Originally Posted by Seanohue:
Yea I saw that; base price is $1.8K though, and $150 for that upgrade, when the card is only $120 from Newegg. You can get a system of greater specs, including OSX and a 24" monitor for under $1K still.
Guess I'm just not cool enough to see the value of Macs :-)
I guess pricing has changed some since I last looked. Just a couple of years ago to get a PC that was comparable to the Mac I was using would have cost a couple of hundred more because most PCs weren't built as higher end computers.
What you do with the computer also makes a difference and frankly, if someone isn't doing anything more than internet, writing a few papers and playing games then I don't see why they would switch from PC to Mac.
I've worked in publication design, photography and graphic design for over 20 years and Mac was way ahead of PCs for most of that time. It has become somewhat more equal, but I stick with Macs because I find the software I use works better than the PC versions - and I have used both versions.