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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Question for people in constant high heat weather.
Malazan 06:06 PM 02-29-2012
Here in Colorado, we have no Humidity. I have a hard time keeping 65-70% sometimes
ArgusP2 07:21 PM 02-29-2012
Originally Posted by kydsid:
Okay first off the only real answer for anyone in high heat environments to keep the cigars cool themselves is a wineador etc that has its own cooling device. You can search my threads and find a write up I did while living in a climate that even at night did not go below 80 degrees.

Second, sorry to burst people bubbles, but freezing is not a 100% pest exclusion method. You are kidding yourself about any pest to ever think that any pest control method is 100% effective. However thourough and below 0 freezing is highly effective on all insects and given the prescence of tobacco beetles is already low you are further lowering the chances to as low as possible to make an outbreak inprobable but it will always be possible.

EDIT: Here is the thread I was speaking of:
Originally Posted by kydsid:
This dish towel will just become the breading ground for mold. That ice pack is a novel idea but all I see is trouble. Only way condensation isn't a problem is if you have air movement and a way to absorb it over time and release back into the environment. Otherwise you just fight a constant battle of removing it yourself with paper towels or the like then adding water to beads or other humidification device when you go low.
:-) Jason knows!
kydsid 08:50 AM 03-01-2012
Originally Posted by ApexAZ:
Well, crap, okay. Hopefully 78 will be fine until I can get a vino, or 3 :-)
The edgestars retail for around $200, usually with free shipping. You can find scratch and dents as low as $100. With about another $40 in beads and you have one mighty effective humidor in a hot climate that for the cost and it stores a lot, say 18+ boxes of cigars.

Think about it this way. At a $140 you are forgoing buying only one box of the cheapest cigars you like and protecting everything you have now, plus everything in the future.

Drawers, shelves etc can come latter. :-)
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