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General Discussion>Why so hateful lately?
hotreds 08:41 PM 06-10-2010
Happily, I have not noticed the hatefulness here, but perhaps it is specific threads that attract the haters!:-)
SmokeyJoe 08:48 PM 06-10-2010
Nothin' but love here, bro!

Appreciate the reminder for all of us, Carlos. What makes this place special is what makes it different...

Cigar Asylum stands apart as a forum that is built on the principles of mutual respect, shared knowledge, generosity, and community.
-From the Cigar Asylum invitation.-


G G 08:58 PM 06-10-2010
To be quite honest I have to be careful all the time about what I post, so as not to offend a brother. I mean I know that politically, and religion wise there are a lot of different views here. I know that my brothers hold their views just as strongly as I hold mine, so it aint gonna change nothing if I offend someone. I think we should all try to remember that if it comes to mind, you don't always have to say it. It's hard not to sometimes but I have to really think sometimes before I hit the post button. I love all of you and don't want to offend someone just for that sake of getting a point across.
hotreds 09:11 PM 06-10-2010
On second thought, with all the bombing going on here lately, I guess I do see some hate!
G G 09:29 PM 06-10-2010
I would also like to say that if I ever have or ever do offend someone, please send me a pm and I think that we can work it out. I have found in my life that if you can confront and have a dialogue you can usually find common ground and even though you might not agree, you can understand the other person's position better.:-)
floydpink 07:46 AM 06-11-2010
Every October, I notice quite a bit of hateful posts directed towards A-Rod and my beloved Yankees and won't put up with it this October..:-)
JaKaacH 09:58 PM 03-06-2011
Whipper Snapper 11:31 PM 03-06-2011
Holy thread resurrection batman!
bscottskangum 11:35 PM 03-06-2011
BC-Axeman 11:44 PM 03-06-2011
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