Sports>Asylum Fantasy Football
awsmith4 11:35 PM 08-06-2009
Originally Posted by gnukfu:
If you have never participated in an auction draft I highly recommend you participate in a mock draft. I never have and so I did. Good thing I did, must learn patience grasshopper.
Where is the option to do a mock draft?
gnukfu 04:43 AM 08-07-2009
Originally Posted by awsmith4:
Where is the option to do a mock draft?
When you are looking at your team click on the draft kit link near the top of the screen. I found a link to the mock draft lobby in the lower left of the draft kit screen. Then I just selected an auction draft.
massphatness 07:23 AM 08-10-2009
Mock drafts are a necessity if you haven't drafted in the auction format previously. Ive been doing a standard draft format for 15+ years ... took a peek at the auction style and was COMPLETELY lost. I've run through a couple mock auctions, and while I get the jist of it, the strategy part is soooooo much different than the standard draft.
To recap:
Mock Drafts -- Do Them!
smitdavi 10:54 AM 08-17-2009
Just a reminded that the draft is tomorrow evening. Please do the mock drafts so you have an idea as what to expect. Trust me you will regret it if you don't.
hornitosmonster 11:04 AM 08-17-2009
Originally Posted by smitdavi:
Just a reminded that the draft is tomorrow evening. Please do the mock drafts so you have an idea as what to expect. Trust me you will regret it if you don't. the mock drafts.
massphatness 11:09 AM 08-17-2009
I'll have a better chance if you don't do the mock drafts -- please don't prepare at all. Wing it. It's way more fun that way.
gnukfu 05:39 PM 08-17-2009
I'm not doing any more mock drafts. I have figured out how to spend all $200 on my first 3 picks so I'm all set!
smitdavi 06:11 PM 08-17-2009
Originally Posted by gnukfu:
I'm not doing any more mock drafts. I have figured out how to spend all $200 on my first 3 picks so I'm all set!
:-) :-)
Cigargal 07:41 PM 08-17-2009
I've been trying to get into one but no luck. After we spend 200 then we can't buy another player? I didn't see anyone for less than a dollar???
smitdavi 08:11 PM 08-17-2009
Originally Posted by Cigargal:
I've been trying to get into one but no luck. After we spend 200 then we can't buy another player? I didn't see anyone for less than a dollar???
Correct. You have to buy all of your players with that 200. So you can't just blow your money on 3 players, you will need to budget and spend accordingly
massphatness 08:54 PM 08-17-2009
Or you go with a 3-player lineup.
Posted via Mobile Device
shilala 09:28 PM 08-17-2009
I signed up,got registered, and have no idea how it works and no interest in figuring it out.
Sofamas was supposed to help, but he's on vacation this week.
I hope it'll auto-pick my team, or I'm gonna be going with a pretty slim zero player roster.
Cigargal 10:22 PM 08-17-2009
It will auto pick. I went to the rules section and read up on auction drafts. It explains it pretty well. Sounds like a free-for-all
smitdavi 10:34 PM 08-17-2009
Originally Posted by Cigargal:
It will auto pick. I went to the rules section and read up on auction drafts. It explains it pretty well. Sounds like a free-for-all:-)
I'm pretty sure it will bid up to the desired price you enter for each player you want.
hornitosmonster 11:00 PM 08-17-2009
The system wont let you blow all your cash on three players.
massphatness 05:45 AM 08-18-2009
I just participated in my 45th mock draft. Why do I consistently end up with Michael Vick as my starting QB?
tonite should be fun
Posted via Mobile Device
smitdavi 10:09 AM 08-18-2009
Originally Posted by massphatness:
I just participated in my 45th mock draft. Why do I consistently end up with Michael Vick as my starting QB?
tonite should be fun
Posted via Mobile Device
You have a problem with blowing your wad early don't you?!?
:-) :-) :-)
Mugen910 10:12 AM 08-18-2009
i don't get it Dave...I dide one mock draft and it seems like any other draft I've just pick a number to start and go down the list then back up...m I missing something?
gnukfu 10:37 AM 08-18-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
i don't get it Dave...I dide one mock draft and it seems like any other draft I've just pick a number to start and go down the list then back up...m I missing something?
Make sure you test out an auction draft Bao. You can bid on every player available in an auction draft.....well until you run out of money that is.
smitdavi 10:45 AM 08-18-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
i don't get it Dave...I dide one mock draft and it seems like any other draft I've just pick a number to start and go down the list then back up...m I missing something?
yeah, make sure it's an AUCTION style draft. Basically each person nominates a player for auction and the bidding progresses. This happens until all teams are completed.