for one or two during the week if I finish my run early (I'm an over the road truck driver, so I'm gone all week), and usually one on Saturday with a beer after I finish cutting the grass as my "reward". About July, she began joining me on the porch, and this fall and early December when we had a few warm weekends, she suggested I take advantage of the moderate temps and have a smoke.
Come Christmas time, she mentioned the kids asking what I might like for Christmas. I sent her links for a Xikar cutter and punch. The kids got me gift cards, she got me the Xikar!
A few weeks ago, I was thumbing through the latest catalog and she asked me if I saw anything I liked. I told her plenty, but many of them way out of my budget. I then dog-eared some pages and marked some samplers and fivers under $50 and told her if anyone was looking to get me a modest gift that I had marked a few things. Last night before dinner, she handed me a box. When I opened it, it contained a Brick House Mighty Mighty Sampler. I was totally blown away. I know it's not a Lost City, but I had gotten a Brick House in a sample pack and liked it enough that I was interested in trying others in the line.
All I can say is what an amazing woman. She puts up with a lot because of me being gone all week, and now this. I've always told people that I picked better the second time, and I realize that is more true each and every day.
Sounds like she's a keeper, Wes.
AdamJoshua 09:16 AM 02-14-2016
Porch Dweller 09:00 AM 02-15-2016