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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 11:43 PM 08-31-2014
Arm day:

Cambered bar curls
Barbell curls
Precher curls
Cable pushdowns

International Leg Day tomorrow....
Dude Here 07:00 PM 09-01-2014
Intergalactic workout today.

Warm up:
Mobility drills
3 minute walk at 5% incline

For time complete:
1 mile run
5 rounds of:
225lbs deadlift x 5
Dips x 15

Finished it all in 15:58. I did stop the timer while I walked from the treadmills over to the rack and slapped 225 on the bar. Finished with some cable push downs, pull-ups, push-ups, abs then a 2000m row. Feeling whooped tonight. Gonna pour myself a stiff drink and stretch out for a while.
Adriftpanda 08:10 PM 09-01-2014
Legs today.

Squats 5x5 @315
Sumo deads 5x5 @375

Rest were isolation movements, leg presses, lying curls, seated leg curls 4x12-15
icehog3 10:21 PM 09-01-2014
Heavy leg press and hamstring curls today...wish I could do some squatting, Huy, but I just can't get my shoulder to cooperate. I will keep working on it.

International Chest Day manana...on a non-Monday where it belongs. :-)
icehog3 11:04 PM 09-02-2014
Vertical bench
Incline Bench
Decline Bench

Lots of reps today, good pump.

Back day manana.
Adriftpanda 11:05 PM 09-02-2014
International Shoulder day :-)

Db side lat raise 4x10
Standing arnold presses 4x8-10
Seated smith machine military press 4x10-12
BB upright row -- machine shrugs 4x10
Rear delt flies 4x12-18
Face pulls 4x12-15
Adriftpanda 07:38 PM 09-03-2014
Arms and calves today. Quick and fun.

Seated calve raise, standing calve raises, and did donkey raises.

Tricep rope extensions 4x12-15
Ez bar reverse grip extensions 4x10-12

Standing db curls 4x8-12
Ez bar curls 4x8 (drop set)
Ez bar reverse curls 4x10

Dips -- machine preacher curls 4x10-12
icehog3 11:35 PM 09-03-2014
Back Day.

Prefatigued the lats with pullups. 8 sets to failure. Can't get as many as I used to with the first set, only got 18, wonky shoulder must mess with my form a touch.

After the pullups, continued with heavy cable pulldowns. 200, 220, 240, 260, 260, 200.

Didn't have much left for the rows, only got up to 245 on the barbell rows, 270 on the T-Bar rows and 260 on the cable rows. But that was plenty after all the pullup/pulldown action, and my lats were trashed.
Adriftpanda 12:20 PM 09-04-2014
Ahhh got to train with my buddy today since Staci will be going to Vegas tonight.

We did back and chest today, killed me.

Incline bb 5x8-10
Neutral grip lat pull down 5x8-10

incline flies -- db bent over rows 5x8-10
cable presses -- seated cable row 4x8-12
dips -- wide grip pull ups 4x6-10 (back was shot)
icehog3 02:38 PM 09-04-2014
Love them supersets, Huy. :-)

Shoulder day today. You know it's not going to be a good day when you are getting sharp pains before you even warm up. :-)

Gutted it out through 4 sets of militarys and 4 sets of seated militarys. That was all I could handle.

Hit abs hard after so I felt like I accomplished something anyway.
Adriftpanda 03:32 PM 09-04-2014
Ouch! One of those bad days huh brotha.
icehog3 05:02 PM 09-04-2014
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
Ouch! One of those bad days huh brotha.
It was, but I still got in a workout, so I can't do much more. :-)

Thinking about a chest/back superset day next week, been awhile for me and I love those days. You're inspirational!
Dude Here 05:21 PM 09-04-2014
Feelin' whooped after today. I hit the gym Tuesday with the wife and it was just a whatever kind of day. Still got in a 1.5 mile run. Today's workout though:

Warn Up:
Barbell snatches (need some serious work on these)
Sumo deadlift high pulls 135x5 superset with pull-ups x 5 (4 sets)

WOD: Squats 3/3/3/3/3


First time squatting with any real kind of weight since I hurt my back a year or so ago. Felt good to have some weight across my back again. Form needs some work, but overall it was pain free. Finished up with some abs then a fast 1000m row. Keep up the good work men, hope that shoulder of yours cuts you some slack Tom.
icehog3 07:36 PM 09-04-2014
Thanks keep on tearin' it up too! :-)
Adriftpanda 06:49 PM 09-05-2014
Heavy legs today.

Sumo deads 5x5
Hack squats 5x8-10
Front squats 5x6-8
Lying leg curls 5x12

Just arrived in Vegas, time to eat!!
icehog3 04:05 PM 09-06-2014
Lots of food, and no hangover Huy? :-)

Today was a scheduled day off, but I woke up early and hit chest. Kept it short and intense since it was a day early.

Bench Press 215, 245, 275, 295, 315, 275
Vertical Bench 275, 305, 325, 275
Dips bodyweight 19, 17, 17, 16
Cable pushdowns 115, 125, 135, 115, 95
Dude Here 08:25 PM 09-06-2014
Feeling tired and beat today but still got after it.

Warm up:
Cable twists
Short barbell complex

5 rounds for time of:
135lbs power clean x 5
Burpees x 8
Toes to bar x 5

Good God almighty, those burpees were tough! Whew, definitely need to work on those some more. Finished this one in 11:33. Moved onto some towel pull-ups supersetted with flat bench, then some abs and finally 1.25 miles on the step mill. Looking forward to an off day tomorrow and some Cowboys football!
Adriftpanda 08:27 PM 09-06-2014
I've been eating a lot! It's so good, back to reality tomorrow. Was a short trip.
icehog3 02:49 PM 09-07-2014
Back Day....not a lot of gas.

T-Bar Rows 225, 250, 270, 295

T-Bar - Bent Over Row Supersets 225-185, 250-215, 270-235, 250-235

Pullups 3 sets to fallure

Finished with some light cable rows.

Can't wait for my day off Wednesday. :-)
Adriftpanda 07:01 PM 09-08-2014
After a couple days off, and eating like a pig, I was back at it. Killed chest and abs today.

incline db 4x8-10
15* incline db flies 4x8-10
db pull over 4x10-12
seated cable presses -- dips 4x10-12

Mainly focused on lower abs today.

I was hit on today, I think... but he wasn't my type.

"You must have some really amazing abs if you do all those exercises. Can I see them?"

My response, "Haha. They're alright, maybe next time. I have to go take a sh.i.t. See ya."
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