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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 11:25 PM 08-20-2014
Enjoy you day off, Steve.

Hit that lat today.

Warm up:
5x10-15 pull ups, all different grips

Neutral grip lat pulldowns
Seated row machine
bent over bb row
reverse cable flies (5x10-15)
close grip pull down -- stiff arm lat pull down

Did all 4x8-10. Back is feeling reaaaaaal nice right now. Had some awesome thai food for the pw.
Dude Here 08:06 PM 08-23-2014
Put in some work today.

Warm up:
Broomstick twists
Kettlebell swings
Squat jumpers

Ten rounds for time of:
135lbs deadlift x 15
Push-ups x 15

Completed in 10:49. Seriously underestimated this workout. I was cruising through the first six rounds but somewhere around the fifth or sixth rep in the seventh round my lower back and hams were smoked. Rounds 8, 9 and 10 were a grind to the finish. After that it was some close grip bench, dips, ab work and a mile run to close out the day. May try to get in a 3000m row tomorrow if I can find the time.
icehog3 09:34 PM 08-23-2014
Finally hit it out of the groove since Shack, so I did a rep day.

Bench press 4 sets @ 275
Decline Press 2 sets @ 315, 2 sets @ 275
Incline press 3 sets @ 225
Dips 3 sets at bodyweight (a little heavier since Shack, LOL)
Adriftpanda 11:15 PM 08-23-2014
I worked out my belly today with a medium pizza :-)

Oh can't forget the frozen yogurt! Going for the nice pump tomorrow
Adriftpanda 04:11 PM 08-24-2014
A nice chest day, fueled by last nights pizza.

Went heavy on flat bench 5x5-4

Incline db press
Cable flies
Flat db flies
Hammer strength press

All were 4x8-12

Finished up with some bicep work. Standing db curls, reverse grip curls -- v-grip pull ups (great bicep) movement.
icehog3 06:52 PM 08-24-2014
Back Day.....short, heavy and sweet.

T-Bar Rows 225, 275, 295, 315, 275
Barbell Rows 225, 255, 275, 295, 295-225 superset
Cable Rows 220, 240, 260
Wide Grip Pulldowns 200, 220, 240
Pulllups 2 sets bodyweight to failure
Dude Here 07:33 PM 08-25-2014
Decent workout today.

Warm up:
Deep static stretching. My hamstrings are sore as hell from Saturday's workout and this was much needed.
Kettlebell swings
Resistance band work

Six rounds for time of:
Walking lunges x 100ft
Pull-ups x 21, 18, 15, 12, 9 and 6
Sit-ups x 21, 18, 15, 12, 9 and 6

Completed in 17: 25. Surprisingly, this workout wasn't all that hard, probably one of the easier ones I've had lately. Not terribly happy with my time but that's really my fault there. I got too aggressive with the pull-ups to start out with. I should have broken them down into three even sets for each round instead of trying to knock out as many as possible right away. That just ended up smoking my grip earlier than it should have. Oh well, live and learn and all that. Moved onto some back and front squats followed by some calves, abs and then a 2000m row. I did shave 30 sec off my row time though! Rest day tomorrow then back at it Wednesday unless I score some overtime at work.

Keep up the strong lifting gentlemen!
Adriftpanda 09:55 PM 08-25-2014
A very crappy leg day, fueled by less than 125g of carbs today...

Highlight of my session was hitting squats 5x8 @315, felt fairly light actually. Maybe good thing that I hardly do squats. My ass is big enough, mainly stick to front squats.
icehog3 10:24 PM 08-25-2014
315 is nothing to sneeze at Huy. :-)

Steve, those pullup numbers are impressive. :-)

Didn't get to train today, had court at 9 and didn't get out until it was time to head to work. Hoping to double up tomorrow.
Adriftpanda 12:09 AM 08-26-2014
Sounds good brotha, enjoy your session tomorrow.
icehog3 01:07 PM 08-26-2014
Got my double in, Huy, got to the gym an hour earlier than usual to make it happen.

Legs - Leg Press, Hamstring Curls
Shoulders - Seated Militarys, Standing Militarys
Biceps - Cambered bar Curls, Preacher Curls
Triceps - Skull Crushers, Cable Pushdowns

Off again tomorrow, then breasts and abs Thursday.
Dude Here 01:22 PM 08-26-2014
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Got my double in, Huy, got to the gym an hour earlier than usual to make it happen.

Legs - Leg Press, Hamstring Curls
Shoulders - Seated Militarys, Standing Militarys
Biceps - Cambered bar Curls, Preacher Curls
Triceps - Skull Crushers, Cable Pushdowns

Off again tomorrow, then breasts and abs Thursday.

Good work there Tom. I'd be dead trying to pull a double like that. Huy, those squat numbers are damn good to me.
Adriftpanda 09:49 PM 08-26-2014
Back work:

Deadlift 5x6-8

Pull ups (variety of grips) 4x10
Hammer strength high row
Reverse grip lat pull downs
DB row
Reverse flies

All were 4x8-10

Finished up on wide grip pull ups till failure.

Did some tricep work as well.
icehog3 12:47 AM 08-27-2014
Good day Huy. :-)
Dude Here 05:37 PM 08-27-2014
Another workout in the books.

Warm up:
.5 mile walk at 4% incline.

1 mile run
100 sit-ups
100 push-ups
100 back extensions
50 pull-ups
1 mile run

Finished it all in 37:32. Oh Lord, those back extensions were tough! Next time I attempt this I'll push myself a bit harder on the runs to make up some time. Keep up the hard lifting men!
icehog3 11:41 PM 08-28-2014
International Chest Thursday:

Bench Press: 225, 255, 275, 295, 305, 315, 325
Incline Bench 185, 205, 225, 245, 275
Hammerstrength Wide Grip Bench 275, 325, 325
Pec-Deck Flyes 235, 250, 265
Dude Here 07:38 PM 08-29-2014
Took a trip to the woodshed with today's workout:

Warm up:
Band extensions
Mobility drills
Broomstick snatches

WOD: The Chief+
5 rounds, 3mins on 1min off of:
135lbs power clean x 3
10 push-ups
10 squats
As many rotations of this as possible in 3mins

I managed 3 rotations per round. Cleans got REAL ugly those last couple of rotations there, lol. Finished with towel pull-ups, shoulder presses, then 1 mile on the step mill. Gonna hit the gym with the wife tomorrow morning then it's a baseball game (and several beers) that evening.

Tom, everyone knows that Monday's are National chest and bi day!
icehog3 08:36 PM 08-29-2014
Originally Posted by Dude Here:
Tom, everyone knows that Monday's are National chest and bi day!
That's why I try to rarely do chest on Mondays, Steve...everyone else is, it's a fight for equipment.

Back Day Today, went a little lighter anf super high reps, short rest.

T-Bar Rows 225, 250, 270, 270, 270
Barbell Rows 205, 205, 205, 205, 205 (superset with T-Bar 225)
Cable Rows 270, 290, 290, 260
Close grip Pullups 2 sets to failure
Wide grip Pullups 2 sets to failure
icehog3 05:41 PM 08-30-2014
Low strength day and the shoulder was feeling wonky, so did something different today.

Put 135 on the bar and did sets of seated military presses to failure, using an exaggerated range of motion (well below parallel) to try and stretch out the shoulder and break up scar tissue. Did a total of 205 reps, then did some extreme stretches to finish off.
Adriftpanda 10:16 PM 08-31-2014
National back day

Pull ups for warm up. 4x10 with some negative pull ups

Dead lifts, 4x6-8. Proud of Staci, she pulled 185 for reps. 3x6 for her.

Neutral grip pull downs 4x8-10
High rows 4x8 w/drop set
Db row -- bent over flies 4x8-10
Stiff arm lat pull downs 4x12-16

Finished off with some triceps
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