falconman515 10:15 AM 10-12-2011
It's a start but if your anything like me it will be full and you'll be wanting bigger in a month or two. It's a slippery slope this hobby.... So after I started with my small 8 bottle cooler once it filled up in 30 days I said.... Screw It.... I'm just gonna bite the bullet and get the NewAir since it was only $180.
I have had the 28 bottle NewAir for about 2 or 3 months and its nearing full with my trays.... time to order some drawers from Forrest.
Whatever you decide brother will be a great start.
Let us know if we can help.
Col. Kurtz 10:29 AM 10-12-2011
Originally Posted by BigRonS:
my old wineadors. they are gone now..i have an aristocrat and use just one wineador for long term storage
Good gracious that's a lot of smokes!
NeuRon 06:54 PM 10-12-2011
Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz:
Good gracious that's a lot of smokes! :-)
just trying to be like you man !

falconman515 03:33 PM 10-18-2011
Should be a good start bro! It Thermoelectric so that good. With it only being 3 bottles wide though it wont be wide enough to fit say the cheaphumidor trays in but if your just using it for some boxes or some bags of singles it would work great.
Just make sure you get some beads. kitty litter in there for humidity and a digital hygrometer and you'll be set. You can get some cheap esquisicat kitty litter litter and 99 cent bags at petsmart and a cheap $7 walmart digital hygrometer to start off.
If you move forward on this and have any questions on how to build I would be happy to help. See my wine cooler build for some good details that may help you out a lot and answer some questions up front.
Good luck brother!
Crownedone 11:51 AM 11-03-2011
I was at my local ABC liquor store and saw this... seemed to be a good deal. Any one know if they are worth the money to convert to a winador?
WittyUserName 12:04 PM 11-03-2011
If not for the cigars, it is a great deal for a wine fridge.
nofeardiver 12:06 PM 11-03-2011
wow that is sweet would be freaking huge wineador...
chaase321 12:08 PM 11-03-2011
You guys all have awesome looking wineadors...bad part is, I can already see, hear, and feel my wife being pissed as I ask her if I can make one! lol
Keep it up though, so when I finally am "allowed" I can find great resourses
shilala 12:09 PM 11-03-2011
Hells yeah!!! That is an incredible price on a gorgeous unit. It's a $625 machine. I'd steal it right out from under you if I was in Florida right now.
It's compressor driven, but it can be modded to work like a charm by adding a couple computer fans powered by an AC adapter. The cost to convert it would be under 20 bucks. Free if you're resourceful.
You can leave everything else as is, you'd just need a bunch of beads or a hydra or both. (I'd use both, active and passive humidification combos always works best in big units.)
If you don't want it, buy it and send it to me!!!
Seriously, it's a steal. If you have use for something that big, grab it. If you don't, grab it anyways. One of the Florida crew is bound to take it off your hands.
shilala 12:13 PM 11-03-2011
I'd probably use it for Lisa's wine, myself. I got her a Frigidaire wine cooler for her wine that's the same as I use for my drinks and winador. I modded the ones for my drinks and cigars. They work great and hold up great. There's no reason they won't last forever.
Same goes for the Danby. Thermoelectrics are generally very cheaply made, replaceable units. They aren't intended to last long and usually don't. They don't work in hot rooms, either. This Danby would work anywhere.
Crownedone 12:45 PM 11-03-2011
Hummm...I will go by and check it out again tommorow. Unfortunately, I would have to buy 2, The wife would insist that she gets one for her wine, then I could have mine for my cigars.
Crownedone 01:02 PM 11-03-2011
If someone is truely interested in this unit and are not to far away...I could be game for a short road trip for delivery.
shilala 01:03 PM 11-03-2011
Originally Posted by Crownedone:
Hummm...I will go by and check it out again tommorow. Unfortunately, I would have to buy 2, The wife would insist that she gets one for her wine, then I could have mine for my cigars.
If there were 2, I'd drag 2 home. If there were 10 at that price, I'd take my trailer.
Crownedone 01:14 PM 11-03-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
If there were 2, I'd drag 2 home. If there were 10 at that price, I'd take my trailer. :-)
OHHHH.... crap I have several traliers.
IndyRob 01:17 PM 11-03-2011
When I first got into cigars a friend at work gave me this humidor. I didn't know anything about seasoning them and by the time I figured it out, I had stashed this thing away.
I'd like to use it to store the stuff I burn through on a regular basis. So I dug it out of the garage last night and started to season it. I kind of played around with this before... but I didn't give it much time back then, but it never really sealed that well. My goal is to try seasoning this for the duration of November.
Any tips tricks I can consider to help there? I was thinking about maybe some kind of weather stripping or something?
IndyRob 01:47 PM 11-03-2011
... yeah, and apparently I posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry about that.
MurphysLaw 01:48 PM 11-03-2011
Originally Posted by IndyRob:
... yeah, and apparently I posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry about that.
No worries, give the sticky on humidor seasoning a good read, lots of good info in there
Originally Posted by Crownedone:
If someone is truely interested in this unit and are not to far away...I could be game for a short road trip for delivery.
I already ran the numbers and if it were possible, I'd be at your house tomorrow
:-) Awesome gesture none the less
I've already called the local ABC in Chattanooga. No dice.
the fridge would work great!!! one of my vinos is compressor and i just dont plug it in. works like a charm!!! its a steal at that price!!!