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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 07:43 AM 05-11-2021
Haven't missed more than a day or two in the gym since January. I know Bob was getting back into the swing, figured I'd post Monday's workout for grins.

Cable rows / 30* inclines x 6 supersets
T-bar rows / Incline bench x 6 supersets
Dumbbell rows / Decline bench/flyes x 4 supersets
Chainsaw13 02:56 PM 05-11-2021
Looking back, was 5 months since my last workout. Felt good to get back. Kept it light, no need to over do it the first day.

Wide grip pulldowns
Narrow reverse grip pulldowns
Seated rows
Hammer curls
Tri pushdowns
Chainsaw13 03:49 PM 05-13-2021
Chest and shoulders

Icarian press
Incline dumbbell press
Seated chest flyes
Rear delt flyes
L dumbell raises

Since I’m using light weights, focusing on form and getting the squeeze.
icehog3 06:20 PM 05-13-2021
Nice job, Bob. :-)

I took a day off for feeling shitty and not getting enough sleep. I'll try to combine 3 workouts into 2 tomorrow and Saturday.
Chainsaw13 06:15 PM 05-18-2021
Back, bi’s and tri’s

Wide grip pulldowns
Straight arm pulldowns
One arm rows
Hammer curls
Ez bar curls
Overhead extension
Tri pushdowns
icehog3 09:21 AM 05-19-2021
Good stuff Bob! :-)

I have settled into a routine for a bit that has me hitting back/chest supersets on Mondays, legs on Tuesdays. Wednesday off, Thursday back, Friday chest, Saturday legs and shoulders, Sunday off. Throw in arms on chest and back days. I'll stick with this for a bit until I get stale.
Chainsaw13 09:24 AM 05-19-2021
I’m going to do back and arms on Tuesday’s, chest/shoulders Thursday’s, legs sometime over the weekend. Plus a lot of walking in between. I’ve gained a bit of a spare tire that’s pissing me off.
icehog3 09:42 AM 05-19-2021
You'll shed it in no time, Bob.
Chainsaw13 02:54 PM 05-19-2021
Not quite pumping iron, unless you count the tree trunks that are my legs.

3.5mi, 49:38 walking. Getting my pace back.
icehog3 02:59 PM 05-19-2021
Slowly but surely, Bob. :-)
Chainsaw13 03:03 PM 05-19-2021
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Slowly but surely, Bob. :-)
Baby steps, and don’t call me Shirley. :-)
icehog3 03:09 PM 05-19-2021
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Baby steps, and don’t call me Shirley. :-)
I would never call you Shirley, Nancy.

:-) :-) :-)
Chainsaw13 04:34 PM 05-20-2021
Icarian press
Incline dumbbell press
Seated flyes
Rear delt flyes
Dumbbell Side raises

Tried some overhead presses with the shoulder machine. Neck wasn’t taking it. Called it a day.
icehog3 10:48 PM 05-20-2021
Hope the neck gets progressively more agreeable, Bob.

Heavy back day

T-bar rows x 6 sets
Cable rows x 5 sets & 1 drop set
High pulls x 4 sets & 2 drop sets
Pullups x 2 sets
Chainsaw13 01:50 PM 05-23-2021
As ZZ Top said, “got legs, and knows how to use them”.

Leg press
Quad extensions
Hamstrung curls
Hip adductors
Calf raises

And a bunch of cardio. Gonna be sore tomorrow.
icehog3 09:58 AM 05-24-2021
Sore? :-)

Off yesterday, heading in for back/chest superset day shortly.
Chainsaw13 12:48 PM 05-24-2021
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Sore? :-)

Off yesterday, heading in for back/chest superset day shortly.
Surprisingly no. I felt a little this morning, I’m otherwise fine.
icehog3 04:36 PM 05-24-2021
Good news, Bob.

I'm still trashed 4 hours post workout. :-)
Chainsaw13 12:12 PM 05-30-2021
Back and arms today.

Seated rows
Last pulldowns
High iso rows
Hammer curls
Ez bar curls
Tri pushdowns
Tri overhead extensions
30 mins cardio

Chest and shoulders tomorrow.
Chainsaw13 09:28 AM 05-31-2021
Chest and shoulders

Icarian press
30° incline press
45° incline press
Seated chest flyes
Low cable flyes
Upright rows
Side lateral raises

Might go for another couple mile walk since it’s nice and sunny out.
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